Feedback Framework for Cocoa - cocoa

I tried FeedbackReporter.framework from but it doesn't want to work. :-/
So any suggestions for great Cocoa feedback frameworks?

Try this one from Jon Rentzsch:
It's a good start.

There is also OpenFeedback at This also includes Appcaster which you could find useful. I personally ended up going with JRFeedback.

UKCrashReporter handles detecting and submitting crash logs (e.g. at app startup) and submitting feedback from within the app. I've been very happy with it.

I've never used it, but apparently the author of Feedback Reporter monitors Stack Overflow and will try to help if you bother explain your problem.


Notes in a tab application

Hy I am trying to make an tab application that in one tab it has a part where you can write notes. and from more that I keep working I don't know how to do that
and I will be very grateful if you can help me getting the code
(I'm using Xcode 5)
Sounds like you need a tutorial rather than a stack overflow answer.
here is one on using a UITextView:
I have also always found Ray Wenderlich tutorials to be great - this one might be a bit advanced however:
Good luck!

How do I mark myself as Online in Skype with AppleScript?

I just need an AppleScript to mark me as Online in Skype automatically. Any suggestions? Thanks.
This should do it.
tell application "Skype" to send command "SET USERSTATUS ONLINE"
I know you are new to this site, so I will offer a bit of friendly advice. Generally, when you ask a question here, we want to know that you've actually put forth some effort into your resolving your problem. Sometimes this can include what is known as an SSCCE. You might also want to venture over to the FAQ for more tips on asking good questions.
Happy coding! :)

Mac/Cocoa: Embed a terminal window in my app

Anyone found out if it's possible to "embed" an instance of Terminal into an app? It would be awesome if it also just inherited the tab functionality and drag-drop-ness as well. I saw a couple similar questions on here that mentioned iTerm but it seems like there should be an easier way. Like a NSTerminal object I can pop into a view.
I asked the Panic guys about this. They have a terminal window in Coda that for all intents and purposes looks/functions exactly like running standalone on the desktop. However, their response was that they had to write that themselves from scratch. I'm hoping someone has figured out a better way!
You can do this with the Pathfinder SDK from Cocoatech.
No such thing AFAIK. I don't think embedding a full-featured terminal into an unrelated app is a common enough need that anybody would have made a control like that — even Panic only use it in the one app.

BaseTen Framework newbie question

I am a newbie in Cocoa and, while waiting for my copy of Aaron Hillegas book, I thought I'd give BaseTen framework a try. I am currently following the tutorial provided online but have struck a problem.
In the tutorial I'm supposed to be able to enter the URI/connection string as an attribute of the BXDatabaseContext object. Well, the Attribute Inspector section for that object is blank. I can't find anywhere I can enter this.
Has anyone tried this with the latest version of the framework?
Many thanks,
Do you have the BaseTen IBPlugin installed? (I'm assuming there is one.)
#Barry, yeah, I figured it's a step deeper to dwell into BaseTen but I'm the fidgety impatient sort :o) It wasn't too difficult to grok the basics of binding and such, even lead me to implementing a value converter (or is it transformer?) when I got the warning that "data" binding for NSImageView is being deprecated. It's has quite a few similarities to the WPF world I live in, although that's somewhat a broad generalisation to good/bad effects depending how you look at it. Then again, it's all a little superficial. Now I've struck another problem which probably requires me to have deeper knowledge of a Cocoa app life cycle. So...back to waiting for the Hillegas book and perhaps responses from the BaseTen mailinglist.
In the meantime, my original issue turned out to be a 32 vs 64 bit running of XCode and IB. I set both to run in 32bit mode and voila! All the various attributes appear as they should!

Has anyone used Jaxer in production?

Has anyone used Jaxer in a production environment, I am curious as to how it holds up compared to something like php, ruby, etc. and if anyone knows of any pitfalls to using it that are well known.
#Stu: Not necessarily, maybe there's a bunch of people using it and having no issues. I love the concept having to only write validations once, using one language for everything both client and server side sounds like a interesting approach.
As a rule, if you have to ask this question, it is a bad idea.
I'll add this Url to my post I found it today, it has some information regarding the subject but no real "performance" information.
I've posted a similar question and gotten a response... Not much information out there to be had yet.
I did come across this set of performance benchmarks, and I've also posted a question about object-oriented development in Jaxer which I think might leave something to be desired.
I figured I would put an answer on this, as to not leave it hanging. This answer is not directly related to Jaxer, but since this question was asked. Technologies such as Node.JS have came out, bringing with it the same ideas and technology Jaxer was proposing and showing that Javascript can be viable on the backend of the web technology stack just as it is on the front end.
