Has anyone used Jaxer in production? - performance

Has anyone used Jaxer in a production environment, I am curious as to how it holds up compared to something like php, ruby, etc. and if anyone knows of any pitfalls to using it that are well known.

#Stu: Not necessarily, maybe there's a bunch of people using it and having no issues. I love the concept having to only write validations once, using one language for everything both client and server side sounds like a interesting approach.

As a rule, if you have to ask this question, it is a bad idea.

I'll add this Url to my post I found it today, it has some information regarding the subject but no real "performance" information.

I've posted a similar question and gotten a response... Not much information out there to be had yet.
I did come across this set of performance benchmarks, and I've also posted a question about object-oriented development in Jaxer which I think might leave something to be desired.

I figured I would put an answer on this, as to not leave it hanging. This answer is not directly related to Jaxer, but since this question was asked. Technologies such as Node.JS have came out, bringing with it the same ideas and technology Jaxer was proposing and showing that Javascript can be viable on the backend of the web technology stack just as it is on the front end.


Adding CKEditor content to a database

Please help me. I have been assigned to input data in the CKEditor demo and store that input in a database. What is the code for this? Any help would be appreciated.
The question you are asking is very broad. There are a multitude of different ways to go about accomplishing your goal. The scope of answers we can provide vary greatly depending on your experience. I would recommend visiting W3 schools to get you started.
Start off by making a new database, or connecting to an existing one. Then you can start by installing CKE and we can go from there.
This site is designed to answer specific questions, for example we would be more than happy to help if you hit a road block while trying to design or build a database. We do ask however, that you please provide us with what you know, and what you have tried and experienced problems with. Doing so not only makes it easier for us to answer, but helps beginners get in the proper mindset for development and makes it much easier to learn. There is an overwhelming amount of tutorials you can find via google to get you started. We will be more than happy to help once you come back with a more centered question.

Collaborative Ruby resources for novices

I am very much a Ruby newb - hoping to migrate to Ruby on Rails (although I have walked through Mike Hartl's Tutorial, which was excellent). I just want to solidify my Ruby knowledge first.
I am working on a hobby Ruby project to help me learn. I am pretty happy with how far I have got so far, but wanted to discuss/share it with other like-minded novice/beginner programmers.
Can anyone point me to a 'community' that promotes collaboration, critisim and discussion on code (ideally Ruby, obvs)?
If such a community doesn't exist, does anyone have any advice on how to find other like-minded programmers working on small-scale scripts/programs?
I have an account on Github, and on here (obviously!). Whilst Github is great for navigating around, cloning and looking at people's code, I don't feel anywhere near the level where I can start to actually contribute to anything and likewise request people look at my code. Maybe I am just being a wuss and I should just jump in the deep end? Perhaps I am not using GitHub correctly as a 'social network'.
Also, from what I can see, StackOverflow is not the place to send out 'Hey, check this out and let me know what you think' type requests either.
Not meant to be a discussion - just whether anyone knows if such 'networks' exist.
It depends on where you're located, but hacknights (Ruby or otherwise) are probably up your alley. There are different flavors (Are you solving a stated problem? Working on something general?) but usually you can work with others in a collaborative and low-stakes environment. I'd suggest searching for "hacknight" in your area and look at any past or upcoming nights.
As an example, see http://www.meetup.com/torontoruby/events/53887372/
RailsCasts - very interesting project for knowing ruby-technologies.
Also you can going to software-company and start working, and you get criticism, discussions and collaboration :)

Library feedback - for C++

I've written a new library, with an idea in it which I feel is fairly original. I'm looking for general feedback on it, and decided that I could submit to Boost- regardless of if it's rejected or accepted, I'd get some feedback. But I've checked the Boost site and it's seriously arcane, the whole mailing list thing is completely impenetrable.
Are there other library aggregation sites to submit to, or is it just Boost?
reddit.com/r/programming may be a good place to get some feedback.
You could post to any of a myriad of open-source hosting sites -- see this other question for recommendations:

How to ensure project management questions get answered [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Background: On a new project I've found myself 3 levels removed from my actual source of information. I report to my PM, who reports to our contractor, who reports to the actual client. Getting answers to questions has become something of a problem and I'm curious to know what people recommend.
Needs: I'm trying to find a technology or disciplined strategy that will assist me in ensuring that the questions I'm asking are getting answered:
Correctly without much modification of the original question
Quickly so the original context isn't lost
Completely so that if a question is deferred I don't forget about it.
Does anyone know of a software suite that assists in this matter or do you have any personal discipline strategies that worked for you?
Thank you for the guidance
One strategy might be to cut out the middleman. Go directly to the client and ask what s/he wants.
On a slightly less bold note, request that you, your PM, the contractor, and the client all meet at the same time rather than on relying on an email chain or technology (which will undoubtedly not serve everyone's needs) to relay information. This strategy works particularly well in my experience, as long as you have a manager willing to let you tag along.
Best technology I can suggest is the telephone. You've got to open up direct lines of communication. But I guess you know that and are finding it difficult, someone along the line is not helping. So now you have to tackle that person, find out why not, what their reservations are and how you might allay their fears.
As for software, I recommend that you DO NOT look for a software solution to this sort of problem. Suppose you implement a new trouble-ticketing system for capturing client questions and comments and to feed back your questions and comments to your client. Next time you tackle your management about the issue one of 2 things will happen:
-- The response will be 'But you told us installing system TT would fix this !'
-- There must be something wrong with system TT, we'll divert our energy to fixing the software.
Oh, and do write things down, so email might be even better than the telephone.
I'm sorry, but this doesn't sound like a technological issue. Good project managers ensure communication and should allow you to work directly with the client where necessary. This is a communicaiton/management problem.
PRINCE2 (the project management methodology) would define your questions as project issues (essentially an issue is anything which needs attention so a question is no different to a software defect).
Based on this I'd recommend tracking them the same way you track any other issue.
In your defect tracking system (you do have one right?) set up a category / classification / whatever "Question" and log them and assign them to either the client (ideally they should be given direct access) or to the Project Manager (who now has a way of tracking them and recording the answers).
As with all issues you should make sure you put in plenty of information and context to ensure you get a good answer (obligatory Jeff / Joel reference: in this case to Jeff's belief that you only get out of a question what you put into it). This will also obviously help if you're not the person actually asking it, though as many people have said do everything you can to get closer to the client.
The key point to remember is that people are lazy.
If you formulate questions through e-mail clearly and in format your contact likes, most likely he'll forward them to the next chain of command unchanged and so on.
Some quick tips on how to structure such an e-mail:
Numerate all your questions. Essential, otherwise all too often only the latest question will been answered
Be very specific in what the actual question you need input on is
If there is a fixed set of alternatives or if you have a clear recommendation, make sure this is clearly stated
Avoid mixing FYI messages with the questions. Instead, send separate e-mails
Carefully read your e-mail before you send and look for content that may be misunderstood
Good luck

What are some great web sites that are the best for the User Interface?

I am looking for nice looking sites that are good in terms of look and feel as well as usability.
Someone had to say it: Stack Overflow!
Seriously - it may not be immediately beautiful to look at, but for what it is, and for its target audience and how they use it, it's a great example of both visual design and interaction design.
The layout, the use of colour, the sensible use of AJAX, the lack of fancy graphics, all give a good experience IMHO.
It's also a good example of how to incorporate advertising in an effective but unobtrusive way.
It gets out of the way as much as possible and lets you focus on doing what you came there to do.
I think this is question is much like Share good examples of Web-GUIs question that was post in the site sometime ago. probably it will help you.
Zen Garden - beauty but especially showing you what different things can be done with pure accessible HTML. So having Usability in mind as well.
I don't know what kind/segment of site you want. But I`ll mention one that is kind of site to create site that helped me to create fast and beautiful things.
www.snappages.com is a example of nice/easy/friendly/pretty/dummyFriendly/niceExamples/easyToCreatePrettyThings/easyToMaintain/etc...
I really think that is a 'must know place'
Cheers :)
I think gmail is an example of a very usable UI.
I've always found that other people's great web sites are more of an inspiration than a practical help. Every site has particular needs. For example, this site is good for what it does, but it really isn't a site I need to build; likewise for this one and this one.
I think it is valuable to develop a philosophy/aesthetic for this, or at least be conversant with those who think a lot about design and accessibility. Here are two sites with some serious discussion along these lines, along with some coding howto:
But even these reflect my personal taste. There are people in my family who really like Club Penguin. And I hear some folks can tolerate MySpace.
