Notes in a tab application - xcode

Hy I am trying to make an tab application that in one tab it has a part where you can write notes. and from more that I keep working I don't know how to do that
and I will be very grateful if you can help me getting the code
(I'm using Xcode 5)

Sounds like you need a tutorial rather than a stack overflow answer.
here is one on using a UITextView:
I have also always found Ray Wenderlich tutorials to be great - this one might be a bit advanced however:
Good luck!


Any 3D rendering example in Nativescript

I am just starting study in NativeScript(reason to choose it is because javascript is my preference and plan using Angular2 and seek good performance ).
What I am thinking of doing is an OpenGL demo(like a cubic, with touch ability to rotate), I wonder if anyone knows an example to follow?
You can take a look at this link across on GitHub. At this point in time it's just a proof-of-concept plugin with many features not yet implemented.
As far as I'm aware this is as far as anyone has got with 3D/OpenGL stuff on Nativescript.
I'm currently trying to get this (Angular-Nativescript + OpenGL) runnning, too. See:, but unfortunately it only works when I use native Java for the rendering part (GLSurfaceView.Renderer).

Writing a Editor like Notepad++

I think this is a project in future though not very near (I have other project I'm working on) but as I always do, I love to ask questions and get clear view of what is facing me and may be slowly learn some useful things. I am a fan of netbeans (Because so far is the only IDE that can meet my need) for PHP coding but it is very resource hunger. MAC people are blessed with Nice IDEs like Coda, TextMate et al. I though in future I would code an IDE and if thing goes wel I may well sell it :)
Now My question is, what one needs to know to code such an editor?
I know how to make GUI and events interaction in wxWidgets and I know there is wxSTC for making editors but I lack general knowledge of what is needed to make full fledged PHP editor (adding there by Javascript/Html support).
Google didn't help much, may be I'm using wrong keyewords
Thanks for direction and/or help
I went with wxSTC. The Wiki docs were helpful to start with, then scintilla docs and finally wxSTC Docs at yellowbrain are wonderful!

Please Help A Mega Beginner Incorporate Gamecenter Into Cocos2d game (Twee Jump.)

I am using twee jump (source code here: as the basis for my first iPhone game on cocos2d, but i've had a great deal of difficulty incorporating game-center into twee jump. I've used GKTapper, and a truckload of other stuff, but no results. I would highly appreciate if you masters of Obj-c would download the source code, and just tell me how to get logged in into gamecenter (just to show the little icon that says: Welcome, yourname)
Thanks in advance,
I'd suggest you take a look at the GKHelper class, made by Steffen Itterheim, located in the following demo project:
By studying the source code you should be able to get some quick results that may encourage you to dig deeper into the subject.
Take a look at Apple's documentation as well (don't skim it, study it):

What's the code template workflow of these presenters?

Short introduction
Working on my first commercial iOS app, XCode 3.2 has proven to be far more challenging of an environment than I anticipated. Features I've grown fond of in other environments (For example Eclipse for Java, or FDT for ActionScript) are hard to come by, if not impossible in XCode. XCode 4 seems to address a lot of my sores, so I'm not complaining, but I have to stick to 3.2 for beta-reasons, at least for the development of this current app.
Developer Videos - templates
For one, I gave up the search for comfortable code templates and went with the hard-to-get-right TextMacros: typing in short pieces of code, hit escape for the pulldown of completion suggestions and pick one. Then I started watching the development video's at To my surprise, there were a number of presenters that seem to 'magically' insert pieces of code without typing anything, or clicking anything with the mouse.
Example 1: In session 104 "Designing Apps with Scroll Views", Eliza Block (starts at 9 minutes) keeps adding readymade pieces of code to her demo, effectively working around the hazards of live-coding.
Example 2: In session 123 "Building Animation Driven Interfaces", Tyler Hawkings (starts at 25 minutes) uses some kind of template to add animation code to his presentation.
They're not...
...typing in any TextMacro's, that's for sure.
...using an off-screen copy&pasteboard because XCode does not lose focus for an instant.
...clicking in an off-screen application, because the mouse does not leave the screen.
I have two questions for you:
What are these presenters using to perform this feat in their presentations.
Is this usable in the context of day-to-day coding, instead of just presenting?
Josh Shaffer, developer at Apple and co-presenter of Eliza Block at the WWDC, was kind enough to answer my question via Twitter. He wrote the following: "it's a small app that inserts a pre-defined list of pieces of text. Only helps with coding if you already wrote your app"
EDIT: Thank god for Twitter. Josh Shaffer confirmed that the tool they were using is the DemoMonkey.
I think they use predefined text blocks with a tool like CopyPastePro. For using code snippets in day-to-day coding it is quite useful because you can assign snippets to predefined keys but I also like where you can manage all your snippets.

BaseTen Framework newbie question

I am a newbie in Cocoa and, while waiting for my copy of Aaron Hillegas book, I thought I'd give BaseTen framework a try. I am currently following the tutorial provided online but have struck a problem.
In the tutorial I'm supposed to be able to enter the URI/connection string as an attribute of the BXDatabaseContext object. Well, the Attribute Inspector section for that object is blank. I can't find anywhere I can enter this.
Has anyone tried this with the latest version of the framework?
Many thanks,
Do you have the BaseTen IBPlugin installed? (I'm assuming there is one.)
#Barry, yeah, I figured it's a step deeper to dwell into BaseTen but I'm the fidgety impatient sort :o) It wasn't too difficult to grok the basics of binding and such, even lead me to implementing a value converter (or is it transformer?) when I got the warning that "data" binding for NSImageView is being deprecated. It's has quite a few similarities to the WPF world I live in, although that's somewhat a broad generalisation to good/bad effects depending how you look at it. Then again, it's all a little superficial. Now I've struck another problem which probably requires me to have deeper knowledge of a Cocoa app life cycle. So...back to waiting for the Hillegas book and perhaps responses from the BaseTen mailinglist.
In the meantime, my original issue turned out to be a 32 vs 64 bit running of XCode and IB. I set both to run in 32bit mode and voila! All the various attributes appear as they should!
