BaseTen Framework newbie question - cocoa

I am a newbie in Cocoa and, while waiting for my copy of Aaron Hillegas book, I thought I'd give BaseTen framework a try. I am currently following the tutorial provided online but have struck a problem.
In the tutorial I'm supposed to be able to enter the URI/connection string as an attribute of the BXDatabaseContext object. Well, the Attribute Inspector section for that object is blank. I can't find anywhere I can enter this.
Has anyone tried this with the latest version of the framework?
Many thanks,

Do you have the BaseTen IBPlugin installed? (I'm assuming there is one.)

#Barry, yeah, I figured it's a step deeper to dwell into BaseTen but I'm the fidgety impatient sort :o) It wasn't too difficult to grok the basics of binding and such, even lead me to implementing a value converter (or is it transformer?) when I got the warning that "data" binding for NSImageView is being deprecated. It's has quite a few similarities to the WPF world I live in, although that's somewhat a broad generalisation to good/bad effects depending how you look at it. Then again, it's all a little superficial. Now I've struck another problem which probably requires me to have deeper knowledge of a Cocoa app life cycle. So...back to waiting for the Hillegas book and perhaps responses from the BaseTen mailinglist.
In the meantime, my original issue turned out to be a 32 vs 64 bit running of XCode and IB. I set both to run in 32bit mode and voila! All the various attributes appear as they should!


FranTK installation

I am trying to work with FranTK in order to make some examples to work for class. But cant go further the installation process (cabal install may be to mainstream).
I've gotten it from
in the readme a directory above it says i need to compile TclHaskellSrc, then FranSrc, then FranTkSrc. but i dont know how.
It also says it works with ghc-5, will it work with ghc-7?
has someone already use it successfully?
FRAN is outdated, bitrotted, and will almost certainly not compile under GHC 7. (See Conal Elliott's page for confirmation of this.) It was supposed to have been followed up with successors Reactive and FieldTrip, but, if I remember correctly, these projects hit a snag over OpenGL implementation issues.
If you're looking for good demos of FRP animation, then you'll be better off with one of the following:
elerea - it's simple, and has several good examples
sodium - also simple, and also has several good examples
reactive-banana - More complex than the other two, and more intended for GUI programming than for animation. Still worth a look, as it is well-documented and actively maintained.
The state of the art for FRP used to be Yampa, but I'd recommend against using either it or its recent fork Animas, not because they're bad in any way, but rather because they use Arrows, which tend to overcomplicate an already-difficult subject.
Hope this helps.
Old thread, I know, but Elm ( has come along in the meantime. It compiles down the JavaScript, supports animations easily, and is under active development.

M Project vs Sproutcore

I cant decide between this two options.
M Project vs Sproutcore
I'm building an application that will be primary served on mobile but has to be viable on desktop.
Mproject is on the edge with number and variability of his prebuilded widgets and may happen that I will need some more or at least alter some behavior.
So this is kind of down side of Mproject. But it looked for first review that Mproject need less code for basic stuff.
And the second problem comes with the skins. I will basicaly need reskin everything a lot. The design of app has to be very unique.
So I want to know which of them is easily to reskin not just by theme-roller and similar stuff.
I would appreciate any other JavaScript-only frameworks recommendations.
Thanks for all replies.
I'm not sure what kind of application are you building so you should take care with my answer.
M-Project solved our problems fine, and help us to make it clear code ... when you understand how it works. It requires a bit of hard work, the documentation is a bit poor and is a new project where some things are not yet implemented. You can change application look modifying HTML and CSS so I think you should have no problems with this.
Also you can download their code and modify it without problems, it is easy to read and modify if you need any specific behavior.
On other side, I never used Sproutcore, it have a really nice look. But documentation say it is focused on desktop applications. Probably you will not have too much problems to adapt the output HTML for mobile devices, I guess.
Lastly, I think you can take a look on Lungo.js Framework.
Best regards.

WP7 - January tools update explodes my application. What'd I do?

I've Googled around a bit on this issue and haven't been able to come up with anyone else having an issue to this one, so a) I apologize if this is a known issue; and b) I'm thinking this proves that I must be doing something horrifically wrong, yeah? :-)
My application has a very rich landing page which is the first page that is shown after a new launch. It has a panorama control, a large background image (but much smaller than the 2000x2000 limit) and recurring and ongoing animations. Prior to updating my tools to the January refresh, this page ran relatively smoothly. After updating and running the app in the emulator, the background of this page is white (despite the fact that the emulator is on the "dark" theme), performance is quite poor (both in terms of swiping through the panorama and in terms of my recurring animations). When I run the same project on my device, all is well (since, quite obviously, my device's OS is not on the updated image).
Clearly I must be doing something grievously wrong to merit such a cataclysm, but I'm not sure what it might be. I've tried disabling bitmap caching in the places where I'm using it, removing third party tools I'm using such as Peter Torr's awesome tilt effect and his memory usage counter, and several other hail-Mary-style moves, and the problem remains. I also looked through the provided resources and change log to see if perhaps something related has changed, but I didn't see anything.
I'll try to provide example code later if it would be of any use to any would-be saviors out there, but the app is pretty complex and large in terms of lines of code and file size, so it might be a bit tricky. i just thought I'd toss this out there and see if anyone might happen to see it and think of an obvious solution.
Thanks so much in advance for your time and help.
P.S.: I cross-posted this question on the official WP7 dev forums. Sorry if that's against the rules - I'm not a regular SP-poster, as you can tell. If it's a problem, let me know and I can delete the other post.
I was ultimately able to resolve this by creating a brand new project using the updated tools and copying my code, assets, and relevant project settings into it. The app now runs flawlessly on the emulator (or, at least, the flaws in it are my flaws and not the emulator's :-)).
I believe I originally created the project on an earlier version of the SDK, so maybe I had some kind of invalid or incorrect project settings. If I get a moment later, I'll compare the project files to see if I can identify a setting or difference that explains the disparity.
Thanks to all who looked (and to Matt, who even responded :-)). I'll report back if I have any more information that might be of help.
UPDATE: Updating for anyone who might be having this issue as well - my resolution above was a false positive. Creating a new solution and copying stuff in does indeed work, but only until you save and close the new solution. Upon reopening, the problem recurs. Grrrr. I'll post back if I come up with anything else.

Creating an OS X Address Book Plugin

I'm taking my first steps toward learning to write desktop code for the Mac and, thinking it would be a baby step, I decided to write an Address Book plugin to "fix" something that's annoyed me for a long time. Embarrassingly, I can't even get the boilerplate plugin to work the way I think it's supposed to work.
My understanding from the Programming Guide is that creating a new Address Book Action Plugin actually creates a simple, but functional, plugin. If I create a build and copy the bundle to ~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/, I should be able to open Address Book and see a custom context menu item when right-clicking on a phone number. I don't see that.
I'm brand new to the entire Mac development ecosystem. I've never used XCode, never written any Objective-C, never worked within the Cocoa framework. It's entirely possible--maybe probable--that I'm missing the most obvious of answers because I simply don't know what I'm looking for. Unfortunately, there's quite the dearth of beginner tutorials on these things. The programming guide itself isn't particularly beginner-friendly.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
Sounds like a 32/64 bit problem.
Find the Target in Xcode's sidebar that represents your plugin bundle. Click on it, then click Info in the toolbar. On the Build tab of the info window, you should find Architectures: change that to "64 bit intel".

Project in Ruby

I've been coding alot of web-stuff all my life, rails lately. And i can always find a website to code, but i'm kind of bored with it. Been taking alot of courses of Java and C lately so i've become a bit interested in desktop application programming.
Problem: I can't for the life of me think of a thing to code for desktop. I just can't think of anything i can code that isn't already out there for download. So what do i do?
I need some project suggestions that i can set as a goal.
I would say you should roam through github or some other open source site and find an existing young or old project that you can contribute to. Maybe there is something that is barely off the ground, or maybe there is a mature project that could use some improvement.
I find to complete a project, it needs to be something I am passionate about. I feel you need to find your own project I'm afraid.
There is always the Netflix Prize though!
I would write a ray tracer.
Oops, sorry... you're looking for an original idea. :) Ray tracers are still cool, though, and easy to get started on. Maybe you'll get an idea for a game while you're working on it.
Visit for a UI toolkit that's easy and fun, and then to see the kinds of things people are doing with it.
If you could make a Ruby ANSI (and xbin, and idf, and adf...) Editor, I would love you. Because that means you would have written ANSI parsing routines that I can hope you release to the open source community.
... but that is a selfish answer. Oh, and a cross-platform editor would be nice as well (although TundraDraw somewhat takes care of that).
