Is there a way to programmatically extend Apple's Expose - cocoa

I'm looking for some pointers on how to reproduce the Apple Expose effect in my own app. Is there an API for Expose? If not how can it be replicated from scratch?

No, there is no official Exposé API.
What effects are you trying to achieve? This old Apple Mailing List thread is on the same topic. The thread includes some info on how to get a window scaling effect similar to Exposé. I'm also guessing that your other question about dimming the desktop is related. Let us know what else you'd like to do and maybe we can offer some advice.


Creating local scheduled events notifications with Xamarin forms

I apologise in advance for my fairly broad question, but I am just looking for some general guidance on how to approach the issue below.
I am developing my first app for android/iOS with Xamarin Forms. I need to do reminders(notifications) for medical use. As this is scheduled in advance I would just use local notifications.
I have been browsing through the Xamarin documentation but I find it very confusing and lacking proper examples.
I think I have to use dependency services as there is no xamarin.forms implementations as far as I can tell. What is the best way to go about this and does good examples exist for local notifications?
Also for the moment my application stores all data online, will it be possible to store/schedule these notifications with something like an event id for reference? I would also like to be able to perform actions on the notifications(from the lock screen), but this can wait.

Creating a wrapper for Google Play/Apple app

I have created an app using AppSheet and I am looking for information on how to create a wrapper that will turn my AppSheet into an app that can be purchased/downloaded in the Google Play or Apple stores.
I have checked with AppSheet, they don't have anything in place at the moment to do this through them but they also said that there is nothing in their user agreement that prevents someone from doing what I am looking for.
I'm just new to app development, I've done websites, just not apps and am looking for a little help.
AppSheet now supports white-label apps. Please see What is a White Label Native App?
Also, most support for AppSheet questions happens via so that's the best place to get questions answered.

Control used in people hub app

I want to implement some thing like in people hub native app. I want to open some pop same like they using to select contact alphabetically. can some one tell me how should i start for that.
Try the long list selector from
In depth here -
First question, why build an app that already exist nativly? Secondly your question is far too broad to answer properly, we cant tell you how to build an app.
I recomend going through the tutorials on the app hub to get you started. Here is also a free book that might help

How to program voice modem?

I'm looking into writing a small custom app for a small business that can utilize a voice modem on Windows to pick up a phone call and play a customized voice message based on time of call.
The API on Windows that controls modems is TAPI, but it seems complex and low level that I'm not sure I can complete the app in time.
Any higher level API or software component I can use to accomplish what I need?
I think you'll need to look at 3rd party libraries for this. A quick google search turned this one up (though I've never used it).
I'm not sure what programming language you need, but I found many projects that may have elements you are looking for on and I could make suggestions from the sites, but perhaps it would be better to leave it to you, as you know what project would best meet your needs. Doing a search on TAPI or telephony gave a lot of results, but I didn’t seen an already made project doing what you described above.
I hope these suggestions help you make your deadline, good luck.

Windows 7 - What to expect from a developer's standpoint?

What features can I look forward to in Windows 7 that will:
Make my job easier as a developer.
Make my job "different"(harder) as a developer.
I've been hearing a lot about performance improvements and a few UI effect enhancements, but nothing really about what development on Windows 7 will be like. Thanks.
Following are areas that are new:
multi touch API for developing touch based applications
new concept of 'libraries' for storing user specific data (similar to mydocuments)
Enhanced support for GPS and other such hardware
Office2007 Ribbon like user interface
Refer to for details.
The new sensors API will make your job easier, provided Microsoft can get enough people on-board with it. It should provide you a standard way to interface with things like GPS and light sensors, if you program with that kind of thing.
Very east to use and seamless Virtual PC is great for debugging and testing.
Touch is another new capability.
Feature list from Wikipedia.
To answer your actual question:
I don't think any of them are aimed at developers explicitly (such a tiny niche really).
For the begged "Features to use in apps" question:
I'd like to see lots of search extenders, jump lists, and those little "preview shortcut" button things (I have no idea what they're called).
Microsoft publishes an official Windows 7 Developer Guide.
