Control used in people hub app - windows-phone-7

I want to implement some thing like in people hub native app. I want to open some pop same like they using to select contact alphabetically. can some one tell me how should i start for that.

Try the long list selector from
In depth here -

First question, why build an app that already exist nativly? Secondly your question is far too broad to answer properly, we cant tell you how to build an app.
I recomend going through the tutorials on the app hub to get you started. Here is also a free book that might help


How to create an windows/phone application from a website like a Discord?

Alternative title: How does discord work?
While I was making my website, I noticed it looks more like an application that could be downloadable. So I thought, what if I do exactly that? However, I have no idea how.
For example, take something like a discord. This is (I at least think) a Web integrated into a client application.
So is there a way to take my website, and not as easy as possible make a windows application from it? And how does the discord client work (the PC one)?
EDIT: My website uses php
So yes, I found an answer if anyone ever asks the same question as me.
It is done via the Electron framework. I don't understand it that much to talk about it more.
So the answer is: Electron framework

Creating local scheduled events notifications with Xamarin forms

I apologise in advance for my fairly broad question, but I am just looking for some general guidance on how to approach the issue below.
I am developing my first app for android/iOS with Xamarin Forms. I need to do reminders(notifications) for medical use. As this is scheduled in advance I would just use local notifications.
I have been browsing through the Xamarin documentation but I find it very confusing and lacking proper examples.
I think I have to use dependency services as there is no xamarin.forms implementations as far as I can tell. What is the best way to go about this and does good examples exist for local notifications?
Also for the moment my application stores all data online, will it be possible to store/schedule these notifications with something like an event id for reference? I would also like to be able to perform actions on the notifications(from the lock screen), but this can wait.

Detect and get dialled number in Android using Appcelerator

I am looking for a way to detect if the user is dialling a number that is 'like' a value in my database. I have got a REST api working to retrieve numbers for my application, just need a way to intercept and compare for Android in Appcelerator.
I have looked around but can't find a way to do this within Appcelerator, not sure where to start. I looked on a forum ( but no results.
Would this be an Android service and check in the background if a user is dialling? (!/api/Titanium.Android.Service) or is there a better way? Maybe I could use the Android intent functionality (!/guide/Android_Intent_Filters-section-43287610_AndroidIntentFilters-RespondtotheCallingActivity) or better still maybe there is a module for this. Had a look on their site, could only see one but it's a paid module(!overview). Not even sure if it works though.
Any help or point in the right direction is appreciated.

Can I use "presentor mode" on my Windows Phone 7 like Joe Belfiore to give app demos?

I would like to be able to show whats happening on my phone, on a computer screen or projector.
This seems like it must be possible since Microsoft does it in all of their demos, but I can't seem to figure out how.
For example, I've build an app, and I want to demo it to a room of prospective clients. I can't really use the emulator very well during a presentation. I'd like the room to be able to see what I'm doing on a big screen instead of all huddling around my phone.
I've asked various people at Microsoft about this and, unfortunately, the response I always get is that Microsoft is not able to load to load the necessary "VGA Patch" externally.
Unless you can do your demo in the emulator, cameras are the only way to go at this point.
What you've seen was done with internal hardware. Perhaps you could approach Microsoft to see if they are willing to assist in any way.

Remote Wipe application in android

Is there any Remote wipe application which will be working on deleting the data in Emulator by sending an SMS from other emulator?? I found some of the free applications in android market on Remote Wipe.. But they are not working..
Please let me know if any of the application is working on Emulator
Thanks in advance
There is just one remote wipe application I have come across.
I have been trying to write one such application myself but I believe the permissions required are 2nd level and 3rd level permissions (check this link and this link). Thats is the reason I am unsuccessful as yet. I believe that you basically need to sign the package with the same signature as the OEM manufacturer to be able to grant those packages to your device.
If by an stroke of luck you do happen to make one successfully, please let us know the permission you have used to make such a thing possible! =)
EDIT: Okay I supposed I am wrong. I believe in android 2.2 it is possible to remote wipe your. I have not completely understood how to implement the function or the class yet, I plan to work on it as soon as I can spare some time. :)
Well I have been looking at the SDK for some time now, and I can confidently tell you below 2.2, I am pretty sure there is no way I know of to remote wipe your data. I have although read on the mailers list that there is a function that enables a third party client to create a remote wipe application as you may have seen in my post above. I have actually use my own port of android on a device and have just used the brick, but if I do come across any reference that can show how you could achieve what you desire, I would be happy to leave a post here. Regards Shouvik.
also for formatting the SD card I came across a permission that you can request, I guess you follow that you end up at the method.
