Creating local scheduled events notifications with Xamarin forms - xamarin

I apologise in advance for my fairly broad question, but I am just looking for some general guidance on how to approach the issue below.
I am developing my first app for android/iOS with Xamarin Forms. I need to do reminders(notifications) for medical use. As this is scheduled in advance I would just use local notifications.
I have been browsing through the Xamarin documentation but I find it very confusing and lacking proper examples.
I think I have to use dependency services as there is no xamarin.forms implementations as far as I can tell. What is the best way to go about this and does good examples exist for local notifications?
Also for the moment my application stores all data online, will it be possible to store/schedule these notifications with something like an event id for reference? I would also like to be able to perform actions on the notifications(from the lock screen), but this can wait.


What are good analytic tools for Xamarin Forms?

I am looking for a way to track the navigation process of my users, as well as the number of clicks/user for each view, average screen time per/day/user, and so on.
I know I can do this programmatically but it doesn't seem like the ideal solution.
Is there any software that covers all of this?
Visual Studio App Center provides multiple useful tools. It offers real-time diagnostic data, tracking of usage patterns, user adoption and a lot more engagement metrics with App Center Analytics. You can even use custom events to get the exact user behaviors you are looking for.
I've been using it for a while and so far i'm satisfied.
AppCenter is the easiest to integrate with, it also allows you to export the data to ApplicationInsights on azure to do more with that data. There are some other options like Google Analytics (You have to install nugets on platform projects and implement them separately). You also have segment If you are interested.

Xamarin Apple Watch Extension - Consuming simple JSON Web Service

I've built a simple Xamarin.forms app which connects to a web service and gets one piece of data and displays it.
I wanted to do the same on an apple watch (targetting a series 2 apple watch) but I just don't understand how it works.
I've added the watch project and the watch extension, created the interface... Got a "refresh" button which changes the value of the label to a hard coded value but I want to get the data from a simple web service on app startup on wake and when button is activated (similar to my xamarin.forms iphone app)
I've tried using the classes that I use on the forms app to get the data but I can't reference them. I've tried using httpclient and that doesn't work.
After googling it appears I am suppose to use a HandleWatchKitExtensionRequest delegate in the phone app to get the data in a dictionary and then display the data. I haven't been able to find any really simple examples of this, but I'm confused because since apple watch version 3 the watch has been autonomous with cell access and therefore it doesn't have the host app necessarily.
So what I'm asking, is can the watch actually consume a web service alone using a xamarin phone app and if so, is there any simple examples because I can't find any (that aren't from 2015).
Sorry if this is vague, or I sound like a newbie (I definitely am a newbie when it comes to xamarin but any pointers or help would be appreciated)
According to NSURLSession is available since watchOS 2.0. It is used to download the content from the web and is extensively documented just don't search for watchOS specifically as it is the same on all Apple OS.
But as HttpClient uses NSURLSession it is also available, so, maybe you need to add the reference to System.Net.Http.
When I was last developing for the watch I noticed that HttpClient would never work. I had to use NSUrlSession, so this is what helped me.
Hope this Helps

What's the easiest way to make a real-time chatting app with Xamarin?

I'm trying to figure out a way to create a real-time chatting app with Xamarin and some kind of backend technology. How can I do it?
I have a better solution. The above-mentioned technologies(buddy SDK & SignalR) will require you to integrate and handle everything by your self. Instead, you can go for CometChat SDK, which has real-time chat along with Audio/Video chat functionalities. Also, you can use its ready-made UI inside your application. It is the easiest & quickest way for you to make a real-time chatting system. For more information on CometChat you can refer to the following link:
As mentioned by ChristiaanV, SignalR is the way to go.
The Performance is great with Xamarin, we delivered more than 150k messages within 2 hours without any problems regarding the connection.
With Azure Mobile App and ServiceBus, you can easily scale out your backend, as described here
Have a look at SignalR, it's a good and easy to use framework to do realtime 'things'. They also have a Xamarin Component which is free to use.
Please note that I personally don't have experience with using it on mobile devices, so I can't tell you anything about how it's performing battery / performance wise.

Xamarin.forms long running background work

I'm new to Xamarin platform. I'm developing an application for all three major platforms (WP,iOS,Android) using Xamarin.forms.
How can I sync data with my server in the background -> I need something similar to Android Service. I want to sync the data even when the user goes to a different screen of the app. It would be great if I could continue syncing the data even when the user leaves the app.
Thank you
This is the only solution i have found
in a few words:
You can't abstract background tasks in Xamarin.Forms because iOS, Android and WP works in a different way. You have to use MessagingCenter to send and receive data from specific implementations in each platform
Have look to this article:
You could provably be interested in the Transfer Background tasks.

Is there a way to programmatically extend Apple's Expose

I'm looking for some pointers on how to reproduce the Apple Expose effect in my own app. Is there an API for Expose? If not how can it be replicated from scratch?
No, there is no official Exposé API.
What effects are you trying to achieve? This old Apple Mailing List thread is on the same topic. The thread includes some info on how to get a window scaling effect similar to Exposé. I'm also guessing that your other question about dimming the desktop is related. Let us know what else you'd like to do and maybe we can offer some advice.
