Ajax use on website design - ajax

I just want to ask for your experience. I'm designing a public website, using jQuery Ajax in most of operations. I'm having some timeouts, and I think it should be for hosting provider cause. Any of you have expirience in this case and may advise me on some hints (especially on timeouts handling)?
Thanks in advance to all.

If you have a half-decent host, chances are these aren't network timeouts but are rather due to insufficient hardware which causes your server-side scripts to take too long to answer. For example if you have an autocomplete field and the script goes through a database of 100,000 entries, this is a breeze for newer servers but older "budget" servers or overcrowded shared hosting servers might croak on it.
Depending on what your Ajax operations are, you may be able to break them down in shorter chunks. If you're doing database queries for example, use LIMIT and OFFSET and only return say, 5 entries at a time. When those 5 entries arrive on the client, make another Ajax call for 5 more, so from the user's point of view the entries will keep coming in and it will look fluid (instead of waiting 30s and possibly timing out before they see all entries at once). If you do this make sure you display a spiffy web 2.0 turning wheel to let the user know if they should be waiting some more or if it's done.


Live updates on website - 1 ajax per second is bad practice?

I have a website where each user can have several orders. Each order has its own status. A background process, keeps updating the status of each order as necessary. I want to inform the user in real-time on the status of his orders. As such, I have developed an API endpoint that returns all the orders of a given user.
On the client-side, I've developed a React component that displays the orders, and then every second an AJAX request is performed to the API to get all the orders and their status, and then React will auto-update if necessary.
Is making 1 AJAX call per second to get all orders of a user a bad practice? What are other strategies that I can do?
Yes, it is. You can use Socket to accomplish this. Take a look at Socket.IO
Edit: My point is, why to use AJAX to simulate a task that can be done with a feature that is designed for it? Sockets are just made to do this kind of thing.
Imagine if your user lost internet connection for example. With Socket.IO you can handle this very nicely. But I don't think it will be that easy with AJAX.
And thinking about scalability, Socket.IO is designed to be performant with whatever transport it settles on. The way it gracefully degrades based on what connection is possible is great and means your server will be overloaded as little as possible while still reaching as wide an audience as it can.
AJAX will do the trick, but it's not the best design.
There is no one solution fit all answer for this question.
First off, this is not a chat app, a delay of less than 1 second doesn't change the user experience by much, if any.
So that leaves us with technical reasons, it really depends on many factors:
How many users you have (overall load), how many concurrent users are waiting for their orders, what infrastructure you are using, do you have other important things to build or you just want to spend more time coding things for fun?
If you have a handful of users, there is nothing wrong with querying once per second, it's easy, less maintenance overhead, and you said you have it coded already.
If you have dozens or more of concurrent users waiting for the status it's probably best to use Websockets.
In terms of infrastructure, too many websockets are expensive (some cloud hosting have limits on the number of sockets), so keep that in mind if you want to go with that route.

Incremental updates using browser cache

The client (an AngularJS application) gets rather big lists from the server. The lists may have hundreds or thousands of elements, which can mean a few megabytes uncompressed (and some users (admins) get much more data).
I'm not planning to let the client get partial results as sorting and filtering should not bother the server.
Compression works fine (factor of about 10) and as the lists don't change often, 304 NOT MODIFIED helps a lot, too. But another important optimization is missing:
As a typical change of the lists are rather small (e.g., modifying two elements and adding a new one), transferring the changes only sounds like a good idea. I wonder how to do it properly.
Something like GET /offer/123/items should always return all the items in the offer number 123, right? Compression and 304 can be used here, but no incremental update. A request like GET /offer/123/items?since=1495765733 sounds like the way to go, but then browser caching does not get used:
either nothing has changed and the answer is empty (and caching it makes no sense)
or something has changed, the client updates its state and does never ask for changes since 1495765733 anymore (and caching it makes even less sense)
Obviously, when using the "since" query, nothing will be cached for the "resource" (the original query gets used just once or not at all).
So I can't rely on the browser cache and I can only use localStorage or sessionStorage, which have a few downsides:
it's limited to a few megabytes (the browser HTTP cache may be much bigger and gets handled automatically)
I have to implement some replacement strategy when I hit the limit
the browser cache stores already compressed data which I don't get (I'd have to re-compress them)
it doesn't work for the users (admins) getting bigger lists as even a single list may already be over limit
it gets emptied on logout (a customer's requirement)
Given that there's HTML 5 and HTTP 2.0, that's pretty unsatisfactory. What am I missing?
Is it possible to use the browser HTTP cache together with incremental updates?
I think there is one thing you are missing: in short, headers. What I'm thinking you could do and that would match (most) of your requirements, would be to:
First GET /offer/123/items is done normally, nothing special.
Subsequents GET /offer/123/items will be sent with a Fetched-At: 1495765733 header, indicating your server when the initial request has been sent.
From this point on, two scenarios are possible.
Either there is no change, and you can send the 304.
If there is a change however, return the new items since the time stamp previously sent has headers, but set a Cache-Control: no-cache from your response.
This leaves you to the point where you can have incremental updates, with caching of the initial megabytes-sized elements.
There is still one drawback though, that the caching is only done once, it won't cache updates. You said that your lists are not updated often so it might already work for you, but if you really want to push this further, I could think of one more thing.
Upon receiving an incremental update, you could trigger in the background another request without the Fetched-At header that won't be used at all by your application, but will just be there to update your http cache. It should not be as bad as it sounds performance-wise since your framework won't update its data with the new one (and potentially trigger re-renders), the only notable drawback would be in term of network and memory consumption. On mobile it might be problematic, but it doesn't sounds like an app intended to be displayed on them anyway.
I absolutely don't know your use-case and will just throw that out there, but are you really sure that doing some sort of pagination won't work? Megabytes of data sounds a lot to display and process for normal humans ;)
I would ditch the request/response cycle entirely and move to a push model.
Specifically, WebSockets.
This is the standard technology used on financial trading websites serving tables of real-time ticker data. Here is one such production application demonstrating the power of WebSockets:
WebSocket applications have two types of state: global and user. The above link will show three tables of global data. When you're logged in, two aditional tables of user data are displayed at the bottom.
This is not HTTP; you won't be able to just slap this into a Java Servlet. You'll need to run a separate process on your server which communicates over TCP. The good news is, there are mature solutions readily available. A Java-based solution with a very decent free licensing option, which includes both client and server APIs (and does integrate with Angular2) is Lightstreamer. They have a well-organized demo page too. There are also adapters available to integrate with your data sources.
You may be hesitant to ditch your existing servlet approach, but this will be less headaches in the long run, and scales marvelously. HTTP polling, even with well-designed header-only requests, do not scale well with large lists which update frequently.
---------- EDIT ----------
Since the list updates are infrequent, WebSockets are probably overkill. Based on the further details provided by comments on this answer, I would recommend a DOM-based, AJAX-updated sorter and filterer such as DataTables, which has some built-in options for caching. In order to reuse client data across sessions, ajax requests in the previous link should be modified to save the current data in the table to localStorage after every ajax request, and when the client starts a new session, populate the table with this data. This will allow the plugin to manage the filtering, sorting, caching and browser-based persistence.
I'm thinking about something similar to Aperçu's idea, but using two requests. The idea is yet incomplete, so bear with me...
The client asks for GET /offer/123/items, possibly with the ETag and Fetched-At headers.
The server answers with
200 and a full list if either header is missing, or when there are too many changes since the Fetched-At timestamp
304 if nothing has changed since then
304 and a special Fetch-More header telling the client that more data is to be fetched otherwise
The last case is violating how HTTP should work, but AFAIK it's the only way letting the browser cache everything what I want it to cache. Since the whole communication is encrypted, proxies can't punish me for violating the spec.
The client reacts to Fetch-Errata by requesting GET /offer/123/items/errata. This way, the resource has got split into two requests. The split is ugly, but an angular $http interceptor can hide the ugliness from the application.
The second request is cacheable, too, and there can be also a Fetched-At header. The details are unclear, but some strong handwavium makes me believe that it can work. Actually, the errata could itself be inaccurate but still useful and get an errata itself.... etc.
With HTTP/1.1, more requests may mean more latency, but having a couple of them should still be profitable because of the saved bandwidth. The server can decide when to stop.
With HTTP/2, multiple requests could be send at once. The server could be make to handle them efficiently as it knows that they belong together. Some more handwavium...
I find the idea strange, but interesting and I'm looking forward to comments. Feel free to downvote me, but please leave an explanation.

Eventual Consistency in microservice-based architecture temporarily limits functionality

I'll illustrate my question with Twitter. For example, Twitter has microservice-based architecture which means that different processes are in different servers and have different databases.
A new tweet appears, server A stored in its own database some data, generated new events and fired them. Server B and C didn't get these events at this point and didn't store anything in their databases nor processed anything.
The user that created the tweet wants to edit that tweet. To achieve that, all three services A, B, C should have processed all events and stored to db all required data, but service B and C aren't consistent yet. That means that we are not able to provide edit functionality at the moment.
As I can see, a possible workaround could be in switching to immediate consistency, but that will take away all microservice-based architecture benefits and probably could cause problems with tight coupling.
Another workaround is to restrict user's actions for some time till data aren't consistent across all necessary services. Probably a solution, depends on customer and his business requirements.
And another workaround is to add additional logic or probably service D that will store edits as user's actions and apply them to data only when they will be consistent. Drawback is very increased complexity of the system.
And there are two-phase commits, but that's 1) not really reliable 2) slow.
I think slowness is a huge drawback in case of such loads as Twitter has. But probably it could be solved, whereas lack of reliability cannot, again, without increased complexity of a solution.
So, the questions are:
Are there any nice solutions to the illustrated situation or only things that I mentioned as workarounds? Maybe some programming platforms or databases?
Do I misunderstood something and some of workarounds aren't correct?
Is there any other approach except Eventual Consistency that will guarantee that all data will be stored and all necessary actions will be executed by other services?
Why Eventual Consistency has been picked for this use case? As I can see, right now it is the only way to guarantee that some data will be stored or some action will be performed if we are talking about event-driven approach when some of services will start their work when some event is fired, and following my example, that event would be “tweet is created”. So, in case if services B and C go down, I need to be able to perform action successfully when they will be up again.
Things I would like to achieve are: reliability, ability to bear high loads, adequate complexity of solution. Any links on any related subjects will be very much appreciated.
If there are natural limitations of this approach and what I want cannot be achieved using this paradigm, it is okay too. I just need to know that this problem really isn't solved yet.
It is all about tradeoffs. With eventual consistency in your example it may mean that the user cannot edit for maybe a few seconds since most of the eventual consistent technologies would not take too long to replicate the data across nodes. So in this use case it is absolutely acceptable since users are pretty slow in their actions.
For example :
MongoDB is consistent by default: reads and writes are issued to the
primary member of a replica set. Applications can optionally read from
secondary replicas, where data is eventually consistent by default.
from official MongoDB FAQ
Another alternative that is getting more popular is to use a streaming platform such as Apache Kafka where it is up to your architecture design how fast the stream consumer will process the data (for eventual consistency). Since the stream platform is very fast it is mostly only up to the speed of your stream processor to make the data available at the right place. So we are talking about milliseconds and not even seconds in most cases.
The key thing in these sorts of architectures is to have each service be autonomous when it comes to writes: it can take the write even if none of the other application-level services are up.
So in the example of a twitter like service, you would model it as
Service A manages the content of a post
So when a user makes a post, a write happens in Service A's DB and from that instant the post can be edited because editing is just a request to A.
If there's some other service that consumes the "post content" change events from A and after a "new post" event exposes some functionality, that functionality isn't going to be exposed until that service sees the event (yay tautologies). But that's just physics: the sun could have gone supernova five minutes ago and we can't take any action (not that we could have) until we "see the light".

Please help resolve bottle neck in wait times for Http Responses?

As far as a performance issue, the server is performing fine. With the exception of the http response wait times. This will become more of an issue as we grow our line of online services. All things being equal, I’m confused how this new server is it not loading pages as quickly as an older server running multiple websites, logging, etc…
Here is a screen shot from http://www.gtmetrix.com the online testing tool I’ve been using. These results are consistent regardless of time of day, The numbers here don’t make sense. The new site page is 75% smaller, yet its total time to live is only 26ms faster. In the below image the left side is NEW SERVER, the right side is OLD SERVER
The left portion of the timeline is the Handshaking portion. So, you can see, the new server, is about the same speed. The purple middle section, that represents wait time. It’s about 4 times the delay in milliseconds as OLD SERVER. The Grayish section on the right represents the actual time to download the file. You will also notice that the new server is significantly faster at downloading the response, this is most likely due to the 75% decrease in the response size.
You can see the complete results for the new server here. http://gtmetrix.com/reports/
Here’s a table of the differences that I’m aware of, let me know if you see one that could be the culprit. I forgot to add this to the table, but the old server, is in production, right now serving requests, when www.gtmetrix is hitting it. In contrast, to my New server, which is just me connecting and generating requests.
My current hypothesis, is that the slowness is caused some combination of the server being virtualized, incorrect IIS settings, or the difference between 32bit and 64bit OSes
The server in in Sarasota(?), the test agent is in Vancouver so roughly 4,356KM apart (as the crow flies) so the best round trip time you could hope for is around 45ms.
Given it won't be a direct route and things like routers etc. will that add latency then the 155ms round-trip you seem to be getting is pretty reasonable.
Looking at the request for the HTML page the 344ms to complete it a pretty good time - basically 114ms to set up the connection, 115ms to receive the first bytes from server and then 155ms to get the complete response.
Unless you get decrease the roundtrip time then this time isn't going to improve much - have you tried testing from gtmetrix's Dallas server as a comparison?
If it is a slow server response then something like PAL (http://pal.codeplex.com/) is worth using as a first look to see what's happening on the server but I'd also look how quickly the SQL server is responding to the queries that are used on the test page.
A couple of things you want to look at later in the waterfall...
For the two files that are hosted from ajax.aspnetcdn.net it takes longer to resolve their DNS name than it does to download them so you may want to consider hosing them yourself
For the text based content e.g. HTML, CSS, JS etc. what level of gzip compression are you applying and are the compressed files being cached on the server? (the server times for them look a bit long)
Looking at the complete results, it seems the lower bound for the wait times would be 115ms. Not a single request is faster, most are around 125ms, and judging from the requested resources, there's a lot of static resources as well, so serving the response should not involve a lot of CPU. Even though responses are as small as 123 bytes, there's still this delay.
So it looks like a general issue, possibly not even related to IIS. Here some ideas how I'd try to debug this.
How long does a ping roundtrip take? (i.e. Is it a general network issue, routing etc.?)
How long do HTTP requests take when done from the server box (e.g. to localhost)? (If they all take more than ~100ms, start profiling inside the server box)

Distributed time synchronization and web applications

I'm currently trying to build an application that inherently needs good time synchronization across the server and every client. There are alternative designs for my application that can do away with this need for synchronization, but my application quickly begins to suck when it's not present.
In case I am missing something, my basic problem is this: firing an event in multiple locations at exactly the same moment. As best I can tell, the only way of doing this requires some kind of time synchronization, but I may be wrong. I've tried modeling the problem differently, but it all comes back to either a) a sucky app, or b) requiring time synchronization.
Let's assume I Really Really Do Need synchronized time.
My application is built on Google AppEngine. While AppEngine makes no guarantees about the state of time synchronization across its servers, usually it is quite good, on the order of a few seconds (i.e. better than NTP), however sometimes it sucks badly, say, on the order of 10 seconds out of sync. My application can handle 2-3 seconds out of sync, but 10 seconds is out of the question with regards to user experience. So basically, my chosen server platform does not provide a very reliable concept of time.
The client part of my application is written in JavaScript. Again we have a situation where the client has no reliable concept of time either. I have done no measurements, but I fully expect some of my eventual users to have computer clocks that are set to 1901, 1970, 2024, and so on. So basically, my client platform does not provide a reliable concept of time.
This issue is starting to drive me a little mad. So far the best thing I can think to do is implement something like NTP on top of HTTP (this is not as crazy as it may sound). This would work by commissioning 2 or 3 servers in different parts of the Internet, and using traditional means (PTP, NTP) to try to ensure their sync is at least on the order of hundreds of milliseconds.
I'd then create a JavaScript class that implemented the NTP intersection algorithm using these HTTP time sources (and the associated roundtrip information that is available from XMLHTTPRequest).
As you can tell, this solution also sucks big time. Not only is it horribly complex, but only solves one half the problem, namely giving the clients a good notion of the current time. I then have to compromise on the server, either by allowing the clients to tell the server the current time according to them when they make a request (big security no-no, but I can mitigate some of the more obvious abuses of this), or having the server make a single request to one of my magic HTTP-over-NTP servers, and hoping that request completes speedily enough.
These solutions all suck, and I'm lost.
Reminder: I want a bunch of web browsers, hopefully as many as 100 or more, to be able to fire an event at exactly the same time.
Let me summarize, to make sure I understand the question.
You have an app that has a client and server component. There are multiple servers that can each be servicing many (hundreds) of clients. The servers are more or less synced with each other; the clients are not. You want a large number of clients to execute the same event at approximately the same time, regardless of which server happens to be the one they connected to initially.
Assuming that I described the situation more or less accurately:
Could you have the servers keep certain state for each client (such as initial time of connection -- server time), and when the time of the event that will need to happen is known, notify the client with a message containing the number of milliseconds after the beginning value that need to elapse before firing the event?
To illustrate:
client A connects to server S at time t0 = 0
client B connects to server S at time t1 = 120
server S decides an event needs to happen at time t3 = 500
server S sends a message to A:
S->A : {eventName, 500}
server S sends a message to B:
S->B : {eventName, 380}
This does not rely on the client time at all; just on the client's ability to keep track of time for some reasonably short period (a single session).
It seems to me like you're needing to listen to a broadcast event from a server in many different places. Since you can accept 2-3 seconds variation you could just put all your clients into long-lived comet-style requests and just get the response from the server? Sounds to me like the clients wouldn't need to deal with time at all this way ?
You could use ajax to do this, so yoǘ'd be avoiding any client-side lockups while waiting for new data.
I may be missing something totally here.
If you can assume that the clocks are reasonable stable - that is they are set wrong, but ticking at more-or-less the right rate.
Have the servers get their offset from a single defined source (e.g. one of your servers, or a database server or something).
Then have each client calculate it's offset from it's server (possible round-trip complications if you want lots of accuracy).
Store that, then you the combined offset on each client to trigger the event at the right time.
(client-time-to-trigger-event) = (scheduled-time) + (client-to-server-difference) + (server-to-reference-difference)
Time synchronization is very hard to get right and in my opinion the wrong way to go about it. You need an event system which can notify registered observers every time an event is dispatched (observer pattern). All observers will be notified simultaneously (or as close as possible to that), removing the need for time synchronization.
To accommodate latency, the browser should be sent the timestamp of the event dispatch, and it should wait a little longer than what you expect the maximum latency to be. This way all events will be fired up at the same time on all browsers.
Google found the way to define time as being absolute. It sounds heretic for a physicist and with respect to General Relativity: time is flowing at different pace depending on your position in space and time, on Earth, in the Universe ...
You may want to have a look at Google Spanner database: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanner_(database)
I guess it is used now by Google and will be available through Google Cloud Platform.
