Cannot execute cut-n-paste VBScripts - vbscript

I have been going mad trying to figure out why my scripts weren't working, until I started copying and pasting sample source code directly from a few websites only to have it fail there as well. I am getting the following error in my VBScripts:
C:\temp\vbs\script.vbs(19, 53) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected statement'
For a line of code that looks like this:
wdoc.Application.Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
This is interfacing with Microsft Word in Office 2007 to conduct a search and replace. Index 53 point directly to the := part of the assignment. Since this type of syntax doesn't work on my machine and I am using it from several websites, I was wondering if the cscript.exe I use is out of date.
Am I not calling cscript properly?

Named arguments (Param:=Value) are Visual Basic and VBA feature; this syntax isn't supported in VBScript.
In VBScript, you need to preserve the actual order of a routine's arguments. If a specific argument is optional and you want to use its default value, you need to simply omit that argument. So, your code should look like this:
Const wdReplaceAll = 2
wdoc.Application.Selection.Find.Execute , , , , , , , , , , wdReplaceAll


Scripting Word from vbs

I'm trying to get Word to fill in cells in a table. The script works when run as a macro from within Word, but fails when saved as a .vbs file and double-clicked, or run with wscript. This is a part of it.
set obj = GetObject(,"Word.Application)
With obj
With .Selection
MsgBox .text
If (.Information(wdWithInTable) = True) Then
.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
tCols = .Tables(1).Columns.Count
tRow = .Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)
tCol = .Information(wdStartOfRangeColumnNumber)
For I = 2 To 5
.Tables(1).Cell(tRow, I).Range.Text = "fred" & Str(I)
` now make new row
For I = 1 To tCols - tCol + 1
.MoveRight unit:=wdCell
End If
End With
End With
I have three problems. First, it won't compile unless I comment out the .Collapse and .MoveRight lines. Second, although the MsgBox .text displays the selected text, I get "out of range" errors if I try to access any .Information property.
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple: I usually write software for Macs, and I'd do this using AppleScript. This is my first attempt at getting anything done under Windows.
VBScript and VBA are different languages.
They are a bit similar, but not very. Moreover, VBScript is not like AppleScript; it doesn't let you easily interface with running programs.
The interfaces you'll get from VBScript can behave subtly differently in VBA and VBScript. However, I think you've got two problems here:
:= is invalid syntax in VBScript; you'll need to find an alternative way of calling the function. Try just using positional arguments.
You've no guarantee that this will open the expected file; there could be another instance of Word that it's interacting with instead.
Since your code is not running within the Word environment it would require a reference to the Word object library in order to use enumeration constants (those things that start with wd).
VBScript, however, cannot work with references, which means the only possibility is to use the long value equivalents of the enumerations. You'll find these in the Word Language References. Simplest to use is probably the Object Browser in Word's VBA Editor. (In Word: Alt+F11 to open the VBA Editor; F2 to start the Object Browser; type in the term in the "Search" box, click on the term, then look in the bottom bar.)
The code in the question uses, for example:
The reason you get various kinds of errors depends on where these are used.
Also, VBScript can't used named parameters such as Unit:=. Any parameters must be passed in comma-delimited format, if there's more than one, in the order specified by the method or property. If there are optional parameters you don't want to use these should be left "blank":
MethodName parameter, parameter, , , parameter

Kamailio 4.4 seturi Only Accepts Explicit Strings?

I've been working at implementing a simple serial forking described in the TM module's documentation (the Q values are stored as a priority weight in a mysql table) where my proxy is querying a database to determine to what domain to forward to.
I've verified through extensive use of xlog that a variable I'm using to build the new URI to use with seturi is getting everything correctly. I use an append_branch call in a subsequent while loop iterating over my sql query results, which doesn't have any problems with taking a very similarly formatted parameter. However, when I go to restart Kamailio it simply gripes at me that a string is expected. The line it corresponds to from console is just the seturi call. I've tried casting as a string, but that doesn't seem to be part of 4.4 (or my syntax is wrong).
I've thought about building the URI strings and storing into avp, but I suspect I'd have the same problem.
For reference, this is what I'm doing:
$var(basedest) = "sip:" + $var(number) + "#" + $(dbr(destination=>[0,0]))+ ":" + $var(port);
And what it's outputting when trying to load the config:
<core> [cfg.y:3368]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file //etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 570, column 9-22: syntax error
<core> [cfg.y:3371]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file //etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 570, column 23: bad argument, string expected
Naturally, when I put $var(basedest) in double quotes, it's literally interpreted as a string. Single quotes behave similarly. Is there something I can do to work around this? When I feed it an explicit hardcoded string, it's happy as a can be and the routing works fine. When I try to do something very simple like the above, it gets upset. If possible, I'd like to avoid updating as I initially grabbed Kamailio from the yum repo.
Thanks in advance - this has been bugging me a good while.
Apparently, not a new problem. I ended up finding out what I can do to work around it.
For reference, seturi and $ru pseudo variable refer to the same thing. So basically you'd just do:
$var(mynewru) = "sip:user#domain:5060";
$ru = $var(mynewru);
This would achieve the same thing I was originally attempting to do before based on the TM module's documentation. For serial forking, issuing some number of append_branch calls is fine.

Insert Property of Picture Class

I have read all of the questions on here about this topic and none of them provided me with a workable solution, so I'm asking this one.
I am running a legitimate copy of Excel 2013 in Windows 7. I record a macros where I insert a picture, and in the open file dialog I paste this URL: (simply a picture of a product on Amazon). This works as expected.
The resulting macros looks like this:
Sub insertImage()
' percent Macro
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert( _
End Sub
However, when I attempt to run this, the Insert line breaks with the following error:
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to get the Insert property of the Picture class
I am trying to insert a number of pictures into an excel document and I am using the ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert method to do this. I have been experiencing this issue there, so I recreated it in a way others could replicate to facilitate getting an answer...
An interesting thing to note is: 'This is what I pasted 'This is what the recorded macros recorded
It looks like Excel automatically resolved the %2B to a +. I tried making that change, but to no success.
Another interesting thing to note is that sometimes this does work and sometimes it doesn't. This url is a case where it does not work. Here's one where it does:
Why would Excel generate a macros it can't run? More importantly, how can I avoid this error and get on with my work!? Thanks!
Try this workaround:
Sub RetrieveImage()
Dim wsht As Worksheet: Set wsht = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
wsht.Shapes.AddPicture "", _
msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 0, 100, 100
End Sub
All fields are required, which is kind of a bummer since you cannot get the default size. The location offsets and sizes are in pixels/points. Also, the % turning to + is just alright, as % would cause it to be not recognized (dunno why).
Let us know if this helps.
I'm experiencing the same issue.
After some digging I found out Excel does a HTTP HEAD request before getting the image.
If this HEAD request is unsuccessful Excel will return the exact error messages mentioned in this discussion.
Your could easily test this using Fiddler.

parameters in visual basic 2010

how can use parameters in my vb application?
i want to make it so that when the parameter its "/y" i want some thing like this to hapen
if parameter = "/y" then
msgbox("you used the parameter /y")
msgbox("you dint use any parameter")
end if
i want some thing like this to hapen when i use the parameter "/y"
the parameters are used when for ex: im running the .exe on cmd
You can change Sub Main() to
Sub Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String)
And use the argument array that way. This has been valid in VB.NET for many versions.
The passed in command line arguments will be available to the Main procedure of your application.
These come in as an array of strings.

VBScript and presenting an input box

I am writing a script to capture the login time. In the final production, there would be no input from any user. However I am testing it and I wanted to know how I add extra code to determine that
If its in 'debug' mode AND
The user that is logging in is me (lets say my username is joe.smith on the domain called EXAMPLE)
then present an input box to allow me to type the date, time for logging in.
All other users would never see this and it would capture today with the system time.
I would also like to hide the code so if the script is opened by the wrong person, they wouldnt be able to make heads or tails of whats going on.
You can use a command line parameter as Matt says to set the script into debug mode, eg
dim isdebug: isdebug = WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("debug")
WScript.Echo("in debug mode: " & isdebug)
Which you can invoke with
wscript debugscript.vbs /debug
To get the current user name, you can use either the WMI Service or the WScript.Network object.
Once you have the username, you can conditionally throw up an InputBox and collect the value returned:
dim date_: date_ = Now()
if isdebug and username = "me" then
dim value: value = CDate(InputBox("enter the date and time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)", "please", Now()))
' validate the input here
date_ = CDate(value)
end if
And finally, to obfuscate your code you could use the Scripting.Encoder although it looks like this doesn't seem to be supported on Vista or Windows 7. There does seem to be a few hits on googling the phrase obfuscating vbscript, anyway.
Most of this sounds like it can be resolved by the logic of the script.
Have a command line parameter (debug is an appropriate name) and then have some if logic in the code to do as you wish (present the input box).
For the code obfuscation, I don't know how this could be done in vbscript. Windows scripting host works with JavaScript as well though and there are plenty of tools on the web for making JS harder to read. Maybe you want to look a using JS...
I think you can check the property App.LogMode to see if you are in 'debug' mode or not. If it is 0 then you are running debug mode and if it is 1 you are not.
