I have read all of the questions on here about this topic and none of them provided me with a workable solution, so I'm asking this one.
I am running a legitimate copy of Excel 2013 in Windows 7. I record a macros where I insert a picture, and in the open file dialog I paste this URL: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41u%2BilIi00L._SL160_.jpg (simply a picture of a product on Amazon). This works as expected.
The resulting macros looks like this:
Sub insertImage()
' percent Macro
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert( _
End Sub
However, when I attempt to run this, the Insert line breaks with the following error:
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to get the Insert property of the Picture class
I am trying to insert a number of pictures into an excel document and I am using the ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert method to do this. I have been experiencing this issue there, so I recreated it in a way others could replicate to facilitate getting an answer...
An interesting thing to note is:
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41u%2BilIi00L._SL160_.jpg 'This is what I pasted
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41u+ilIi00L._SL160_.jpg 'This is what the recorded macros recorded
It looks like Excel automatically resolved the %2B to a +. I tried making that change, but to no success.
Another interesting thing to note is that sometimes this does work and sometimes it doesn't. This url is a case where it does not work. Here's one where it does: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51mXQ-IjigL._SL160_.jpg
Why would Excel generate a macros it can't run? More importantly, how can I avoid this error and get on with my work!? Thanks!
Try this workaround:
Sub RetrieveImage()
Dim wsht As Worksheet: Set wsht = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
wsht.Shapes.AddPicture "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41u+ilIi00L._SL160_.jpg", _
msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 0, 100, 100
End Sub
All fields are required, which is kind of a bummer since you cannot get the default size. The location offsets and sizes are in pixels/points. Also, the % turning to + is just alright, as % would cause it to be not recognized (dunno why).
Let us know if this helps.
I'm experiencing the same issue.
After some digging I found out Excel does a HTTP HEAD request before getting the image.
If this HEAD request is unsuccessful Excel will return the exact error messages mentioned in this discussion.
Your could easily test this using Fiddler.
I think the question speaks for itself. I have trouble getting some values out of the registry, and I was hoping someone around here might help me.
I'm stuck at IE9, as it is the only one which has some reasonable CSS capabilities, and does support GetObject().
So right now, lets say I'm trying to retrieve the memory size of a GPU at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000\HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize" (as far as I know, this should be a universal path & key).
This is where the problem begins. Either I get no output, or some error saying something is different, or what (my system is running in a different language so I cant offer the right translation).
After some research, I seem to have found the issue - the value I'm trying to read is REG_QWORD, and unfortunately I was only able to find very little covering this topic, and most of the solutions did not work for me.
So right now, I am with this code, which, unsurprisingly, also does not work (the code I had since like the beginning):
for Each oItem in colGPUs
memory = oItem.AdapterRAM / 1048576
If memory < 0 Then
If InStr(oItem.Name, "NVIDIA") Then
Set wssx = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
msgbox CStr(wssx.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\000" + GPUID + "\HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize"))
End If
End If
Unfortunatelly it seems like there is no direct way of retrieving the value - within HTA itself.
I was able to get the value, however I did it using Powershell, executed the command, set its output to a specific file and read it.
Anyways, here is the actual solution I came up with specifically for this issue
wshell.Run "powershell (Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000' 'HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize') | Out-File -FilePath C:\temp\gpu_mem.txt", 0, true
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\temp\gpu_mem.txt", 1, False, -1)
gpu_mem = CStr(f.ReadAll)
With this method Im directly obtaining the integer and passing it to the VBS
We have to use VBScript as an embedded script engine in our Hospital Information System.
When we use nothing to set the value of a control (textbox/checkbox/...) it worked always fine. Since somepoint it sets now the textbox to "?>".
item("TEXTBOX").value = nothing ' Leads to -> "?>"
It is not completly clear what causes this, maybe a windows update is responsible, every rollup ~ since KB3212646 Win7 2017-01 seems to cause this error.
My Question is now, has someone else also seem this error, so that it is clear that MS causes this error or is our HIS publisher responsible for not handling nothing correct.
I know setting a textbox to Nothing is not best practice instead "" should be better, but since the item object could be more the just a textbox e.g. a combobox/checkbox this seems, from an objectoriented perpsective, better. Or am I completly wrong?
Following #Ansgar comment, you should apparently change everywhere you have = nothing to = "" in your example
item("TEXTBOX").value = ""
Beware to keep the nothing if you have the Set keyword in left
Set some_object = Nothing
The file luxom2xlm is available at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f3dd2aby8wxpn5x/AAAOqaUV9LvtgrNghMT71AkHa?dl=0
There are also screenshots (because I'm not allowed to insert pictures in it, I do not have 10 reputations ... correction it seems that I was wrong)
vba code to create a XML - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vr30uydv9kmgqq/EXCEL_luxom_macro.PNG?dl=0
formula doesn't work "inconsistent error" in excel2013- https://www.dropbox.com/s/mnpaurktpj39o21/EXCEL_luxom_columns.PNG?dl=0
(Unfortunately I just allowed to ask one question a day, so I'll open tomorrow a new question
(not the best solution for solving inconsistent problems but it is the only one I found till now - see comment)
1. vba code : to create XML file
I try to figure out 'how' to make macro to extract the data directly from a table and create a XML file and validate it via a XSD-file.
Manually it work fines, so I've recorded vba code.
But unfortunately this seem not to work.
' REF VBA - http://www.globaliconnect.com/excel/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=162:excel-vba-calling-sub-procedures-a-functions-placement-in-modules&catid=79&Itemid=475
' EXCEL - http://excelcentral.com
Sub Export2XML()
' export2XML Macro
' REF : http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/excel-help/export-xml-data-HP010206401.aspx
Path_Name = Sheets("info").Range("c21").Value ' Path_Name = E:\luxom.xml
'work sheet luxom_input
'where Luxom__Elements_In_Output_Map is the root element of the XSD-file
'which is used as reference
'method 1 created via a record macro doesn't work
ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps("Luxom__Elements_In_Output_Map").export URL:= _
'method 2
ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps("Luxom__Elements_In_Output_Map").export URL:= _
End Sub
2. TABLE : formula not working INCONSISTENT ERROR
(the solution I found - see comment)
The formula worked fine in EXCEL2010, and in EXCEL2013 re-typed and recognised also but now I get an error
Neither the help from microsoft solved my problem
Sheet "luxom_input", table "T_LuxomInput",
in column "O - ID" (address = a fixed stringformat)
=CONCATENATE([#[networkID]] ;address; [#[groupID]] ;address; TEXT([#[HexAddress]];"00"))
in column "O - KAST"
Has somebody an idea to make it working ...
You may have to change ; to , and , to . according to your local.
stackoverflow.com/questions/15142523/… for part 1. MACRO : to create XML file is the solution written by "nonprogrammer" – kris Aug 25 '14 at 16:21
I am creating a form and I have created my first function in the VBA window. The function creates Buttons. After I type anything after the 'End function' I get an error- "Only comments appear after .." What's wrong? Am I putting the function in the wrong area?
Here is my code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function MainMenuOptions()
Dim frm As String
frm = "Main"
Dim SCFormB As Control
Dim SCSearchB As Control
Dim SCReportB As Control
Set SCFormB = CreateControl(frm, acOptionButton, , , , 0.5, 0.6, 1.5, 0.55)
Set SCSearchB = CreateControl(frm, acOptionButton, , , , 0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.55)
Set SCReportB = CreateControl(frm, acOptionButton, , , , 0.5, 2.4, 1.5, 0.55)
End Function
I have recently had this problem. I'm creating a new Shares/Derivatives trade and management application, and I'm making awesome progress on creating a form, when at one point, I starting getting this error for ALL of the _Click() handlers for the controls on the form. But, it was not happening for an _Enter() handler for one of the fields on the form. There was no extraneous text after any of the 'End' statements - at all! I discovered that, somehow, the incorrect LINE ENDINGS had made their way onto the ends of the 'End' statements.
The Fix: go to the end of each of your 'End' statements, hit DELETE until the next Sub statement comes up to the cursor (i.e., you now have the start of the next procedure on the same line as the previous proc's End statement), then hit ENTER to put the next Sub statement back on it's own line. This will ensure that you have the correct CR/LF (or whatever is required of that editor/compiler) at the ends of each of your event handlers.
Apparently, you have extra code in your module which is outside of a function or sub. In the VBA editor select debug -> compile and it should highlight the offending code which you can remove or revise.
FYI: CreateControl uses twips(one 1440th of an inch) for left, top, width, and height. You may want to multiply the numbers you are using by about 1440.
If you check the Microsoft Office Dev Center for this error message you get the following explanation:
You placed executable code outside a procedure. Any nondeclarative
lines outside a procedure must begin with a comment delimiter (').
Declarative statements must appear before the first procedure
declaration. Comments are ignored when the code executes.
This means that the type of code you can write outside a Sub or Function is limited.
I had this error, and the solution was simple, however VBA's debugger threw me off the scent for a while. I had extra code after "End Sub" that needed deleting (copy and paste error), however rather than highlighting the extra code after the "End Sub" statement, the debugger highlighted the beginning of the Sub procedure, causing me to think that the error was between the opening statement of the highlighted Sub procedure and the "End Sub" ABOVE it, when in fact the error was after the "End Sub" of the highlighted sub procedure, so I needed to look well BELOW the highlighted text. So, in effect, VBA highlighted the beginning of a sub-procedure that was entirely fine, rather than the issue immediately after it.
It's like someone leaving a bag of trash immediately outside your front door so you walk into the trash as soon as you walk through the door, and then you say "Huh, I need to move the trash" while pointing at the door.
I had this issue as well, but I didn't have any code outside of my subs. I was getting the error after Access would generate a piece of code (I was trying to add code for the NoData state of my report). When I put a dummy comment below the End Sub that was having the issue it fixed the issue, at least for the last three compiles I have done.
When an error occurs in a function, I'd like to know the sequence of events that lead up to it, especially when that function is called from a dozen different places. Is there any way to retrieve the call stack in VB6, or do I have to do it the hard way (e.g., log entries in every function and error handler, etc.)?
You do have to do it the hard way, but it's not really all that hard... Seriously, once you've written the template once, it's a quick copy/paste/modify to match the function name in the Err.Raise statement to the actual function name.
Private Function DoSomething(ByVal Arg as String)
On Error GoTo Handler
Dim ThisVar as String
Dim ThatVar as Long
' Code here to implement DoSomething...
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, , "MiscFunctions.DoSomething: " & Err.Description
End Function
When you have nested calls, this unwinds as each routine hits its Handler and adds its name to the error description. At the top level function, you get a "call stack" showing the list of routines that were called, and the error number and description of the error that actually occurred. It's not perfect, in that you don't get line numbers, but I've found that you don't usually need them to find your way to the problem. (And if you really want line numbers, you can put them in the function and reference them in the Err.Raise statement using the Erl variable. Without line numbers, that just returns 0.)
Also, note that within the function itself, you can raise your own errors with the values of interesting variables in the message like so:
Err.Raise PCLOADLETTER_ERRNUM, , "PC Load Letter error on Printer """ & PrinterName & """"
(The syntax highlighting looks wonky in the preview... I wonder how will it look when posted?)
I'm pretty sure you have to do it the hard way. At a previous job of mine, we had a very elegant error handling process for VB6 with DCOM components. However, it was a lot redundant code that had to be added to every method, so much that we had home-grown tools to insert it all for you.
I can't provide too much insight on its implementation (both because I've forgotten most of it and there's a chance they may consider it a trade secret). One thing that does stand out was that the method name couldn't be derived at run-time so it was added as a string variable (some developers would copy-paste instead of using the tool and it would lead to error stacks that lied...).
The hard, manual way is pretty much the only way. If you check out this question, someone suggested a tool called MZTools that will do much of the grunt work for you.
As other people said (years ago, I see... but there's so many people still using VB6! :) ), I think it's not possible to programmatically retrieve the Call Stack, unless you use some 3rd-party tool.
But if you need to do that for debugging purposes, you can consider of adding to the called routine an Optional input string variable, were you'll put the caller's name.
Sub MyRoutine
(...) ' Your code here
call DoSomething (Var1, Var2, Var3, "MyRoutine")
' ^
' Present routine's name -----------+
(...) ' Your code here
End Sub
Public DoSomething (DoVar1, DoVar2, DoVar3, Optional Caller as string = "[unknown]")
Debug.Print " DoSomething Routine Called. Caller = " & Caller
... ' (your code here)
End Sub
Not so elegant, maybe, but it worked for me.
Max - Italy
Compuware (or was it Numega at the time) DevStudio for Visual Basic 6 used to do this. The way was by adding adding instrumenation to every call that called a very small snippet that added to the code stack. On any error it dumped out that callstack, and then did things like mail or post to a webserver all the debuging information. Adding and removing the instrumentation was a potentially lethal operation (especially back then, when we were using VSS as our source control), but if it worked, it work well.
As Darrel pointed out, you could add something very simlar by using MZTools and setting up a template. It's a lot of working, and is probably more effeort than the reward would be but if you have very difficult to track down bugs, it might help).