Kamailio 4.4 seturi Only Accepts Explicit Strings? - proxy

I've been working at implementing a simple serial forking described in the TM module's documentation (the Q values are stored as a priority weight in a mysql table) where my proxy is querying a database to determine to what domain to forward to.
I've verified through extensive use of xlog that a variable I'm using to build the new URI to use with seturi is getting everything correctly. I use an append_branch call in a subsequent while loop iterating over my sql query results, which doesn't have any problems with taking a very similarly formatted parameter. However, when I go to restart Kamailio it simply gripes at me that a string is expected. The line it corresponds to from console is just the seturi call. I've tried casting as a string, but that doesn't seem to be part of 4.4 (or my syntax is wrong).
I've thought about building the URI strings and storing into avp, but I suspect I'd have the same problem.
For reference, this is what I'm doing:
$var(basedest) = "sip:" + $var(number) + "#" + $(dbr(destination=>[0,0]))+ ":" + $var(port);
And what it's outputting when trying to load the config:
<core> [cfg.y:3368]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file //etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 570, column 9-22: syntax error
<core> [cfg.y:3371]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file //etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 570, column 23: bad argument, string expected
Naturally, when I put $var(basedest) in double quotes, it's literally interpreted as a string. Single quotes behave similarly. Is there something I can do to work around this? When I feed it an explicit hardcoded string, it's happy as a can be and the routing works fine. When I try to do something very simple like the above, it gets upset. If possible, I'd like to avoid updating as I initially grabbed Kamailio from the yum repo.
Thanks in advance - this has been bugging me a good while.

Apparently, not a new problem. I ended up finding out what I can do to work around it.
For reference, seturi and $ru pseudo variable refer to the same thing. So basically you'd just do:
$var(mynewru) = "sip:user#domain:5060";
$ru = $var(mynewru);
This would achieve the same thing I was originally attempting to do before based on the TM module's documentation. For serial forking, issuing some number of append_branch calls is fine.


How to remove special characters, string , number from regax

I have. done paramerization in recorded requests in jmeter , when i rerun it some requests. are failing but i have done capture variables and pass to
next requests but there is issue
format ofresponse is changing dynamically
my regax - stateToken":"(.+?)"
\x2D is. additionalpart is coming some time so i need re write regax to remove this when we getting that
Fail Case
any ideas ?
It looks like your application has a functional issue, if it returns the token which cannot be used for authentication is sounds like a bug so instead of trying to implement a workaround in JMeter you should report it as it needs to be fixed.
JSON is not a regular language hence using regular expressions for extracting data from it is not the best idea, I would recommend considering using JSON Extractor or JSON JMESPath Extractor instead
If you still want to bypass the intermittent issue with tokens and remove the problematic element from the token (I repeat I doubt real user of your application will do this) you can do it using a suitable JSR223 Test Element and the code like:
def before = vars.get('token')
log.info('Before: ' + before)
def after = before.replace('\\x2D','')
log.info('After : ' + after)
vars.put('token', after)

How to load value from dynamically specified parameter in NiFi

I have several processes with almost same flow like "Get some parameters, extract data from database according to them and upload them to target". The parameters vary slightly across processes as well as targets but only a bit. Most of the process is the same. I would like to extract those differences to parameter-context and dynamically load them. My idea is to have parameters defined following way and then using them.
So core of question is:
How to dynamically choose which parameter group load and use?
Having several parameter contexts with same-named/different-valued parameters and dynamically switching them would be probably the best, but it is not possible as far as I know.
Also duplicating flows is out-of-the-table. Any error correction would be spread out over several places and maintenance would be a nightmare.
Moreover, I know I can do it like "In GenetrateFlowFile for process A set value1=#{A_value1} and in GenetrateFlowFile for process B set value1=#{B_value1}. But this is tedious, error-prone and scales kinda bad. Not speaking of situation when I can have dozens of parameters and several processes. Also it is a kind of hardcoding, not configuring...
I was hoping for something like defining group=A and then using it like value1=#{ ${ group:append('_value1') } } but this does not work - it is evaluated as parameter literally named ${ group:append('_value1') }.
TL;DR: Use evaluateELString().
The actual solution is to set in GenetrateFlowFile processor group=A and in next UpdateAttribute processor set the following:
value1=${ group:prepend('hash{ '):append('_value1 }'):replace('hash', '#'):evaluateELString() }
The magic being done here is "Take value of group slap around it #{ and _value1 } to make it valid NiFi Expression Language statement and then evaluate it." (Notice - the word hash and function replace is there since I didnĀ“t manage to escape the # char right before {.)
If you would like to have your value1 at the beginning of the statement then you can use following code. The result is same, it is easier to use (often-changed value value1 is at the beginning of the statement) and is less readable "what is really going on?"-wise.
value1=${ literal('value1'):prepend('_'):prepend(${ group }):prepend('hash{ '):append(' }'):replace('hash', '#'):evaluateELString() }

DMQL2 Query Syntax for PHRets v2 Seach() to include filter arguments?

(It's been a while since I've been here.)
I've been using the first version of PHRets v1 for years, and understood it well enough to get by, but now I'm trying to understand the advantages of v2.6.2. I've got it all installed and the basics are working fine. My issues are pretty much with comprehending fine points of query syntax that goes into the rets=>Search() statement. (I'm much more familiar with SQL statements). Specifically, I'd like to have a query return a list of properties, EXCLUDING those which already have the status of "Sold".
Here's where I am stuck: If I start with this
`$results = $rets->Search('Property', 'A','*',['Select' => 'LIST_8,LIST_105,LIST_15,LIST_19,listing_office_shortid']);`
That works well enough. BUT I'd like to fit in a filter like:
"LIST_15 != Sold", or "NOT LIST_15=Sold"...something like that. I don't get how to fit/type that into a PHRets Search().
I like PHRets but it is so hard to find well-organized/complete documentation about specific things like this. Thanks in advance.
As in my comment above I've figured out that the filter goes in the third argument position ('*', as in the original question). The tricky thing was having to find a specific "sold" code for each class of properties and placing it in that position like so: '(LIST_15=~B4ZIT1Y75TZ)', (notice the =~ combination of characters that means "does not equal" in this context). I've found the code strings for each of the property types (not clear WHY they would need to be unique for each type of property: "Sold" is Sold for any type, after all) but the correct code for a single-family residential property (type 'A' ...at least for the MLS in which I have to search is:
$results = $rets->Search('Property', 'A','(LIST_15=~B4ZIT1Y75TZ)',['Select' => 'LIST_8,LIST_105,LIST_15,LIST_19,listing_office_shortid']);
(again, the code to go with LIST_15 will be different for the different types of properties.) I think there is a better answer that involves more naturalistic language, but this works and I guess I will have to be satisfied with it for now. I hope this is of some use to anyone else struggling with this stuff.

Darwin Streaming Server install problems os x

My problem is the same as the one mentioned in this answer. I've been trying to understand the code and this is what I learned:
It is failing in the file parse_xml.cgi, tries to get messages (return $message{$name}) from a file named messages (located in the html_en directory).
The $messages value comes from the method GetMessageHash in file adminprotocol-lib.pl:
sub GetMessageHash
The $ENV{"QTSSADMINSERVER_EN_MESSAGEHASH"} is set in the file streamingadminserver.pl:
I dont know anything about Perl so I have no idea of what the problem can be, for what I saw $messages{"en"} has the correct value (if I do print($messages{"en"}{'SunStr'} I get the value "Sun")).
However, if I try to do print($ENV{"QTSSADMINSERVER_EN_MESSAGEHASH"}{'SunStr'} I get nothing. Seems like $ENV{"QTSSADMINSERVER_EN_MESSAGEHASH"} is not set
I tried this simple example and it worked fine:
$ENV{"HELLO"} = "hello";
and it works fine, prints "hello".
Any idea of what the problem can be?
Looks like $messages{"en"} is a HashRef: A pointer to some memory address holding a key-value-store. You could even print the associated memory address:
perl -le 'my $hashref = {}; print $hashref;'
0x1548e78 is the address, but it's only valid within the same running process. Re-run the sample command and you'll get different addresses each time.
HASH(0x1548e78) is also just a human-readable representation of the real stored value. Setting $hashref2="HASH(0x1548e78)"; won't create a real reference, just a copy of the human-readable string.
You could easily proof this theory using print $ENV{"QTSSADMINSERVER_EN_MESSAGEHASH"} in both script.
Data::Dumper is typically used to show the contents of the referenced hash (memory location):
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($messages{"en"});
# or
This will also show if the pointer/reference could be dereferenced in both scripts.
The solution for your problem is probably passing the value instead of the HashRef:
$ENV{"QTSSADMINSERVER_EN_SUN"} = $messages{"en"}->{SunStr};
Best Practice is using a -> between both keys. The " or ' quotes for the key also optional if the key is a plain word.
But passing everything through environment variables feels wrong. They might not be able to hold references on OSX (I don't know). You might want to extract the string storage to a include file and load it via require.
See http://www.perlmaven.com/ or http://learn.perl.org for more about Perl.
fix code:
sub GetMessageHash

Can I use Ruby Cucumber Watir to Solve a Key Pass to URL puzzle?

I am a NEWBIE. Any help is appreciated.
I've been given the challenge of automating a Key Pass challenge.
a URL is provided (this is an example, I don't think the creator of the challenge wants it in public): www.guessmypasskey.com
When you visit the site, the body text simple returns, Key Denied:
If you add the following path, www.guessmypasskey/?key=a the site will return: Key Denied:00
The key is only alphanumeric and of unknown length...through manual testing I was able to find the key by determining that the binary code returns meant the following: 00 not a character used, 01 character used, wrong position, 11 correct character, correct position.
I envision, opening a browser to the URL with watir, checking a-a, A-Z, 0-9, in the first position...if 00 is displayed on page, delete character from possibility, if 01 is present write the number to a file (this will determine the character length needed.
Basic question, Am I going the wrong direction? Trying to automate with Ruby Cucumber Watir?
I know additional steps will be needed t determine the order of the characters....I'm just trying to get started on the first step, confirming the validity of the characters and the length of the pass key.
Kind of disappointed that the URL the real one. =p
Anyways, that approach would work... but I would imagine it being massive overkill.
Instead, what I would do is simply create a simple Node.js script (using JavaScript) which basically just loops through all possible combinations for each character, stepping through as you move.
You can just use the simple "request" module to request the web page. Then just build up your string like that.
var request = require('request');
// Gets content of one call... add this to your loop somehow.
request({uri: 'http://guessmypasskey.com?key=' + key}, function (err, response, body) {
// body has the result to check
This is probably going to be infinitely easier than setting up the tech stack you were talking about... not to mention a lot faster.
Your general approach (ignoring technology) sounds pretty spot on.
