Change Makefile variable value depending on a target - makefile

I am not proficient with makefiles, but am used to simple ones. Right now, I have a task on hand.
I need to compile and link a test application with a different library and different include path based on the given target. If target is TARGET1, then link against LIB1 and include INCLUDEPATH1 during compilation. Similarly, if given target is TARGET2, then compile with INCLUDEPATH2 in CFLAGS and link with LIB2.
%.o: %.c
#echo [CC] $< ...
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $*.o $<
Now I have a rule as above which compiles my test application. Now how can the CFLAGS be changed based on the target.

If you are using GNU Make, you can use target-specific variables:
target1: LDLIBS = -lLIB1
target2: LDLIBS = -lLIB2
all: target1 target2
target1: target1.o misc.o
target2: target2.o
However this doesn't work quite as well as you'd like: if target1 and target2 share some source files, you'll need to arrange for them to each be compiled twice and to differently-named .o files -- which will rather complexify your makefile.
Also, if you type make target1 then -IINCLUDEPATH1 will be propagated to the compilation of misc.c, as desired. However if you type make misc.o it has no way to know that this is eventually destined for target1 and the compilation of misc.c will get no special $CFLAGS value (though it'll get the global one, if there is one).
So this is really only useful in simple cases. But maybe your case is sufficiently simple.

I don't think you can alter variable depending on a target. Assume you invoke
What value would the CFLAGS have then?
In this case, you can use non-pattern rules to distinguish targets.
TARGET1: a.c
#echo [CC] $< ...
TARGET2: a.c
#echo [CC] $< ...
To decrease repetition, you may also use variables and "functions". Then, you could re-use what would be the body of your pattern rule in different rules.
define compile_cmd
#echo [CC] $< ...
$(CC) -I $1 -l$2 $(CFLAGS)
TARGET1: a.c
$(call compile_cmd,INCLUDEPATH1,LIB1) -o $# $<
TARGET2: a.c
$(call compile_cmd,INCLUDEPATH2,LIB2) -o $# $<
%.o: %.c
$(call compile_cmd,INCLUDEPATH_DEFAULT,LIB_DEFAULT) -o $# $<
That would make a nice enough and flexible makefile that suits your needs.


Why doesn't this make file work?

CFLAGS=-Wall -ggdb
OBJ=$(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,main.o vector.o obstacle.o \
person.o simulation.o map.o wall.o room.o )
all: CrowdSim
CrowdSim: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/ $(HDIR)/%.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
rm -rf Objects/*.o Source/*.o
When attempting to make, I receive the error: "No rule to make target 'Objects/main.o' needed by 'CrowdSim'. Note: this is my first attempt at a makefile, and I'm following the example here.
Additional information: All my .cc files are stored in Source, all my .h files are in Headers, and I want to put all my .o files in Objects.
A rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/ $(HDIR)/%.h
requires both the prerequisites to exist. If either one does not exist, then the rule doesn't match and make will ignore it and look for another rule. In this case there is no other rule, so make fails.
If you don't always have both a .cc and .h file for every .o file, then you cannot write your rule like this.
Instead, you'll have to write the pattern rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Then you'll have to declare the header files separately, like this:
$(OBJDIR)/vector.o: $(HDIR)/vector.h
etc. for any headers. You might consider implementing a method to automatically manage dependencies, such as this one.
By the way, CC and CFLAGS are for C compilers. You have C++ code here. By convention in makefiles you should use CXX and CXXFLAGS for C++ compilers.

Makefile: target with pattern does not work

My Makefile looks like this:
BIN = bin
OBJECTS = object1.o \
object2.o \
HDR = $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.h) header1.h header2.h
MAIN = main.c
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c99 -fstack-protector-all
LDFLAGS = -lpthread
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $^
%.o: %.c $(HDR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
It seems that the %.o: %.c $(HDR) rule is not used. When invoking with option make -r it says that there's no rule to make target object.o. The build of each object file should depend on every header file. What am I missing?
Edit: I should mention that when doing echo $(HDR) than it looks like the variable contains the right values:
object1.h object2.h object3.h header1.h header2.h
In the declaration of HDR, try $(OBJECTS:.o=.h) instead. Or, better yet, use gcc -MM or the like to generate your dependencies instead.
A pattern rule can't have auxilliary dependencies like ${HDR}.
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
Ok, the given Makefile should work, I had a typo in one of the header file names.
It's a pitty, but make doesn't warn about that. It seems that when a pattern based rule is missing a prerequisite than it's just ignored. The built-in .o creation rule is used instead.
Jonathan Leffler's proposal of ${OBJECTS}: ${HDR} brought that up, because than there's an error regarding "no rule to make target misspelled.h" - I would have expected that from my rule too.
So I can just agree to fluffy, it's better to use auto-generated dependencies instead.

How to write a simpler makefile for a lot of single-c-file programmes?

I want to write a lot of tiny example programmes for one same library, each needs gcc $(OtherOpt) -o xxx -lthelibname xxx.c.
How to write a Makefile without dozens of tagret lines ?
Pattern rules are your friend for these situations. As long as your targets all match a predictable pattern -- and they do in this case, as they are all of the form "create foo from foo.c" -- you can write a single pattern rule that will be used for all of the targets:
OtherOpt=-Wall -g
all: $(patsubst %.c,%,$(wildcard *.c))
%: %.c
gcc $(OtherOpt) -o $# -lthelibname $<
Now you can either run simply make to build all your apps, or make appname to build a specific app. Here I've created a single pattern rule that will be used anytime you want to create something from something.c. I used the $# automatic variable, which will expand to the name of the output, and the $< variable, which will expand to the name of the first prerequisite, so that the command-line is correct regardless of the specific app being built. Technically you don't need the all line, but I figured you probably didn't want to always have to type in the name(s) of the apps you want to build.
Also, technically you can probably get away without having any of this makefile, because GNU make already has a built-in pattern rule for the %: %.c relationship! I mention this option only for completeness; personally, I prefer doing things the way I've shown here because it's a little bit more explicit what's going on.
%.o: %.c
gcc $(OtherOpt) -c -o $# -lthelibname $<
That compiles all .c files to their .o files (object code) of the same base name. Then in your actual target(s), you would include all necessary .o files as dependencies and use gcc $(OtherOpt) -o $# $^ -lthelibname, assuming I'm not misunderstanding how your build is set up.
Some versions of make also support the suffix rule .c.o to be ALMOST the same thing as %.o: %.c, but the suffix rules can't have any dependencies. Writing .c.o: foo.h tells make to compile "foo.h" to "foo.c.o" rather than requiring "foo.h" as a dependency of any file with a .c suffix as %.o: %.c foo.h would correctly do.
I learnd from
LDLIB = -lpthread
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,--hash-style=both $(LDLIB)
SRCEXTS = .c .C .cc .cpp .CPP .c++ .cxx .cp
CFLAGS = -pipe -march=core2 -mtune=generic -Wfloat-equal \
#-Wall -pedantic
ifeq ($(SRCDIRS),)
SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))
TARGET = $(addprefix bin/,$(basename $(SOURCES)))
all: $(TARGET)
ls -l $(TARGET)
bin/%: %.c dir
gcc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $<
#-mkdir bin
.PHONY : clean
-rm $(TARGET)
-rmdir bin

In gnu make, can the prerequisites in a static pattern rule have different suffixes

Our make file compiles .c source files with a static pattern rule like this:
OBJECTS = foo.o bar.o baz.o
$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c
$(CC) $< $(C_OPTIONS) -c -o $#
I need to change one of the .c files to an Objective-C .m file. Invoking the compiler is the same for both source types, so I'd like to use the same rule and just tweak it to be more flexible. I'd rather not change the OPTIONS variable because it's also used for the linking step, etc.
Is there a way to make the rule above more flexible to accommodate both .c and .m files?
We can add this either-or behavior to the list of things Make should be able to do easily, but isn't. Here's a way to do it, using "eval" to create a seperate rule for each object.
define RULE_template
$(1): $(wildcard $(basename $(1)).[cm])
OBJECTS = foo.o bar.o baz.o
$(foreach obj,$(OBJECTS),$(eval $(call RULE_template,$(obj))))
$(CC) $&lt $(C_OPTIONS) -c -o $#
Note that this depends on the source files already existing before you run Make (foo.c or foo.m, but not both). If you're generating those sources in the same step, this won't work.
Here's a less clever, more robust method.
CPP_OBJECTS = foo.o bar.o
$(CPP_OBJECTS): %.o: %.c
$(CC) $&lt $(C_OPTIONS) -c -o $#
EDIT: corrected OBJECTS assignment, thanks to Jonathan Leffler.
Not really just copy to
$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.m
$(CC) $< $(C_OPTIONS) -c -o $#
The call to the same compiler is just a happy occasion. Normally you do not compile objective-c code with $(CC). That just feels strange.
But since you go in a harsh way, I won't post do-it-right solution, where you separate objective-C targets from C targets into two different $(OBJECTS)-like variables and make two rules (which you should really do). Too boring. Instead, take a hack!
OBJC_FILES:=$(subst $(wildcard *.m))
real_name = `(test -h $(1) && readlink $(1) ) || echo $(1)`
$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c
$(GCC) $< $(C_OPTIONS) -c -o $(call real_name,$#)
$(OBJC_FILES): %.c: %.m
ln -s $< $#
And God help those who maintains it!
Btw, this obviously won't work if your m-files are generated.

How to compile different c files with different CFLAGS using Makefile?

all. Let's say I have a program that contains a long list of C source files, A.c, B.c, ...., Z.c, now I want to compile A.c, B.c with certain CFLAGS, and compile the rest part of source files with a different CFLAGS value.
How to write a Makefile to do the above described job? currently what I am doing in my Makefile is:
OBJ=[all other .o files here, e.g. D.o, D.o, E.o .... Z.o]
#echo [Compiling]: $(#:.o=.c)
$(CC) [SOME OTHER GCC OPTIONS HERE] $(CFLAGS) -c $(#:.o=.c) -o $#
%.o: %.c
#echo [Compiling]: $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
It works, but looks just stupid/complicated. Can anyone help to point out what is the recommended way of doing this in Makefile? thanks!
Try using target-specific variables. A target-specific variable is declared like this:
TARGET: VAR := foo # Any valid form of assignment may be used ( =, :=, +=, ?=)
Now when the target named TARGET is being made, the variable named VAR will have the value "foo".
Using target-specific variables, you could do this, for example:
OBJ=[all other .o files here, e.g. D.o, D.o, E.o .... Z.o]
$(SPECIAL_OBJS): EXTRA_FLAGS := -std=c99 # Whatever extra flags you need
%.o: %.c
#echo [Compiling]: $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $# -c $<
The approach taken by linux kernel build system:
And then,
I can't answer the question for raw makefiles, but if you are willing to use automake it is trivial:
foo_CFLAGS = [options passed to CC only when building foo]
