Makefile: target with pattern does not work - makefile

My Makefile looks like this:
BIN = bin
OBJECTS = object1.o \
object2.o \
HDR = $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.h) header1.h header2.h
MAIN = main.c
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c99 -fstack-protector-all
LDFLAGS = -lpthread
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $^
%.o: %.c $(HDR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
It seems that the %.o: %.c $(HDR) rule is not used. When invoking with option make -r it says that there's no rule to make target object.o. The build of each object file should depend on every header file. What am I missing?
Edit: I should mention that when doing echo $(HDR) than it looks like the variable contains the right values:
object1.h object2.h object3.h header1.h header2.h

In the declaration of HDR, try $(OBJECTS:.o=.h) instead. Or, better yet, use gcc -MM or the like to generate your dependencies instead.

A pattern rule can't have auxilliary dependencies like ${HDR}.
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#

Ok, the given Makefile should work, I had a typo in one of the header file names.
It's a pitty, but make doesn't warn about that. It seems that when a pattern based rule is missing a prerequisite than it's just ignored. The built-in .o creation rule is used instead.
Jonathan Leffler's proposal of ${OBJECTS}: ${HDR} brought that up, because than there's an error regarding "no rule to make target misspelled.h" - I would have expected that from my rule too.
So I can just agree to fluffy, it's better to use auto-generated dependencies instead.


Attempt to link objects makes them recompile even if up-to-date

I have a recipe in my makefile that relies on several object files. I would like it to simply link the them, but they are always recompiling.
I've googled around and found information I did not know(marked with #) and changed it a bit, but the problem persisted.
I am led to believe make expects the name of the recipe be the name of the file, and I am failing to accomplish that. The problem is I do not what else to try and fix this. I would appreciate any help
CC = g++
#.PHONY: sfml-app
LIBS = -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
APPLICATION = sfml-app
INCLUDE_DIR = -I include/
SOURCE_DIR = source
SOURCES = $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.cpp)
OBJECTS = $(notdir $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(SOURCES)))
#bin/sfml-app: $(OBJECTS)
#sfml-app: $(OBJECTS)
%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c $< $(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$#
rm $(OUTPUT_DIR)/*
print-% : ; #echo $* = $($*)
This rule doesn't create the file it promises to:
%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c $< $(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$#
See that -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$#? That's instructing the compiler to create a file in $(OUTPUT_DIR) instead of in the working directory.
If you really want your object files to go in $(OUTPUT_DIR), you need to make sure that your rule indicates that:
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c $< $(INCLUDE_DIR) -o $#
Or better, to act like the standard %.o: %.c rule (which will include CFLAGS etc):
$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.cpp
I note your input files are named *.cpp - usually, that convention is for C++ files (i.e. to be compiled with $(, which will invoke $(CXX) rather than $(CC)). Check that you've not mixed up your C and C++ sources!

Rename .o files using Makefile and gcc

I have several lines in Makefile that are compiling and producing .o and .d files. I want two sets of .o .d to be produced, something like:
Already found how to change names of .d using "$(#:.o=_hello.d)" but have no success changing .o Perhaps i need to play with $# but have no idea how to do it.
Here is Make file code:
# Build header dependencies
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -M $< -MF "$(#:.o=.d)" -MT $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -M $< -MF "$(#:.o=_hello.d)" -MT $#
# Do the actual compilation
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -c -o $# $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -c -o $# $< - this line i want to change
I use arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe for ARMs and make.exe
Seems that using separate target is preffered solution than changing names. So, i did separate target for it. But it is never used. In other place of the Makefile there is next line of code that tells compiler what .o files to use:
I suppose that i need to change it to something like:
C_OBJECTS_hello = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/, $(C_SOURCE_FILENAMES:.c=*_hello.o) )
Please tell how to modify C_OBJECTS in order to make compiler use *_hello.o files
Update 2
This is how C_OBJECTS used, i suppose some kind of a filter in C_OBJECTS tells CC ( arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe ) to use certain .o files. And since *_hello.o files are not used in the filter they are also not produced in their target.
## Link C and assembler objects to an .out file
I know that this is written in make help and i am reading it, but still not able to find an answer
Update 3
Here is how i modified 'C_OBJECTS' , and seems this works:
C_OBJECTS_hello = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/, $(C_SOURCE_FILENAMES:.c=_hello.o) )
You indeed would use a replacement. The $# variable expands all the %.o matches. That's why you had a $(#:.o=.d) replacement; you needed a .d file for each %.o match.
In this case, you can indeed use a $(#:.o=_hello.o) replacement. Note that this is NOT a dependency of the %.c input; it is a secondary output.
The alternative is to add a second output $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.o $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%_hello.o: %.c. In this case, you wouldn't use $# but use $* which is the matched %. So your two dependency files would be $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/$*.d and $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/$*_hello.d
Your makefile rule produces more files than make is aware of. $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.o: %.c says it builds one .o from .c, whereas you would like it to build 4 files.
You need to make make aware what files its rules produces, so that it can build a complete dependency graph:
$(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.o $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.d: %.c # Compile and build dependencies.
$(CC) -c -o $# $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -MD -MP $<
$(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%_hello.o $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%_hello.d: %.c # Compile and build dependencies.
$(CC) -c -o $# $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -MD -MP $<
Note that these rules do not explicitly name the .d output file, letting the compiler determine it by replacing .o with .d.
Now that you have two rules instead of one make can parallelize their execution when -j flag is used.
Note that you should not need explicit rules for auto-generated dependencies for the reasons stated in

Why doesn't this make file work?

CFLAGS=-Wall -ggdb
OBJ=$(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,main.o vector.o obstacle.o \
person.o simulation.o map.o wall.o room.o )
all: CrowdSim
CrowdSim: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/ $(HDIR)/%.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
rm -rf Objects/*.o Source/*.o
When attempting to make, I receive the error: "No rule to make target 'Objects/main.o' needed by 'CrowdSim'. Note: this is my first attempt at a makefile, and I'm following the example here.
Additional information: All my .cc files are stored in Source, all my .h files are in Headers, and I want to put all my .o files in Objects.
A rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/ $(HDIR)/%.h
requires both the prerequisites to exist. If either one does not exist, then the rule doesn't match and make will ignore it and look for another rule. In this case there is no other rule, so make fails.
If you don't always have both a .cc and .h file for every .o file, then you cannot write your rule like this.
Instead, you'll have to write the pattern rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Then you'll have to declare the header files separately, like this:
$(OBJDIR)/vector.o: $(HDIR)/vector.h
etc. for any headers. You might consider implementing a method to automatically manage dependencies, such as this one.
By the way, CC and CFLAGS are for C compilers. You have C++ code here. By convention in makefiles you should use CXX and CXXFLAGS for C++ compilers.

GNU make Pattern Rule Fails with 'Main.cpp"

I've got a general-purpose makefile that I've successfully used for small (personal) projects before, as below:
#Makefile to compile a folder's contents into a program.
PROGNAME := MyProgram
CXX := g++ --std=c++11
INCLUDES := -Isrc -Ihdr
VPATH := src:hdr
CPP_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
OBJ_FILES := $(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj/%.o,$(CPP_FILES))
#Automatically generate dependencies (-MM), change the target to be the
# object file (-MT) and output it to the dependency file (-MF).
%.d: src/%.cpp
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -MM -MT '$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj/%.o,$<)' $< -MF $#
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp %.d hdr/%.h
echo $#
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -o $# -c $< $(ROOTFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
rm obj/*.o $(PROGNAME)
This is designed for the following directory structure:
I gave the makefile to a colleague and they found it didn't work - after some investigation, the cause of the problem seems to be that they had a source file called main.cpp in src/, which when running make would give the following error:
make: *** No rule to make target `obj/main.o', needed by `MyProgram'. Stop.
If I rename main.cpp to something else (e.g. test.cpp) then the makefile works as expected.
What is the cause of this behaviour? I've looked through the GNU Make Manual but did not find anything regarding special treatment of files called main.* (in fact, some of the examples use it).
While trying to fix the problem, I found that defining an explicit rule for main.o meant that it would be found - therefore, I presume it's an interaction with the main name and pattern-based rules, but I have not been able to find what that may be.
The trouble is that this rule:
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp %.d hdr/%.h
echo $#
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -o $# -c $< $(ROOTFLAGS)
requires a corresponding header file. I suspect that there is no hdr/main.h, and Make has no way to build one, so when it is searching for a way to build obj/main.o it considers this rule, rejects it, and finds no other.
I suggest you add another pattern rule (after this one) to handle source files without matching header files:
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp %.d
echo $#
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -o $# -c $< $(ROOTFLAGS)
(P.S. Your dependency handling is a little odd and appears to be vestigial -- you generate dependency files and never use them. We can help you with that, once you're building main.o correctly.)

VPATH not working with Makefile Rule

I have added another rule to a Makefile to attempt to build a C shared library that uses SWIG to wrap the functions for Java using JNI
The additional rule looks like this (basically lifted from one of the SWIG java examples)
java: $(program_C_SRCS)
javac *.java
problem I have is that my VPATH doesn't seem to work with the *.c files anymore
I noticed that this rule causes all the .c files to compiled as one call to gcc rather than a separate call to gcc for the compilation of each .o file
my previous rules for compilation without any JNI stuff look like this:
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(program_DEBUG_NAME) $(program_RELEASE_NAME)
# original rule to build library in src dir (no longer inc. in all)
$(program_NAME): $(program_C_OBJS)
$(LINK.c) -shared -Wl,-soname,$# $^ -o $#
# new rules to build debug/release libraries and place them in relevant build
# dirs
$(program_DEBUG_NAME): $(DEBUG_OBJS)
$(DEBUG_LINK.c) -shared -Wl,-soname,$# $^ -o $(BUILD_DIR)/debug/$#
$(RELEASE_LINK.c) -shared -Wl,-soname,$# $^ -o $(BUILD_DIR)/release/$#
# rule to build object files (replaces implicit rule)
$(BUILD_DIR)/debug/%.o: %.c
$(DEBUG_LINK.c) $< -c -o $#
$(BUILD_DIR)/release/%.o: %.c
$(RELEASE_LINK.c) $< -c -o $#
and these work with VPATH no problem
my VPATH statement looks like this:
VPATH = ../../pulse_IO/src ../../../g2/src
Look at your rule:
java: $(program_C_SRCS)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS) $(program_C_SRCS) ...
Suppose program_C_SRCS is foo.c, and the path is somewhere/foo.c. Without VPATH, this rule doesn't run at all because Make can't find foo.c. With VPATH, Make finds it, and knows that the real prereq is somewhere/foo.c. But you have $(program_C_SRCS) in your rule:
java: somewhere/foo.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS) foo.c ...
This fails because there is no foo.c (locally).
Try this:
java: $(program_C_SRCS)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS) $^ ...
(The use of automatic variables like $^ is the reason your previous rules worked.)
