Why doesn't this make file work? - makefile

CFLAGS=-Wall -ggdb
OBJ=$(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,main.o vector.o obstacle.o \
person.o simulation.o map.o wall.o room.o )
all: CrowdSim
CrowdSim: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cc $(HDIR)/%.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
rm -rf Objects/*.o Source/*.o
When attempting to make, I receive the error: "No rule to make target 'Objects/main.o' needed by 'CrowdSim'. Note: this is my first attempt at a makefile, and I'm following the example here.
Additional information: All my .cc files are stored in Source, all my .h files are in Headers, and I want to put all my .o files in Objects.

A rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cc $(HDIR)/%.h
requires both the prerequisites to exist. If either one does not exist, then the rule doesn't match and make will ignore it and look for another rule. In this case there is no other rule, so make fails.
If you don't always have both a .cc and .h file for every .o file, then you cannot write your rule like this.
Instead, you'll have to write the pattern rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cc
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Then you'll have to declare the header files separately, like this:
$(OBJDIR)/vector.o: $(HDIR)/vector.h
etc. for any headers. You might consider implementing a method to automatically manage dependencies, such as this one.
By the way, CC and CFLAGS are for C compilers. You have C++ code here. By convention in makefiles you should use CXX and CXXFLAGS for C++ compilers.


Makefile - recompile

My makefile always recompiles everything in directory if one header is changed. It's not a problem now but since I'm adding more to my program this is becoming and issue. I don't want to wait for a whole recompile if I add a new variable to a header of a separate class object.
Here is my makefile:
CXX = g++
CPPFLAGS = -I -lm -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-audio -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
OBJ = CR_Main.o CarRental.o CR_Button.o CR_LoginMenu.o CR_TextBox.o CR_UserCreation.o CR_CheckBox.o
DEPS = CarRental.hpp CR_Button.hpp CR_LoginMenu.hpp CR_TextBox.hpp CR_UserCreation.hpp CR_CheckBox.hpp
%.o: %.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -c -o $# $< $(CPPFLAGS)
CRC.exe: $(OBJ)
$(CXX) -o $# $^ $(CPPFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
del *.o *.exe
Thanks in advance!
I was wondering why is it compiling everything in my directory if only 1 out 6 .hpp files are modified on one line? Is something wrong with my makefile or is that how it is?
why is it compiling everything in my directory if only 1 out 6 .hpp files are modified on one line? Is something wrong with my makefile or is that how it is?
"Wrong" might be too strong a word, but yes, the behavior you describe is a consequence of how your makefile is written.
This rule ...
%.o: %.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CXX) -c -o $# $< $(CPPFLAGS)
... says, roughly, that you can build .o files from corresponding .cpp files plus all the files named in variable DEPS. This implies that if that's the rule make selects for building a given .o file, and any of those prerequisites is newer than the target, then the target is out of date and needs to be rebuilt. You have named all your headers in DEPS and you have not provided any other rules for building .o files, so yes, if any of your headers changes, all of the .o files will be rebuilt.
The most simple-minded alternative would be to write a separate rule for each .o, naming the prerequisites of that file only. That is, the corresponding .cpp file and whichever headers it #includes, directly or indirectly.
But you can save yourself a little typing by instead removing the $(DEPS) part from your existing rule, and adding an additional rule for each .o that does not have a recipe but names all the header prerequisites for that file.
Or if, as it appears, you have consistent relationships between source file names and header names, you might do something like this:
CXX = g++
LIBS = -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-audio -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -lm
MAIN_OBJ = CR_Main.o
MODULE_OBJS = CarRental.o CR_Button.o CR_LoginMenu.o CR_TextBox.o CR_UserCreation.o CR_CheckBox.o
$(MAIN_OBJ): CR_Main.cpp $(MODULE_OBJS:.o=.h)
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
%.o: %.cpp %.h
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
$(CXX) -o $# $^ $(LIBS)
# Extra dependencies (guesses for the sake of example):
CarRental.o CR_LoginMenu.o CR_UserCreation.o: CR_TextBox.h CR_CheckBox.h
# No recipe here
.PHONY: clean
Ultimately, though, what you would really like to do is generate all the header dependencies automatically. That makes the project much easier to maintain once you get it initially set up. You can find lots of information about that on the web, some of it in the GNU make manual.

Makefile Skipping a rule even though the filetype exists

I have a makefile with these rules.
all: $(TARGET)
OBJECTS = file.o
%.o: %.c
$(COMPILER) -c $(FLAGS) &< -o C_$(basename $#).o
%.o: %.s
$(COMPILER) -c $(FLAGS) &< -o S_$(basename $#).o
... The Linker is then called with *.o to link all the object files
I have the same filename file.c and file.s in a src directory. But make is only running the first rule for the object file. Why does it only compile once? And how can I get make to compile both file.c and file.s if they exist in my src folder?
I don't want to have to create a different object file name for a different extension. That would be silly.
Is there a way for me to compile the filename with the both .s and .c extension?
I feel like make can easily do this and I am missing something.
Thank you for the help. If I'm not clear please tell me and I will try to explain it more in depth.
You misunderstand how Make works.
There may be many ways to build a target; Make will use one of them, not all. Anyway, your makefile violates one of Mad Scientist's rules, in that your pattern rules do not build what they claim to build:
%.o: %.c
$(COMPILER) -c $(FLAGS) &< -o C_$(basename $#).o
%.o: %.s
$(COMPILER) -c $(FLAGS) &< -o S_$(basename $#).o
The first doesn't build foo.o, it builds C_foo.o; the second doesn't build foo.o, it builds S_foo.o. I don't know how your linking rule works, but if it depends on foo.o, you're in for trouble.
Try this:
C_%.o: %.c
$(COMPILER) -c $(FLAGS) &< -o $#
S_%.o: %.s
$(COMPILER) -c $(FLAGS) &< -o $#
Then give your linking rule whatever prerequisites you think it should have. If you want it to use both C_foo.o and S_foo.o (which doesn't sound like a good idea), then put both of them in the prerequisite list.

Rename .o files using Makefile and gcc

I have several lines in Makefile that are compiling and producing .o and .d files. I want two sets of .o .d to be produced, something like:
Already found how to change names of .d using "$(#:.o=_hello.d)" but have no success changing .o Perhaps i need to play with $# but have no idea how to do it.
Here is Make file code:
# Build header dependencies
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -M $< -MF "$(#:.o=.d)" -MT $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -M $< -MF "$(#:.o=_hello.d)" -MT $#
# Do the actual compilation
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -c -o $# $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -c -o $# $< - this line i want to change
I use arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe for ARMs and make.exe
Seems that using separate target is preffered solution than changing names. So, i did separate target for it. But it is never used. In other place of the Makefile there is next line of code that tells compiler what .o files to use:
I suppose that i need to change it to something like:
C_OBJECTS_hello = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/, $(C_SOURCE_FILENAMES:.c=*_hello.o) )
Please tell how to modify C_OBJECTS in order to make compiler use *_hello.o files
Update 2
This is how C_OBJECTS used, i suppose some kind of a filter in C_OBJECTS tells CC ( arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe ) to use certain .o files. And since *_hello.o files are not used in the filter they are also not produced in their target.
## Link C and assembler objects to an .out file
I know that this is written in make help and i am reading it, but still not able to find an answer
Update 3
Here is how i modified 'C_OBJECTS' , and seems this works:
C_OBJECTS_hello = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/, $(C_SOURCE_FILENAMES:.c=_hello.o) )
You indeed would use a replacement. The $# variable expands all the %.o matches. That's why you had a $(#:.o=.d) replacement; you needed a .d file for each %.o match.
In this case, you can indeed use a $(#:.o=_hello.o) replacement. Note that this is NOT a dependency of the %.c input; it is a secondary output.
The alternative is to add a second output $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.o $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%_hello.o: %.c. In this case, you wouldn't use $# but use $* which is the matched %. So your two dependency files would be $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/$*.d and $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/$*_hello.d
Your makefile rule produces more files than make is aware of. $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.o: %.c says it builds one .o from .c, whereas you would like it to build 4 files.
You need to make make aware what files its rules produces, so that it can build a complete dependency graph:
$(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.o $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%.d: %.c # Compile and build dependencies.
$(CC) -c -o $# $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -MD -MP $<
$(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%_hello.o $(OBJECT_DIRECTORY)/%_hello.d: %.c # Compile and build dependencies.
$(CC) -c -o $# $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -MD -MP $<
Note that these rules do not explicitly name the .d output file, letting the compiler determine it by replacing .o with .d.
Now that you have two rules instead of one make can parallelize their execution when -j flag is used.
Note that you should not need explicit rules for auto-generated dependencies for the reasons stated in https://stackoverflow.com/a/7358961/412080.

Makefile decoupled dependencies

With the following makefile snippet:
main: main.o f1.o f2.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o program main.o f1.o f2.o
main.o: main.cc
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.cc
f1.o: f1.cc
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c f1.cc
f2.o: f2.cc
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c f2.cc
If I just change one file, only that file get recompiled when I rerun make, as desired. However, I'm having a hard time generalizing this without having to list each file individually. When I try something like:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $(patsubst %.o,%.cc,$#)
It builds each object file individually, but each object file depends on ALL my sources, so a change in any one file causing a full recompile. What's a good way to accomplish this?
you do have to list each .o file's dependencies individually.
For example, each .o is likely to depend on a different bunch of headers.
Taking your f1.o, you need something like:
f1.o: include/i.h
f1.o: another.h dir/and-another.h
f1.o: f1.cc
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c f1.cc
(you can have as many dependency lines for a target as you like).
Maintaining that list is a nightmare.
Broken dependency lists render your Makefile worse than useless—you might as well use a batch file.
All is not lost!
If you are tidy,
you can get the compiler to do it automatically,
and pretty much for free.
Makes your Makefile tidier to boot.
Win Win.
As Ismail Badawi commented, pattern rules provide a nice solution. They are a type of implicit rule for make. Basically, implicit rules are automatic recipes based off the file extension. For example, make knows how to convert .c files into .o files implicitly. By default make will run the following recipe for .c files (see the rule catalogue):
You can modify the process either by setting the variables CC, CPPFLAGS, and CFLAGS, or by defining a pattern rule:
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
The "$<" above matches the name of the first prerequisite, which will be the .c file in this example. See Beta's comment and automatic variables.

How to write a simpler makefile for a lot of single-c-file programmes?

I want to write a lot of tiny example programmes for one same library, each needs gcc $(OtherOpt) -o xxx -lthelibname xxx.c.
How to write a Makefile without dozens of tagret lines ?
Pattern rules are your friend for these situations. As long as your targets all match a predictable pattern -- and they do in this case, as they are all of the form "create foo from foo.c" -- you can write a single pattern rule that will be used for all of the targets:
OtherOpt=-Wall -g
all: $(patsubst %.c,%,$(wildcard *.c))
%: %.c
gcc $(OtherOpt) -o $# -lthelibname $<
Now you can either run simply make to build all your apps, or make appname to build a specific app. Here I've created a single pattern rule that will be used anytime you want to create something from something.c. I used the $# automatic variable, which will expand to the name of the output, and the $< variable, which will expand to the name of the first prerequisite, so that the command-line is correct regardless of the specific app being built. Technically you don't need the all line, but I figured you probably didn't want to always have to type in the name(s) of the apps you want to build.
Also, technically you can probably get away without having any of this makefile, because GNU make already has a built-in pattern rule for the %: %.c relationship! I mention this option only for completeness; personally, I prefer doing things the way I've shown here because it's a little bit more explicit what's going on.
%.o: %.c
gcc $(OtherOpt) -c -o $# -lthelibname $<
That compiles all .c files to their .o files (object code) of the same base name. Then in your actual target(s), you would include all necessary .o files as dependencies and use gcc $(OtherOpt) -o $# $^ -lthelibname, assuming I'm not misunderstanding how your build is set up.
Some versions of make also support the suffix rule .c.o to be ALMOST the same thing as %.o: %.c, but the suffix rules can't have any dependencies. Writing .c.o: foo.h tells make to compile "foo.h" to "foo.c.o" rather than requiring "foo.h" as a dependency of any file with a .c suffix as %.o: %.c foo.h would correctly do.
I learnd from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gcmakefile/
LDLIB = -lpthread
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,--hash-style=both $(LDLIB)
SRCEXTS = .c .C .cc .cpp .CPP .c++ .cxx .cp
CFLAGS = -pipe -march=core2 -mtune=generic -Wfloat-equal \
#-Wall -pedantic
ifeq ($(SRCDIRS),)
SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))
TARGET = $(addprefix bin/,$(basename $(SOURCES)))
all: $(TARGET)
ls -l $(TARGET)
bin/%: %.c dir
gcc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $<
#-mkdir bin
.PHONY : clean
-rm $(TARGET)
-rmdir bin
