how to check up/down status of oracle reports server? - oracle

To check the status of database servers, I use tnsping utility.
Is there any similar utility for checking reports server?

Without access to the ReportServer admin console, that can be tough. But a call to /reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server= might do the trick for you. If you get a response, it confirms the server is up and running, and it'll show you any jobs that are running.
I've also implemented a procedure in the past that periodically runs a minimal report using utl_http and looks for a reasonable response. Then emails if it timesout or gets an HTTP error or report server error.

I would agree with Jim Hudson, the Oracle Application Server Control is the easiest method to monitor your Oracle Report server(s).
However you can gain some information about the status from running the following command:


Internal Server Error- http://localhost:1080/webTours/home.html

Application: http://localhost:1080/webTours/home.html [I intend to use it for Jmeter testing]
Below error is displayed when I am trying to click on "sign up now" link. Kindly help to fix it. Pls note, I have strawberry-perl- also installed and path is set to the environment.
Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, admin#localhost and inform
them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done
that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error
Probably, you need to do the correlation for the dynamic parameters like sessionID etc.
Record two scripts using tools like fiddler or LR or any other sniffing tool and compare two scripts to find out dynamic variables required. Then correlate them. For correlation, identify the first occurrence of the variable in the response then extract them using post processor and pass them further below/to all the request that requires it.
Hope this helps.
It appears that your Web Tours Sample Application installation is broken, looking into MICRO FOCUS SUPPORTED stanza in the application details you should contact Micro Focus Support or ask the question in Micro Focus Community Forums.
In the meantime you can use page and Getting Started with JMeter - A Basic Tutorial as the alternative test application for your JMeter training
If you are not getting internal server error while sign up (or) accessing administration link then follow the below,
a. close the server from the cmd
b. In the Web Tours 1.0 parent folder, find the file .msi file: strawberry-perl-
c. Double click on strawberry-perl- msi file to install
d. Once it is installed, Now re-start the server (Double click on StartServer.bat file) under WebTours sub-folder
e. Now, Go to link http://localhost:1080/webtours/home.html
f. Click on Sign up (or) administration link
g. Hope you are able to access the Web Tours app in local server now. Thanks! :-)

nca_connect_server: cannot communicate with host in LoadRunner 12.53

I'm currently testing HP LoadRunner 12.53 with Oracle EBS R12.2.5.
I created a simple script using both Oracle Apps, and Oracle NCA + Http protocol (Log in, bring up a form and close/log out) and replayed but run into below error. (same error for both scripts)
nca_connect_server: cannot communicate with host
icx_ticket is correlated and works OK as it is picked and replaced in the parameter.
No need to correlate JSessionIDForms as EBS is running on socket mode.
It is s just simple script with single correlation but can't find any clue for the error.
What could be the root cause of the error?
Where should I look at for a clue? How to make the error / log more verbose and detailed
Thanks in advance
Record it twice. If the value shifts, then correlate it.
Please ensure that you have properly set up the environment before recording, Below steps need to be taken for setting up the environment
1.Set "record = names" flag for specific user profile in Oracle EBS Application** via administrator login (search google how to achieve this or simply ask your application team to do it for you)
2.Run Time Settings and Default.cfg file changes
Run Time Settings
Keep the below values to high limit to avoid replay timeout errors
Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol >Preferences > Options>
Step Download Limit
HTTP-request connect timeout:
HTTP-receive receive timeout:
Keep-Alive timeout:
Run-Time Settings >Browser>Browser Emulation>
1) Simulate a new user on each iteration – checked
3. default.cfg file inside script directory
"RelativeURL={NCAJServSessionId}" statement in the default.cfg file rolls back each time we run the script so we need to check that it is
/forms/lservlet;JsessionIDForms={NCAJServSessionId} -- R12 Version or
/forms/formservlet?JServSessionIdforms={NCAJServSessionId} -- EBS 11
i Version
4. Correlation - Last but not the least
Ensure correct correlation of each and every parameter, The best way to achieve this is by recording the script 2 times and comparing them using a suitable tool, Correlate each value which might be changing each time you replay the script
Note :- The Oracle EBS is not fully supported by Loadrunner please download the loadrunner compatability matrix and check if your version is supported by Loadrunner.

Sonarqube API server/index doesnt show correct status

I'm trying to use the Sonarqube API to check the status of the running instance for healthcheck purposes. The API call I'm using for that is /api/server/index. This shows the version and the status.
However, when I stop the database that the instance is connected to, the server still shows status UP. I feel like it should show DOWN instead.
Has anybody else had experiences with this?
Thanks for reporting this issue, I've created a JIRA ticket to fix it :

DB2 Full Text Search IQQD0040E Error

I have a production database running DB2 at 10.1.2 workgroup (OpenSuse 12.2) and I have Full Text Search running pretty well there. Now I'm trying to build a test enviroment, but when I turn over de production backup into test machine with 10.1.2 express-c the FTS is presenting this error:
<message>IQQD0040E The client specified the wrong authentication token.$
The redbook says to me that this error cause is: "Usually this error occurs when there are 2 or more text search instances configured with the same port number and one instance is already running".
I've already searched other instances but I've only found one. So "usually" does not apply to my situation.
Anyone know what else I can do to fix that?
Best regards,
I've found out a solution. When the backup is transported to a new instance of DB2, de FTS application engage it communication with a token. After restored, we just need to go to the bin directory of FTS, commonly at /home/db2inst1/db2tss/bin and run this command:
configTool generateToken -seed <username> -configPath ~/sqllib/db2tss/config
Hope this help anyone who's passing by this trouble.

VS2010 Load Test Failing - Cannot Open Database - NOT The Load Test Results database

Hi I have been battling with this issue all day. I have a vs2010 load test which consists of three scenarios which are composed of three different web performance tests.
Each of the web performance tests select urls from a database which is configured correctly and runs locally. However when the load test is run remotely it fails with the error:
Could not run load test 'Load Test' on agent 'AGENTSERVER'. Could not open the database 'URLSDB' requested by the login. login failed for useraccount
In an attempt to get this working the agents and controller are set to run under a domain admin account, I can login to the database through Management Studio. I've checked the connection string and can run the test locally but not remotely. Does anyone have any ideas? My next step is to set the connection string to the UrlsDB to use SQL Authentication
Finally managed to resolve it at 01:20AM. When checking the datasources of three individual tests which made up the mixes in the scenario, I found that the UI was showing that once one had been updated all three updated the connection string so that is why I was baffled as to why I was getting these errors, plus the error doesn't indicate which connection was having the issue.
So to eliminate the tests as being the issue I removed the datasource from each test and created individually named brand new datasources all till effectively pointing to the same sql server and the same database. Then I ran the tests and all performed correctly, finally!!
So the core issue was the connection strings in the underlying tests were incorrect. Will be testing the UI further to check if I was just my own error or there may actually be a bug in the UI, if I find a bug I'll report it.
Thanks to those who took the time to try to help me solve it, gutted that the issue was so minor when it had me baffled for nearly 20 hours :/
The domain admin account you are running the test from cannot connect to the database server from the agent machine.
Log into the agent and debug the database connection from there.
Please be aware that a thread blocking call inside a web test, such as this may cause issues with your load test. I recommend that you load all test url's during the test instanciation if at all possible.
Essentially minimise the database calls to as few as possible.
