Internal Server Error- http://localhost:1080/webTours/home.html - jmeter

Application: http://localhost:1080/webTours/home.html [I intend to use it for Jmeter testing]
Below error is displayed when I am trying to click on "sign up now" link. Kindly help to fix it. Pls note, I have strawberry-perl- also installed and path is set to the environment.
Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, admin#localhost and inform
them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done
that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error

Probably, you need to do the correlation for the dynamic parameters like sessionID etc.
Record two scripts using tools like fiddler or LR or any other sniffing tool and compare two scripts to find out dynamic variables required. Then correlate them. For correlation, identify the first occurrence of the variable in the response then extract them using post processor and pass them further below/to all the request that requires it.
Hope this helps.

It appears that your Web Tours Sample Application installation is broken, looking into MICRO FOCUS SUPPORTED stanza in the application details you should contact Micro Focus Support or ask the question in Micro Focus Community Forums.
In the meantime you can use page and Getting Started with JMeter - A Basic Tutorial as the alternative test application for your JMeter training

If you are not getting internal server error while sign up (or) accessing administration link then follow the below,
a. close the server from the cmd
b. In the Web Tours 1.0 parent folder, find the file .msi file: strawberry-perl-
c. Double click on strawberry-perl- msi file to install
d. Once it is installed, Now re-start the server (Double click on StartServer.bat file) under WebTours sub-folder
e. Now, Go to link http://localhost:1080/webtours/home.html
f. Click on Sign up (or) administration link
g. Hope you are able to access the Web Tours app in local server now. Thanks! :-)


I can't open my knowledge base - Bad Argument

I try to open my knowledge base and for an hour, I receive a message that indicate this :
I checked my azure search service and restart the webapp , that's ok, it's running fine.
I have supposed that was because I reached the limit of my plan. I upgraded my plan from a free one (f1) to one with better limits (b1). That do nothing.
Could you help me understand or to find where i'm wrong ?
I finally found out what was my error. It was because i have published by mistake, the bot's files in the same directory than the qnamaker's knowledge base...
I could see this with the Cloud Explorer or the tab App Service explorer in Azure portal.

Unable to Create Common Data Service DB in Default Environment Power Apps

I am unable to create a new Common Data Service Database in my Power Apps default environment. Please see the error text below.
It looks like you don't have permission to use the Common Data Service
in this environment. Switch to a different environment, or create your
Which as I understand I should be able to create after the Microsoft Business Application October 2018 update as listed in the article available at following link.
Also when I try to create a Common Data Service app in my default environment, I encounter following error.
The data did not load correctly. Please try again.
The environment 'Default-57e1485d-1197-4afd-b792-5c423ab508d9' is not
linked to a new CDS 2.0 instance. The operation 'ListInstanceMetadata'
is forbidden for unlinked environments
Moreover I am unable to see the default environment on, I can only see the Sandbox environment there.
Any ideas what I am missing here?
Thank you.
Someone else faced a similar issue and I read in one of the threads about deleting the browser cache and trying it again or trying it in a different browser resolved the issue. Could you try these first level steps and check if you still have these issues?
Also, for your permission error ref:
I have not validated these findings. But as these answers are from MS and PowerApps team, hope it helps!

How to list all Websphere installed applications for a given Middleware server using jython

I have a Websphere installation with multiple applications running on it. For a given Middleware Server, I'd like to be able to list all applications associated with it using Jython.
I have gone as far as writing this code:
wsadmin>print AdminApp.list("WebSphere:cell=myCell,node=myNode")
However this is retrieving applications for a different Dynamic Cluster
If I add a specific server, it errors out
wsadmin>print AdminApp.list("WebSphere:cell=myCell,server=myServer")
ADMA0184E: myServer is not a valid target.
Your query should look like:
It appears you're missing the node identifier in your query. And if wsadmin still returns "myServer is not a valid target", then the server name is wrong, try looking at your app server profile directory structure to double check it.

H2O Steam deploy can't connect to Prediction Service Builder

I am trying to use h2o steam (running on localhost) to deploy a model. After importing the model from h2o flow, clicking the "deploy model" option in the "models" section of the project, filling out the resulting dialog box, and clicking the "deploy" button, the following messages are displayed:
At first I thought that it was because maybe I needed to start up the service builder on my own, so I started it up following the docs here, but still got the same error. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Just make sure jetty HTTP server is running locally by executing the following in your shell:
java -jar var/master/assets/jetty-runner.jar var/master/assets/ROOT.war
Looking here, it seems like I would need to "override" some kind of default browser restriction for accessing localhost:8080 (which is what I assume steam is trying to do to launch the service builder (I don't know much about networking related stuff)). I got around this by launching steam with the command:
$ ./steam serve master --prediction-service-host=localhost --prediction-service-port-range=12345:22345
where the ports are some arbitrary range between (1025, 65535) which I got by word-searching the a page of the steam source code (line 182 as of the date of this posting).
Doing this lets me deploy the models through the steam dialog without any error messages. Again, I don't know much about networking related stuff, so if anyone has a better way to solve this problem (ie. allow access of localhost:8080) please post or comment. Thanks.

Problems with Database Deployment using VS2010 (Package/Publish SQL tab)

I am using the deployment tools in Visual Studio 2010.
I right clicked my project and selected Package/Publish settings. Put all my settings in there ...
I am then using "web deploy" to tranfer the files to my remote server running a remote agent service and this is working fine. The transforms i have on my Web.Release.config do their thing and the server can access the database I created manually.
My next step was to get the Database Deployment working too.
I went into the Package / Publish SQL tab and entered my Connection string for the destination database.
(Data Source=MyDBServer;Initial Catalog=Database2;User ID=User;Password=pass)
This database is empty ready to accept the import.
I also enter in the connection string for the source database. This lives on the same server.
(Data Source=MyDBServer;Initial Catalog=Database;User ID=User;Password=pass)
Database Scripting options are set to Schema and Data (changing this makes no difference) and the database scripts are set to [Auto Generated Schema and Data]
When i deploy this now, i get the error:
Error 4 Web deployment task
failed.((09/06/2010 16:41:51) An error
occurred when the request was
processed on the remote computer.)
(09/06/2010 16:41:51) An error
occurred when the request was
processed on the remote computer. The
entry type 'Unknown' was not expected
at this time. The serialization stream
may be corrupted.
Additional Info:
I can successfully create a package with no problems. I looked at the contents in the zip and can see the SQL is generated fine (so no problems connecting to the database). I can then copy this SQL and run it as a new query on the new database and the tables and data are created fine.
I can not seem to work out where this is going wrong, i googled the error and there are no entries on the whole internet. Anyone have any ideas?
To get some further idea of what might be going on, i sent the package across to the server and imported it using IIS. It told me i needed SQL Server Management Objects. So I installed that.
Next attempt it told me my user did not have permission to create the database, I thought excellent this must be the problem. :Granted access - Re-run. Passed!
So i deleted all the tables and went back to VS2010 clicked publish and i get the same error. :(
Sorted it!
Thank goodness, i was totally out of ideas when i went back to a video by hanselman. He mentioned that the Web Deployment Agent can have permissions. I went in had a look and there was a tab in it's properties called log on.
I entered the detials of an account with a decent level of access and clicked okay.
I then restarted the service as requested to enable the changes.
I then went back to VS 2010 and clicked Publish Web.
Music to my eyes, i see the words "Publish succeeded", I check the database and the tables are there. Excellent!
I think i scared the office by getting a little over excited, if you get this problem and this solution fixes it for you, try to hold in the temptation to shout out "YES!, yes, get in!" while laughing maniacally or people will think you're weird like me.
