Sonarqube API server/index doesnt show correct status - sonarqube

I'm trying to use the Sonarqube API to check the status of the running instance for healthcheck purposes. The API call I'm using for that is /api/server/index. This shows the version and the status.
However, when I stop the database that the instance is connected to, the server still shows status UP. I feel like it should show DOWN instead.
Has anybody else had experiences with this?

Thanks for reporting this issue, I've created a JIRA ticket to fix it :


Oracle APEX 5.1.2: Feedback Region

I have a client who use the built in feedback system to get his notes, but suddenly when I tries to go to the feedback I got the error as described in the image below.
I tried to delete cookies in the system and nothing happens, is there any solutions.

Clickhouse server failed to restart because of LowCardinality setting

I tried to play with LowCardinality setting, I got a message saying that this is an experimental feature and I have to SET allow_experimental_low_cardinality_type = 1 in order to use it.
I executed this command inside clickhouse-client and then I restarted the server. But I got
clickhouse-server.service: Unit entered failed state
Now I am trying to find out how to disable this setting and make my clickhouse-server start again.
Can you help with this please ?
PS: The version I use is the 18.12.17 and I installed it on Linux Ubuntu 16.04
ClickHouse has different layers for settings. If you used SET <setting> = <value> then you set it for current session. You don't need to restart ClickHouse. Please, take a look here.
I suppose you faced with another problem during starting your server. There a bunch of reasons why. So, firstly try to recollect what were done in configs since last restart (because you have just applied changes by restarting server).
Digging into logs also an awesome idea. Don't hesitate to check other similar issues on, for example like this one

H2O Steam deploy can't connect to Prediction Service Builder

I am trying to use h2o steam (running on localhost) to deploy a model. After importing the model from h2o flow, clicking the "deploy model" option in the "models" section of the project, filling out the resulting dialog box, and clicking the "deploy" button, the following messages are displayed:
At first I thought that it was because maybe I needed to start up the service builder on my own, so I started it up following the docs here, but still got the same error. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Just make sure jetty HTTP server is running locally by executing the following in your shell:
java -jar var/master/assets/jetty-runner.jar var/master/assets/ROOT.war
Looking here, it seems like I would need to "override" some kind of default browser restriction for accessing localhost:8080 (which is what I assume steam is trying to do to launch the service builder (I don't know much about networking related stuff)). I got around this by launching steam with the command:
$ ./steam serve master --prediction-service-host=localhost --prediction-service-port-range=12345:22345
where the ports are some arbitrary range between (1025, 65535) which I got by word-searching the a page of the steam source code (line 182 as of the date of this posting).
Doing this lets me deploy the models through the steam dialog without any error messages. Again, I don't know much about networking related stuff, so if anyone has a better way to solve this problem (ie. allow access of localhost:8080) please post or comment. Thanks.

Parse migration tool stuck after canceling

So I have started the migration process from parse db to a mongolab db. The migration needed to be canceled at the verify stage. After pressing cancel, the migration tool is now stuck on the verify phase with no way to restart.
Has anyone else ran into this issue or have any ideas on how to restart the migration tool? Thanks ahead of time.
What I have attempted:
Removing and creating a new MongoLab DB
Multiple browsers
Parse Migration Tool Image
This issue seems to have been fixed on the parse side. But if it still happens, you have contact parse directly using the job id.
We discussed this here and basically in order to deal with migration
issues, we need you to individually report a bug through This allows each of you to get individual support,
from a team who can escalate issues, and for us to be able to ask up
front for specific information which will help us handle your issue.
We're exposing the 'job id' for the migration in the UI, and that is
something you should provide if you're having a problem.
Going to close this issue. For problems involving migration, or any
issues not specific to parse-server, please visit and find the bug icon / "Something wrong?"
section to start the bug reporting flow.

how to check up/down status of oracle reports server?

To check the status of database servers, I use tnsping utility.
Is there any similar utility for checking reports server?
Without access to the ReportServer admin console, that can be tough. But a call to /reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server= might do the trick for you. If you get a response, it confirms the server is up and running, and it'll show you any jobs that are running.
I've also implemented a procedure in the past that periodically runs a minimal report using utl_http and looks for a reasonable response. Then emails if it timesout or gets an HTTP error or report server error.
I would agree with Jim Hudson, the Oracle Application Server Control is the easiest method to monitor your Oracle Report server(s).
However you can gain some information about the status from running the following command:
