Ajax centric Open source - ajax

Do we have some thing like an wrapper for ajax. If so can some name the best one.

Your question doesn't really make sense, but I think what you're looking for is a javascript framework. Popular choices are jquery or sencha


jQuery BBQ, Address or any other hashchange plugin - Recommendation

I am looking for a plugin or function that gives you SEO friendly way of dynamically loading pages, bookmarking via Ajax. I know this has been asked a lot.
The things that irriate me: I used to go with jquery.address plugin for it, but to be honest this plugin always seems quite complex to handle. I also looked at other plugins, e.g. jQuery BBQ. I know it's recommended quite a lot. But: the plugin hasn't been updated for 2 years now (link). Now I am wondering if there is anything that I am missing or even if it's included in jQuery 1.9. Nevertheless I checked jQuery documentation and I couldn't seem to find anything.
Since I am using ajax quite a lot lately and I would love to know what other people use and I am glad for any recommendations.
Many thanks and best,

Web UI Element Libraries?

I am looking for a collection of nice, modern and clean web UI element package. I have so PSD's, but the process to convert is too much. Are there any ready made JS/CSS UI element libraries, such as jQuery-UI (I don't like jQuery UI's themes, I don't think their elements are good looking enough). Any other jQuery-UI-like web UI element library?
Try enter link description here. It has many libraries listed and categorized in neat place. Maybe you get some libraries that could help you there..

Can anyone suggest nice Jquery Decision maker plug-in or demo

Can anyone suggest nice Jquery Decision maker plug-in or demo, I have the one below, but its not that good http://listui.com/?p=84
My Google-fu brings up jQuery Option Tree and another SO question which leads to the more common name of "cascading dropdowns" or "cascading selects", for which there are a few plugins in the jQuery plugin directory and I'm sure more via Google

javascript library with easy and comprehensive ajax widget set

I am looking for a javascript library that provides a comprehensive set of widgets that covers most HTML elements and also has a good grid table. The out of the box look and feel must be good. Ajax will be nice as well or else must have ability to attach event handlers.
Any ideas?
Dont say jQuery please.
Anyway jquery is suited for normal needs , i won't personally recommend you any other thing but for the question part you can either go for Mootools OR YUI
Go for a look over here
Is there a reason why not jQuery? It's arguably the best one out there...but anyways, some alternatives are Prototype, MooTools and Dojo...but if you're shying away from jQuery because it's "hard" or some other similar reason, you're not going to have much more luck with any other library out there...all pretty much the same thing...

Is ajax4jsf dead? What other AJAX libraries for JSF are there?

I am currently using the JBoss RichFaces JSF component library for the project I am working on. It works quite well in general, especially the AJAX support provided by ajax4jsf (A4J), but I find the usually very inflexible table-markup used for almost every component and all this "skin" stuff of RichFaces quite annoying. It would be nice if there were some components which just provided the functionality and only minimal markup/style. Originally I had planned to use ICEfaces, but that didn't work too well either and also brings a lot of predefined styles with it, so for now RichFaces seems to be the best option.
Now I thought it would be nice to develop a clean tag library which provides some useful components found in RichFaces, ICEfaces or Tomahawk (not all of course!), which don't use any predefined style and generate markup which can be styled easily with CSS.
I wanted to use the ajax4jsf library for AJAX support, because I think it works quite nicely, and integrates seamlessly into standard JSF with facelets. But it seems that since it has moved over to JBoss, it isn't available as a standalone library anymore. You can only download the whole RichFaces package, which I don't want.
Is the ajax4jsf (A4J) project dead? If it is, what alternatives are there?
You can find many alternatives here:
JSF AJAX Component Library Feature Matrix
If you read the ajax4jsf forum you'll see that it's been merged with Richfaces.
You don't have to use the Richfaces components on your page, so do you have an issue with having the JARs in your project?
I agree that many JSF components (not just Richfaces) are based on tables (eg. h:selectManyCheckbox). Don't forget that it's easy to write a new renderer for many of these. I've done this for the h:selectManyCheckbox so that the checkboxes are rendered inside divs instead of a table. I would think that you should be able to do the same for Richfaces components...but if that's the case, then why use them?
You may find it easier/nicer using jQuery UI elements and tie them back to your Beans with a4j:jsFunction (or similar).
Just a comment. I started using icefaces. I'm a web designer also and im very particular on look and feel of the icefaces components in relation to my web application. I was highly frustrated at the time it took me to override the look and feel of icefaces components using css. The components had a lot of nested table markup that annoyed me.
When i moved to richfaces. I discovered it was alot easier to override the look n feel because richfaces have an integrated system of overriding the look n feel in css. The css given to the components had similar and sensible class names that made it easier to predict and override.
If you are feeling adventurous, take a look at JSF 2. It features a shift in view technologies from JSP to Facelets and built in AJAX support. David Geary has been running a series of JSF 2 fu articles on developerWorks (though you'll have to wait for part 3 for the AJAX stuff). Ed Burns and Jim Driscoll have been demoing various features during the development of the new API, so you might want to check out their blogs too.
