Web UI Element Libraries? - user-interface

I am looking for a collection of nice, modern and clean web UI element package. I have so PSD's, but the process to convert is too much. Are there any ready made JS/CSS UI element libraries, such as jQuery-UI (I don't like jQuery UI's themes, I don't think their elements are good looking enough). Any other jQuery-UI-like web UI element library?

Try enter link description here. It has many libraries listed and categorized in neat place. Maybe you get some libraries that could help you there..


Is there a way to replicate the Wix Repeater element in swift / xcode?

I have created a webapp using Wix, which relies heavily on the repeater element to display content from a database inside a repeating element. Repeaters do pretty much exactly what I want, but I realize they are built on a pretty sophisticated API, and there's a lot of stuff making this happen in the background.
Ultimately for this project, a native iOS app is the end goal. However, I have no experience in xcode - but willing to learn. Before I get in too deep, is there any kind of functionality I could find to achieve something like this?
Thanks in advance
You can't convert Wix Repeater element to Xcode. But, you can make deep customization to your Wix elements by using Wix Corvid.
If you not familiar with it, it's is a developing platform integrated into the Wix ecosystem that allows users to build advanced sites. Among other things, it’s able to create and manage databases, build dynamic pages, host user-generated content and more.

Is there any way to convert html template to liferay theme?

Is there any way to convert html template to Liferay 6.2 theme ? Is Alloy UI help me about this ?
There is no "one-click" tool to convert an html template to a liferay theme. You have to implement the theme yourself and use the "diff" folder to configure your own custom templates (.vm), scripts (.js) and styles (.css). Check out the official docs:
+1 for Artem's answer which gives you the correct answer to your question. As a "no" might not be what you were looking for, let me add some reasoning extra - why would such a tool be introducing even more work later in the game?
If you look at the basic structure of Liferay's HTML code - all the nested divs, classes and ids - you'll find that they're quite clean and structured. A lot of Liferay's functionality is implemented with this kind of DOM in mind. If you'd introduce your own, completely unrelated, DOM from your own template, you'd need to find all components in Liferay that assume a certain structure. For example Layout Templates: They define "drop zones" where you can add portlets to the page. You probably don't have them in your existing templates. Another example: Maximized portlets. They'll need a DOM element to go into.
IMHO you're a lot better of to stick very close to the original DOM and just tweak your CSS to address the classes/elements you need. This is, of course, just a very general recommendation - for certain usecases this approach might also be a disadvantage. But most of the standard usecases are covered IMHO

Looking for guidance in using standard Polymer Core and Paper components (and associated events) in Dart Editor

First of all many thanks for the incredible source of information that you are providing to people like me.
I am visiting this site very often and most often finding the answer I need, but this is this is the first time I post a question, so please accept my apologies if I don't fully conform to rules.
Here is my issue:
I am "playing" with Dart Editor and Polymer to try to understand if I could use these technologies in my job moving forward
I was able to import the Polymer Core and Paper components in Dart Editor and to install polymer.dart
I was able to create a simple web page with a "core-selector" and to add some Dart code to handle a click on this component
I can't find how to listen using Dart code for component-specific event ("core-activate" & "core-select" here) and how to read component-specific attributes ("selected" & "multi" here)
I don't seem to be able to find good examples showing how to use "standard" polymer components in a web app created Dart Editor
I could find material on how to create my own polymer components using polymer.dart but I would just like to use standard components
I understand both Polymer and Dart are young but I can't imagine the clever brains at Google not having a solution or plans on this.
Regards and many thanks again.
The problem is not that Polymer and Dart are young. Dart is quite mature, Polymer is not even beta but also not so young anymore. The problem are the core- and paper-elements. They are very new and developed in JavaScript and the Polymer.dart team just created a code generator that wraps the JS core- and paper-elements in Polymer.dart elements. This process is only available since a few days and there are several issues which are yet to be solved.
I think you should provide a concrete example in your question of what you can't get working. Basically Polymer.dart core- and paper-elements work exactly as other Polymer.dart elements. So it's hard to know what to explain.

javascript library with easy and comprehensive ajax widget set

I am looking for a javascript library that provides a comprehensive set of widgets that covers most HTML elements and also has a good grid table. The out of the box look and feel must be good. Ajax will be nice as well or else must have ability to attach event handlers.
Any ideas?
Dont say jQuery please.
Anyway jquery is suited for normal needs , i won't personally recommend you any other thing but for the question part you can either go for Mootools OR YUI
Go for a look over here
Is there a reason why not jQuery? It's arguably the best one out there...but anyways, some alternatives are Prototype, MooTools and Dojo...but if you're shying away from jQuery because it's "hard" or some other similar reason, you're not going to have much more luck with any other library out there...all pretty much the same thing...

Is ajax4jsf dead? What other AJAX libraries for JSF are there?

I am currently using the JBoss RichFaces JSF component library for the project I am working on. It works quite well in general, especially the AJAX support provided by ajax4jsf (A4J), but I find the usually very inflexible table-markup used for almost every component and all this "skin" stuff of RichFaces quite annoying. It would be nice if there were some components which just provided the functionality and only minimal markup/style. Originally I had planned to use ICEfaces, but that didn't work too well either and also brings a lot of predefined styles with it, so for now RichFaces seems to be the best option.
Now I thought it would be nice to develop a clean tag library which provides some useful components found in RichFaces, ICEfaces or Tomahawk (not all of course!), which don't use any predefined style and generate markup which can be styled easily with CSS.
I wanted to use the ajax4jsf library for AJAX support, because I think it works quite nicely, and integrates seamlessly into standard JSF with facelets. But it seems that since it has moved over to JBoss, it isn't available as a standalone library anymore. You can only download the whole RichFaces package, which I don't want.
Is the ajax4jsf (A4J) project dead? If it is, what alternatives are there?
You can find many alternatives here:
JSF AJAX Component Library Feature Matrix
If you read the ajax4jsf forum you'll see that it's been merged with Richfaces.
You don't have to use the Richfaces components on your page, so do you have an issue with having the JARs in your project?
I agree that many JSF components (not just Richfaces) are based on tables (eg. h:selectManyCheckbox). Don't forget that it's easy to write a new renderer for many of these. I've done this for the h:selectManyCheckbox so that the checkboxes are rendered inside divs instead of a table. I would think that you should be able to do the same for Richfaces components...but if that's the case, then why use them?
You may find it easier/nicer using jQuery UI elements and tie them back to your Beans with a4j:jsFunction (or similar).
Just a comment. I started using icefaces. I'm a web designer also and im very particular on look and feel of the icefaces components in relation to my web application. I was highly frustrated at the time it took me to override the look and feel of icefaces components using css. The components had a lot of nested table markup that annoyed me.
When i moved to richfaces. I discovered it was alot easier to override the look n feel because richfaces have an integrated system of overriding the look n feel in css. The css given to the components had similar and sensible class names that made it easier to predict and override.
If you are feeling adventurous, take a look at JSF 2. It features a shift in view technologies from JSP to Facelets and built in AJAX support. David Geary has been running a series of JSF 2 fu articles on developerWorks (though you'll have to wait for part 3 for the AJAX stuff). Ed Burns and Jim Driscoll have been demoing various features during the development of the new API, so you might want to check out their blogs too.
