Can anyone suggest nice Jquery Decision maker plug-in or demo - jquery-plugins

Can anyone suggest nice Jquery Decision maker plug-in or demo, I have the one below, but its not that good

My Google-fu brings up jQuery Option Tree and another SO question which leads to the more common name of "cascading dropdowns" or "cascading selects", for which there are a few plugins in the jQuery plugin directory and I'm sure more via Google


Good tool to create documentation for jQuery plugin?

I wrote a Javascript (jQuery) plugin. Now I want to write a documentation site for it. Is there a good tool to create such a site out of some offline file formats or works like a CMS?
I know this answer has been asked before, but the last answers are from 2011. Is there anything new that does an awesome job in writing documentation?
There are a few new tools for generating websites or blogs from code/directory.
Bootstrap v3 just switched to jekyll for documentation. jekyll knows how to process Markdown or Liquid (markdown flavours)
Grunt.js is also used for all sorts of automated task. One of these being documentation generation. Search their plugin list for doc is another tool for generating documentation pages
I'll extend if I bump into others. I am not sure if this is exactly what you need, but they are general purpose so I am sure a jQuery plugin can fit in.

jQuery BBQ, Address or any other hashchange plugin - Recommendation

I am looking for a plugin or function that gives you SEO friendly way of dynamically loading pages, bookmarking via Ajax. I know this has been asked a lot.
The things that irriate me: I used to go with jquery.address plugin for it, but to be honest this plugin always seems quite complex to handle. I also looked at other plugins, e.g. jQuery BBQ. I know it's recommended quite a lot. But: the plugin hasn't been updated for 2 years now (link). Now I am wondering if there is anything that I am missing or even if it's included in jQuery 1.9. Nevertheless I checked jQuery documentation and I couldn't seem to find anything.
Since I am using ajax quite a lot lately and I would love to know what other people use and I am glad for any recommendations.
Many thanks and best,

Web UI Element Libraries?

I am looking for a collection of nice, modern and clean web UI element package. I have so PSD's, but the process to convert is too much. Are there any ready made JS/CSS UI element libraries, such as jQuery-UI (I don't like jQuery UI's themes, I don't think their elements are good looking enough). Any other jQuery-UI-like web UI element library?
Try enter link description here. It has many libraries listed and categorized in neat place. Maybe you get some libraries that could help you there..

javascript library with easy and comprehensive ajax widget set

I am looking for a javascript library that provides a comprehensive set of widgets that covers most HTML elements and also has a good grid table. The out of the box look and feel must be good. Ajax will be nice as well or else must have ability to attach event handlers.
Any ideas?
Dont say jQuery please.
Anyway jquery is suited for normal needs , i won't personally recommend you any other thing but for the question part you can either go for Mootools OR YUI
Go for a look over here
Is there a reason why not jQuery? It's arguably the best one out there...but anyways, some alternatives are Prototype, MooTools and Dojo...but if you're shying away from jQuery because it's "hard" or some other similar reason, you're not going to have much more luck with any other library out there...all pretty much the same thing...

jQuery splitbutton

Has anyone taken the jQuery split-button buttonset() functionality to make a ready-to-use SplitButton plug-in with the dropdown-menu functionality already built-in, and which is also theme-savvy?
Look at this tutorial: It may help you.
