jQuery BBQ, Address or any other hashchange plugin - Recommendation - ajax

I am looking for a plugin or function that gives you SEO friendly way of dynamically loading pages, bookmarking via Ajax. I know this has been asked a lot.
The things that irriate me: I used to go with jquery.address plugin for it, but to be honest this plugin always seems quite complex to handle. I also looked at other plugins, e.g. jQuery BBQ. I know it's recommended quite a lot. But: the plugin hasn't been updated for 2 years now (link). Now I am wondering if there is anything that I am missing or even if it's included in jQuery 1.9. Nevertheless I checked jQuery documentation and I couldn't seem to find anything.
Since I am using ajax quite a lot lately and I would love to know what other people use and I am glad for any recommendations.
Many thanks and best,


Create WordPress plugins using Ruby

I would like to create a WordPress plugin using Ruby (language). I understand that PHP is the primary server-side language used with WP. I don't know PHP, but know a great deal about Ruby, which is also a server-side language. Can anybody help?
based on previous experience and some reviews of similar questions on SO, there are ways you can call Ruby from within your Wordpress code. The simplest and elegant solution I've seen to this is here : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/build-a-custom-api-to-connect-wordpress-with-ruby-on-rails--cms-21189
There are loads of arguments for going with both solutions at the same time, but probably the easiest read is this https://bernardic.ca/2012/07/08/rails-vs-wordpress/

Using GWT to build a sortable table/grid without EXT/GXT/Smart GWT/etc

For some background, I'm currently an intern who has been asked to use GWT to create some kind of table/grid that can be sorted by column. Ideally my boss (who told me to ask for help about this here on Stack Overflow) also wants to be able to have multiple pages of data as well, but I'm concentrating on the sorting part right now.
Before jumping to suggest the various EXT and GXT things, unfortunately 1) what this will be used for will eventually be a part of their product, and therefore, used commercially and 2) this is for a not-for-profit company, so they don't really want to pay for a license. I have been searching for what feels like weeks in vain for something that I can both use and understand.
I am using Eclipse (indigo) to create GWT web apps, but I am still quite a newbie at anything related to GWT and I'm sure that most of my problem is that I don't really understand how to get and use the code that is presented as an example in tutorials. I have read through all the GWT documentation I can find and many tutorials and showcases, but I still don't really understand how to do things... which is unfortunate and frustrating. I have also tried using the GWT Designer in Eclipse and while neat, I can't use the CellTable stuff (which of course is exactly what my boss wants) - I assume because I don't have the license for it? Right now, I don't need to be getting data from a server (literally, if I could just put all my people-data in an ArrayList and populate columns from there, I would be very happy).
Can anyone help me out with this? Sorry it's kind of a two-fold question (one that I'm such a newbie about GWT, two that I am not having any luck figuring out how to make a sortable table/grid) but I would really appreciate any help.
CellTable is one of the more complicated concepts in GWT. You are looking in the right place, the documentation is here: https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/doc/2.4/DevGuideUiCellTable.
This should have everything you need including all the code with an EntryPoint class. I think it is just a case of getting this code running on your machine and working through it line by line understanding what it is doing.

Netbeans Codeigniter Code Templates

Is there any netbeans code templates available for codeigniter ?
Like : http://abechik.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/netbeans-php-code-template/
Found this, this and this from google. Though I never really look into it, but I do keep the source and documentation in handy for reference as it is accurate as doubt arise during coding.

pyrocms codeigniter widgets modules

My question is do widgets get in on any custom libraries that I add to a custom module? What I want to achieve is create a custom module and I want to add ability to generate pdf documents so I was thinking of making the pdf generation a widget as I would like to use that on another site. If I made it a module, would I be able to share the resources between my pdfmodule and any other module? Sometimes I wish there was a book written on pyrocms that clarifies these issues.
Sorry it took a month to spot this one, but we generally help out on the support forums and don't look here as often.
SO, cross loading resources. Yep that is supported just fine. We use the HMVC plugin for CodeIgniter and often forget that people don't know too much about how it works. I'll get something added to the documentation for this, but basically you just specify the module name like this:
Hope this helps anyone finding this in the future. It's probably a bit late for Eagletrophy.

javascript library with easy and comprehensive ajax widget set

I am looking for a javascript library that provides a comprehensive set of widgets that covers most HTML elements and also has a good grid table. The out of the box look and feel must be good. Ajax will be nice as well or else must have ability to attach event handlers.
Any ideas?
Dont say jQuery please.
Anyway jquery is suited for normal needs , i won't personally recommend you any other thing but for the question part you can either go for Mootools OR YUI
Go for a look over here
Is there a reason why not jQuery? It's arguably the best one out there...but anyways, some alternatives are Prototype, MooTools and Dojo...but if you're shying away from jQuery because it's "hard" or some other similar reason, you're not going to have much more luck with any other library out there...all pretty much the same thing...
