WP7: Get DeviceUniqueId from _connected_ phone? - windows-phone-7

Can I somehow get the DeviceUniqueId from the phone currently connected to the PC? (from a .NET C# desktop-app)

Great question.
If it's possible to get that information, you're best bet is using the CoreCon10 APIs for WP7. The Device class has Device.ID and Device.Name properties which might have the data you're looking for.
For more information on WP7 and CoreCon10 integration, checkout my blog post # http://justinangel.net/WindowsPhone7EmulatorAutomation
Basically, you'll have to get the connected WP7 device, and then check Device.ID and Device.Name. If that have the data you're looking for, it might be possible to install an app that'll report that back to you (on unlocked WP7 devices).


Reading answer sheet with OMR by Mobile phone (Xamarin applcation)

I wish to make a mobile app that will take a picture of a student’s answer sheet with OMR check boxes filled in.
And I want to then read the results of the answer sheet (which check boxes are marked) on the app. (offline, not using a web service, or api)
I'm using xamarin croos platrom application. (Androis and IOS)
how can i do this? Or, is there a tool for this solution?

Voip or voice call record - Xamarin.forms

I am trying to develop a xamarin.forms app which have the functionality to make call and record it.Why I am writing this question is I want some clarifications regarding this.I cant find a proper solution on web.
1 The app workflow will be like this. When user tap on the number on my app it will open the dialer (in Android and iOS). User will complete the call and return back to app.The app will get the call record and store it.
Is this scenario possible with Xamarin.forms? If possible, any links will be appreciated.
2. Suppose the above scenaerio is not possible, then what will be the best approach? I heard about Twilio voip call sdk for xamarin. Is Twilio really support voip call for xamarin? I found these links, but it seems outdated.
https://www.twilio.com/blog/2014/10/twilio-client-for-xamarin-part-2-ios.html Is there any other voip sdk available which will fullfil my requirement.Any help is appreciated. Because I have been stuck on this for days.
EDIT If I implement Twilio calling in web and calling it as a webview in mobile.Can I make work above scenario?

admob wp7 sdk dont work, alternative ad networks?

i use the admob wp7 sdk for displaying adds in my apps, but i dont see any, it looke like:
of course i insert my adUnitID, when i start my app i dont get anything to see, also when i enable test mode i cant see anything, what could be worng? on the homepage i see that i got requests because it counts up, but nothing to see.
other question:
are there any other add providers instead of smaato and adDuplex which provide a WP7 sdk?
As of today the Microsoft Ad SDK for WP7 can now be used in all territories where the marketplace is available.
Alternatively you could consider AdDuplex
I would recommend looking at the documentation and contacting admob support. Its a third party control so you would be lucky to find someone on here who can offer advice.

Loading Xbox Live Avatar Model in Windows Phone 7 using XNA

Does anybody know how to access the Xbox Live Avatar from within an XNA based Windows Phone 7 application?
Examples I have found seem to use a SignedInGamer.Avatar property, but this is not accessible from Windows Phone 7.
Is there another way or is this not possible in the first place?
as a side note, I'm using the recent Mango beta 7.1 SDK
It's not available in code unless you have the elevated privileges of access to XBox live.
You can, however get an image of your avatar from the web. try:
where xxxxx is the XBox account name. e.g. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/kris/avatar-body.png
My understanding is they are only available to partners. See this post for more information:
However, it looks like you can demo them, here's a quick tutorial on using them:

How do you get your WP7 app to show up in the Games Hub?

I've made a simple game for WP7 but apparently simply using the XNA template isn't enough to get your game to show up in the games hub. What code do I need to make that happen?
Also, can I get games made in silverlight to show up in the Games Hub as well? If so, how do I do that?
You need to edit the WMAppManifest.xml file (in Properties [C#] or My Project [VB.NET]) to set Genre="apps.normal" (in the <App> element) to Genre="apps.games". This will work for both XNA and Silverlight apps. See Application Manifest File for Windows Phone for more details.
Give it a try and side-load it to your phone for testing - it's pretty cool to see it show up in the Games Hub.
