How do you get your WP7 app to show up in the Games Hub? - windows-phone-7

I've made a simple game for WP7 but apparently simply using the XNA template isn't enough to get your game to show up in the games hub. What code do I need to make that happen?
Also, can I get games made in silverlight to show up in the Games Hub as well? If so, how do I do that?

You need to edit the WMAppManifest.xml file (in Properties [C#] or My Project [VB.NET]) to set Genre="apps.normal" (in the <App> element) to Genre="". This will work for both XNA and Silverlight apps. See Application Manifest File for Windows Phone for more details.
Give it a try and side-load it to your phone for testing - it's pretty cool to see it show up in the Games Hub.


Reading answer sheet with OMR by Mobile phone (Xamarin applcation)

I wish to make a mobile app that will take a picture of a student’s answer sheet with OMR check boxes filled in.
And I want to then read the results of the answer sheet (which check boxes are marked) on the app. (offline, not using a web service, or api)
I'm using xamarin croos platrom application. (Androis and IOS)
how can i do this? Or, is there a tool for this solution?

Google play tablet 7-inch screenshots

Google play console wants me to add some 7-inch tablet screenshots in order to make the app easily accessible to tablets. But I don't have any tablet. Don't understand what's the problem. I have made screenshots in the final phase of development, testing the game in the Unity editor. I suppose these .png images are as good as if they were made from a phone. I don't even know how to make screenshots from a phone.
Is there a hidden feature to identify a screenshot as being made from the 7-inch tablet? Why don't they simply state the image resolution they want for the tablet "screenshot"??
Actually, it doesn't matter what resolution your image is. Just upload the images to that section, the purpose of that section is only to let your users have a first look of what your app looks like before they install it. If you don't intend to make your app for Tablet, just let that section empty, upload images only to Phone's section.
If you are using an Android phone such as Samsung, I would recommend you have a look at Settings/Advanced Features/ Smart Capture (turn it on). Then you can swipe your screen to take a screenshots (it has a tutorial there)

Can we programmaticllay take screen shots using Blackberry and Windows 7 SDK?

I know that we can take screen shot of an App during runtime. In iOS we can use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext to get the screen shot. We can also do the same in Android.
But is it possible with Blackberry and Windows 7 Mobile OS?
A simple search for "blackberry screenshot" on stackoverflow returned this pretty straightforward answer:
Taking screenshot of the current screen in BlackBerry
And a search for "windows-phone screenshot" yields this:
Windows Phone 7 - Capture Screen
If what you need is for capture a screenshot of your own Windows Phone app, then this post from Jeff Wilcox will come in handy!
It looks like there is a function for that in Display. Check out the SDK reference.
There are a couple of Homebrew tools you can use to take screenshots on WP7 here and here however you wont be able to use these programatically. You can also something along the lines of Mark Artega or Jeff Wilcox
There is no Silverlight VisualBrush support for WP7 and no global Screenshot functionality on WP7 Mango, but writablebitmap.
There is a very usefull way by using default Microsoft Emulator integrated WP7 Screenshot Tool
or use third party methods.
If you are familar with XNA Framework, there you can access to the screen. Using Multithreading, you can do your screenshots that way. If never used the last app because I feel fine using Microsofts Emulator Screenshot button to save my png images.
After you can stitch it together using different ways.

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.

WP7: Get DeviceUniqueId from _connected_ phone?

Can I somehow get the DeviceUniqueId from the phone currently connected to the PC? (from a .NET C# desktop-app)
Great question.
If it's possible to get that information, you're best bet is using the CoreCon10 APIs for WP7. The Device class has Device.ID and Device.Name properties which might have the data you're looking for.
For more information on WP7 and CoreCon10 integration, checkout my blog post #
Basically, you'll have to get the connected WP7 device, and then check Device.ID and Device.Name. If that have the data you're looking for, it might be possible to install an app that'll report that back to you (on unlocked WP7 devices).
