admob wp7 sdk dont work, alternative ad networks? - windows-phone-7

i use the admob wp7 sdk for displaying adds in my apps, but i dont see any, it looke like:
of course i insert my adUnitID, when i start my app i dont get anything to see, also when i enable test mode i cant see anything, what could be worng? on the homepage i see that i got requests because it counts up, but nothing to see.
other question:
are there any other add providers instead of smaato and adDuplex which provide a WP7 sdk?

As of today the Microsoft Ad SDK for WP7 can now be used in all territories where the marketplace is available.
Alternatively you could consider AdDuplex

I would recommend looking at the documentation and contacting admob support. Its a third party control so you would be lucky to find someone on here who can offer advice.


Where do you publish/unpublished apps on new Google Play Developer site

I can't for the life of me find the unpublish/publish switch on the new Google Play developer site. It used to be in pricing but I just cannot find it.
I currently have an app unpublished and need to change it back to published but can't find the option.
I cannot switch back to the classic version as I get a 403 error code.
You can just transfer it to another Google Play Developer account.
Follow this tutorial post to do that: Android Apps Transfer to Different Developer Account
Finally found it!
Click on the app in question, then choose 'Setup' then 'Advanced settings' and it is in there.

False positive for AdMob detection by GooglePlay

In Google Play Console, under AppContent, we found a warning under Ads section stating:
We found ad SDKs in your app
Although we still can publish our app for now, this warning is bothering us.
It does not allow us to declare No, my app does not contain ads. The save button is greyed out.
The problem is, we did not integrate AdMob in our app! So what could trigger this false positive?
I have ran gradlew -q app:dependencies and extracted out our productionRelease section. A copy of the full dependency list can be found here:
The only "ads" related dependency we found is:{strictly 17.0.0} -> 17.0.0 (c)
But we are just using adid as a unique identifier for identifying user. Could this be the false positive reason?
Any helps would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you or one of the libraries in your app are using Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), Google play will tell you We found ad SDKs in your app
But if you are not showing ads do not worry about it, in this case it is indeed a false positive and Google know that and tell you to leave it as is (see the image below)
It is just for Google Play to check if you lied about the ads in your app, so they can later remove your app.
I found that some analytics SDKs uses this technique to identify unique users more efficiently.
for example OneSignal SDK uses this.

Floating widget application on LG webOS Smart TV

I want to write an application in webOS as a widget that will be visible(floating) when other applications are running. Is this possible? I am unable to find any documentation related to this.
I'm not sure about it. I'm never see that behaviour in third party apps, only system apps are able to use 'overlay' feature in alerts and notifications dialogues according to WeOs developer site

Google Apps Marketplace SDK : setup a contextual gadget

Ok, so without much notification given, adding market place listings to your vendor profile is no longer possible. The 'create new listing' button is greyed out.
I need to make changes to an existing marketplace listing but that gives errors. We are forced into the new SDK.
So I went ahead and enabled the apps market SDK, filled out all details including images of all sizes, add a COB extension for the contextual gadget and saved the whole thing.
A minute later I return to make a modification and dang... error: "We are looking into this.".
#Google: HELP !
UPDATE : I can reliably reproduce the error as explained here.
Enable Google Apps Marketplace SDK in your project
click on the gear icon, you will be directed to the old API Console
Fill out all details
Add a COB extension (Contextual gadget)
Save everything
Close the API console
Go back to your cloud console -> Google Apps Marketplace SDK
Click on the gear icon again
Tested with several google accounts on different computeres and multiple projects on the cloud console.
#jonathanberi could we have a status on this issue, please? We are experiencing the exact same issue and we are unable to publish our app (which is ready) because of this bug. We have tried both creating a new Google Apps console project from scratch as well as modifying a draft of a yet to be published page with the same result. Is any information that we could provide to help?
You must fill out parameter name and a paramter value or your cloud console will return errors and you will not be able to recover from this.
Ouch, that were 3 useless weeks....

XNA inneractive integration

I'm trying to integrate the "inneractive SDK" in an XNA game for WP7.
It should be simple:
InneractiveAd.DisplayAd("MY_APP_ID", InneractiveAd.IaAdType.IaAdType_Banner, ??? , 120);
but i don't know what to put in the "rootGrid" field of type: System.Windows.Control.Grid
someone can help me?
System.Windows.Control.Grid is a Silverlight control, and the ad service you are trying to use is meant for Silverlight Windows Phone apps, not XNA. You can either
Create a Silverlight/XNA project, move your current XNA game into a frame of that project, and place the Ad in another frame; or
Use a more universal Ad control such as this one.
My name is Nirit and I'm a support manager at inneractive.
Our WP7 SDK currently supports Silverlight, the XNA version is not ready yet, but it's indeed on our roadmap.
On Mango, XNA can be combined with Silverlight so in this case, you can use our SDK.
For further information regarding combining XNA and Silverlight projects please check out this link.
In case Silverlight is not an option for you, please try our Server API (M2M protocol).
Our Server API can be found here.
If you have any further questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me via the "Contact Support" link on your Dashboard.
