Voip or voice call record - Xamarin.forms - xamarin

I am trying to develop a xamarin.forms app which have the functionality to make call and record it.Why I am writing this question is I want some clarifications regarding this.I cant find a proper solution on web.
1 The app workflow will be like this. When user tap on the number on my app it will open the dialer (in Android and iOS). User will complete the call and return back to app.The app will get the call record and store it.
Is this scenario possible with Xamarin.forms? If possible, any links will be appreciated.
2. Suppose the above scenaerio is not possible, then what will be the best approach? I heard about Twilio voip call sdk for xamarin. Is Twilio really support voip call for xamarin? I found these links, but it seems outdated.
https://www.twilio.com/blog/2014/10/twilio-client-for-xamarin-part-2-ios.html Is there any other voip sdk available which will fullfil my requirement.Any help is appreciated. Because I have been stuck on this for days.
EDIT If I implement Twilio calling in web and calling it as a webview in mobile.Can I make work above scenario?


How can Xamarin be used to wrap a web app as if it were a native app for Android?

Say I build a super mobile friendly web application that I want in the Play Store for Android users to be able to download.
Could I use Xamarin to:
Wrap the entire mobile app as a single WebView
Register for mobile push notifications
Essentially shortlining an MVP of an android app by using an existing web app? If so, is there any well-known process or documentation that demonstrates this?
Probably the best approach for you would be using Xamarin Forms with one or more pages containing only web views.
I don't love Xamarin Forms because usually for me Xamarin Android+iOS gives a better result in similar time, but your app would be so simple that doesn't make sense to do it with Xamarin Android.
Make sure that your web app will show only what makes sense to be shown in your app, otherwise you risk to see double header/footer, useless buttons... but if the website is yours adding a few parameters to change a bit the UI won't be a problem I guess.
Have a look at this example:
Another approach is the use of Razor to build your pages in html directly inside your app, but if I understood well it's not what you need:
Although it is technically possible to do this as the previous answer has suggested. I would recommended firstly reviewing, the relevant stores guidelines on submissions. Apple for example will not allow a submission to their store of any application that simply mirrors the functionality of a website. I suspect Google's would likely be the same.
However that said, to answer your question, Xamarin.Forms would be appropriate for a simple application like the one you are suggesting. Or if you prefer to build to a specific OS, then in iOS with Xamarin you would use the Safari View Controller that was added in it's xcode 8.1 release. Android uses something similar as does windows.
You can use the Web View control in Xamarins Andorid native PCL project to encapsulate your mobile friendly website within an application here is the documentation:
Xamarin Android Developer link to Android Web View
As for push notifications, yes this is perfectly possible using Xamarin.Android. and varies on implementation depending on what you want to use as the back end to handle them, I.E. Azure's notification hub etc.

How can I create a method to detect when a notification is clicked using xamarin coss-platform portable?

I´m a bit new to Xamarin Forms development, but not to Android (Java) development. Here´s the scenario:
I´ve developed an app for android, which schedules notifications (NotificationManager) and adds an intent to each notification in order to redirect the user to a specific url inside a webview. The url came from the notification intent.
So, I´m doing exactly the same thing in xamarin, in order to build the iOS version. Since I´m also an ASP.NET, I chose this method.
I´ve done all the basic stuff, so far:
created the webview with the right address;
created the routine which sets the cross-platform notifications using CrossLocalNotifications (Xam.Plugins.Notifier)
This is the problem:
I need to create a method in which the app redirects (webview) the user, once he clicks the notifications, in the portable solution level. I think I can manage to develop the logic to use the webview I currently have. I just can´t seem to find anywhere on the web a tip for creating a method to "listen" to the user click and catch information (or just the ID) of the notification created, so I can build the routine.
Anyone can help or have a better solution?

Xamarin.Forms - Push notification for iOS and Android

Hell. I'm just write my first mobile app and I use XamarinForms
So I try understand to understand how work push notification here....and i'm a little bit confused
So this is what I understand
For android I MUST(!) use google cloud messaging - right?
For iOS - I MUST(!) use Apple Apple Notification Push Service - right?
Now my question:
If I use xamarin forms - i write 1 code to 2 platfoms andoid/iOS - right??
so how i can write 1 code both for gcm and apple notif????
How I think - but not sure - I need write interface in my PCL and then write separate implementation in each platform??
This is write way??
Why I need Push notifications?
I have app and when admin attach task to user - he will get notification about he has new task.
Or when user use app - real time get new data - new task
So if you can give me a tips - thank you.
Sorry for my English grammar)
Thank you.
Take a look to this plugin https://github.com/rdelrosario/xamarin-plugins/tree/master/PushNotification in the description you can find the proper setup for each platform.
Also keep in mind that even if you're using Xamarin.Forms you will need to know how works push notifications on each platform.
Android. https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/
iOS. https://developer.apple.com/notifications/
is you have any specific question about it pls let me know
Azure has "push notification hub" that plugs into both iOS and Google
Try that. Once youve set it up it will push stuff to google and to apple.

admob wp7 sdk dont work, alternative ad networks?

i use the admob wp7 sdk for displaying adds in my apps, but i dont see any, it looke like:
of course i insert my adUnitID, when i start my app i dont get anything to see, also when i enable test mode i cant see anything, what could be worng? on the homepage i see that i got requests because it counts up, but nothing to see.
other question:
are there any other add providers instead of smaato and adDuplex which provide a WP7 sdk?
As of today the Microsoft Ad SDK for WP7 can now be used in all territories where the marketplace is available.
Alternatively you could consider AdDuplex
I would recommend looking at the documentation and contacting admob support. Its a third party control so you would be lucky to find someone on here who can offer advice.

WP7: Get DeviceUniqueId from _connected_ phone?

Can I somehow get the DeviceUniqueId from the phone currently connected to the PC? (from a .NET C# desktop-app)
Great question.
If it's possible to get that information, you're best bet is using the CoreCon10 APIs for WP7. The Device class has Device.ID and Device.Name properties which might have the data you're looking for.
For more information on WP7 and CoreCon10 integration, checkout my blog post # http://justinangel.net/WindowsPhone7EmulatorAutomation
Basically, you'll have to get the connected WP7 device, and then check Device.ID and Device.Name. If that have the data you're looking for, it might be possible to install an app that'll report that back to you (on unlocked WP7 devices).
