How to create a screen dialog - windows-phone-7

I have a screen with a form, in some situations, I want to show a popup style menu. How could I do so without affecting the layout of the form that is behind the popup?

I'd use the InputPrompt from the Coding4Fun Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. You can get details on how to do this in this blog post

A good choice as well is the Telerik option:
Telerik Windows Phone 7 - Window Control


Slide horizontal menu for Windows mobile 7 /8?

Hello everyone i am trying to build a horizontal slide menu for a windows mobile 7 app. Any idea how to do that?
That sliding menu is called Navigation Drawer and is a standard UI element for Android OS. It is not recommended on Windows Phone. However, you can mimic it using an offscreen UserControl or Panel.
Take a look at the following blog post: A behavior to implement a scroll-into-view panel (for a Facebook-like GUI) on Windows Phone.

Checkbox behavior in Windows phone 8 like Email in phone

I wanted to know is there any way I can achieve the same behavior of CheckBox we have in our windows phone outlook. In a listbox I have checkbox on every item but it should appear only when I touch and hold.
Please see the windows phone email program where your touch and hold in the left side and see all the checkboxes.
What you're looking for is the MultiselectList control, which is part of the WP Toolkit...
Here are a a couple of tutorials from GeekChamp to get you started:
Windows Phone Toolkit MultiselectList in depth
How to get the Tapped Item in a MultiselectList control
I would also recommend downloading the source code for the WP Toolkit which contains a sample app that uses all the controls and features:

Windows phone 7 Jump List control

I have a question. In a windows phone 7, Will i be able to navigate from the jumplist control to another page. For example i have some data in the jumplist control, and then once i click on one of the data, will i be able to go to another page from there? if it is possible, can someone show me some links for it? sample codes would be helpful
You can use the ListPicker from the Silverlight Toolkit and use the SelectionChanged event.
Tutorial :
Download the project in this link an enhance by add selected index and page navigating option.

Adding Custon Control Into Message box for windows phone 7?

Is there any way to add in a custom control such as a textbox or button into a messagebox for windows phone 7?
The Windows Phone Assets project on Codeplex has a NotificationBox cutom control which is described as:
Notification Box is a replacement for the non-customizable Windows Phone MessageBox native control. The NotificationBox custom control has Control Template, and is fully customizable, providing freedom for picking different user actions.
The example code on there shows how to have your own buttons on the form, and I'm sure you could use it as a base for adding textboxes as required.

Does Windows Phone 7 support page navigation with transition effects?

I know I can use
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Pagei.xaml", UriKind.Relative))
to navigate among pages, does Windows Phone 7 support page navigation with transition effects?
Welcome any comment
It doesn't support it out of the box. You need to use Silverlight Toolkit. Check sample application provided with SL Toolkit. There is a page with transition animations.
