Windows phone 7 Jump List control - windows-phone-7

I have a question. In a windows phone 7, Will i be able to navigate from the jumplist control to another page. For example i have some data in the jumplist control, and then once i click on one of the data, will i be able to go to another page from there? if it is possible, can someone show me some links for it? sample codes would be helpful

You can use the ListPicker from the Silverlight Toolkit and use the SelectionChanged event.
Tutorial :

Download the project in this link an enhance by add selected index and page navigating option.


Proper way to implement a dropdownbox in WP7 ?

I have seen 2 ways.
Fake a ASP.NET stlye and have the options appear over a textbox on the same screen.
When the box is touched open a new screen that lets you scroll through all options and pick one. When one is selected that value is copied to the placeholder on the orginal screen.
I am working on a project where we are doing #1 and I am thinking #2 is the proper way ?
Use ListPicker from the silverlight toolkit if you're looking to match the WP7 paradigm (which you should want to :) )
Silverlight Toolkit
These other stackoverflow questions may provide some insight (possible duplicate?):
How to get dropdown like menu in wp7?
Windows Phone Dropdown
Don't forget to use the search function at the top right hand before asking a question!

Adding control template to project

I want to use metro styled combobox item in windows phone 7 (mango). I ve found toturial to do this but i don't know where should i put code of control template (it should work on every combobox on project).
Any ideas?
Is there any particular reason you want to use that ComboBox? The link you've posted is a hack to get it to work on Windows Phone. Have you taken a look at the ListPicker control from the Silverlight toolkit?
This article provides a great introduction on how to use it.

How to create a tab control where every tab item is connected with a different listbox

How can we create a tab control where every tab item is connected with a different listbox, so the view are different for every tab? I want to know what is the best solution for this, I tried two approaches:
All logic of tab activity is built in one class that is
For every tab I create a new class and call it when a tab event
What is the best solution and if answer is second then what is procedure to add different view but the all the tab appear every time?
Or provide a link where I can get a full example of tab control usage in Windows Phone 7.
Windows Phone does not provide a TabControl implementation, however, it does provide the unique Pivot control, which provides the same level of functionality and is documented on MSDN. You might also find this post by Jeff Wilcox useful:
Here is an article I wrote on how to use the TabControl in a Windows Phone Silverlight application. It does not really abide the current UI guidelines, but it works. All you need to do is use ListBox controls as proper child elements.

How to create a screen dialog

I have a screen with a form, in some situations, I want to show a popup style menu. How could I do so without affecting the layout of the form that is behind the popup?
I'd use the InputPrompt from the Coding4Fun Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. You can get details on how to do this in this blog post
A good choice as well is the Telerik option:
Telerik Windows Phone 7 - Window Control

How To Navigate Images From One Page To Another page in windows phone 7?

I Want To Display One Xaml page Image In Another Xaml Page When clicking On It in windows Phone 7 Application Using Silverlight.Give Sample Code for That One.
First tell how you are navigating from one page to the other. If u are using NavigationService.Navigate(), we can't pass objects using this architecture.
