Slide horizontal menu for Windows mobile 7 /8? - windows-phone-7

Hello everyone i am trying to build a horizontal slide menu for a windows mobile 7 app. Any idea how to do that?

That sliding menu is called Navigation Drawer and is a standard UI element for Android OS. It is not recommended on Windows Phone. However, you can mimic it using an offscreen UserControl or Panel.
Take a look at the following blog post: A behavior to implement a scroll-into-view panel (for a Facebook-like GUI) on Windows Phone.


windows 8 gestures on edge of screen

I have a desktop application running on windows 7 and 8. We implemented gestures using WM_GESTURE to support both windows. When running on windows 8 tablet, if user try to swipe, pan etc from of the edge i.e out side the visible screen, gestures do not work. When i logged the event(messages) application receives, it shows no gesture message.
On metro apps you see menu at bottom of screen when you swipe up from outside the screen area. I want similar functionality with my desktop application. Is this possible? Does desktop app has limitation or i am missing something? I searched over but cannot find a clear cut answer positive or negative.
Further info if of any help. It is a MFC application using both VC++ and C#. Minimum supported version of windows is 7.
One more thing. Our application runs in full screen with no task bar etc, like slide show.

Image Slide Show in Windows phone

I am New to Windows Phone Dev. I like to Do one App after Using this App in Windows Phone
EspnCrickinfo App. When I use this App,i seen Very cool feather that Image in gallery Swiping Left and Right. I am trying this Functionally But I am Not Succeed.
I have Some JSON Link Contains Images
For Reference
I follow this MSDN But I am Getting Btns on App bar.
Please can any one suggest Me how can make this Easy.
Hear is the Perfect Answer for This Question...Image Slide Show with Swipe Effect in Windows Phone
Well if you want to have swipe effects go for microsoft toolkit and use gesture listener.
register to a flick event and you have your desired effect. This link will help you.
how to get swipe in windows phone 7

Simulating scroll gesture on windows phone 7 device without any manual event

How to simulate scroll gesture on windows phone 7 device without any manual event?
I want to scroll a PDF document that has been opened in the Adobe PDF viewer automatically on WP7. How can it be done?
Any views or ideas are welcome.
The Adobe PDF viewer for WP7 is an application. The WP7 architecture does not permit you to control or communicate with any other running application from your own application. Therefore, no, you cannot programmatically scroll a PDF document that the user has opened.
You might want to look at finding a PDF viewer control that you can embed within your application. See this related question:
PDF-viewer for Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 (SilverDox?)

WP7 - Text Button on the Application Bar

On Windows Phone 7, go to Settings, email & accounts, add an account, the Windows Live (or any other). Note at the bottom there is the gray panel with a rectangular [sign in] button. Click in the email address field, and the on screen keyboard pops up ABOVE the gray panel. Rotate the phone, and the gray panel does not rotate, although the page does. That gray panel is the Application Bar, is it not?
I only find docs for adding an icon-based round button (and menu items). How do we put a rectangular textual button on the Application Bar?
Adding buttons in the Application Bar is not supported for third party developers. The Application Bar itself is not a Silverlight control; it's a native one. Only OEMs, certain partners and MS have access to the native SDK, so you won't be able to template the Application Bar to have buttons. Of course, you could create your own Application Bar that mimics the real one, but I don't recommend that approach as it would be very tricky to get it exactly right and be consistent between apps.
Yes, that's the application bar. Well, it's the non Silverlight version of it. (The built in apps are not built with Silverlight.)
Unfortuanately it is not possible to use text buttons on the application bar. It's only possible to use buttons with images.
Yes it would be nice/useful in a number of situations but it's just not possible with the current SDK (even Mango). I keep hoping it'll be there in a future version...
The applications that come with the phone are not restricted to using developer APIs and the one you mention likely uses C++ and / or restricted APIs. As a third-party developer your only option is to stick with icons on the application bar.
You can always create a Panel colored like the application bar, aligned along the bottom of the screen and display buttons or whatever other UI element you want to.

How to create a screen dialog

I have a screen with a form, in some situations, I want to show a popup style menu. How could I do so without affecting the layout of the form that is behind the popup?
I'd use the InputPrompt from the Coding4Fun Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. You can get details on how to do this in this blog post
A good choice as well is the Telerik option:
Telerik Windows Phone 7 - Window Control
