Checkbox behavior in Windows phone 8 like Email in phone - windows-phone-7

I wanted to know is there any way I can achieve the same behavior of CheckBox we have in our windows phone outlook. In a listbox I have checkbox on every item but it should appear only when I touch and hold.
Please see the windows phone email program where your touch and hold in the left side and see all the checkboxes.

What you're looking for is the MultiselectList control, which is part of the WP Toolkit...
Here are a a couple of tutorials from GeekChamp to get you started:
Windows Phone Toolkit MultiselectList in depth
How to get the Tapped Item in a MultiselectList control
I would also recommend downloading the source code for the WP Toolkit which contains a sample app that uses all the controls and features:


Image Slide Show in Windows phone

I am New to Windows Phone Dev. I like to Do one App after Using this App in Windows Phone
EspnCrickinfo App. When I use this App,i seen Very cool feather that Image in gallery Swiping Left and Right. I am trying this Functionally But I am Not Succeed.
I have Some JSON Link Contains Images
For Reference
I follow this MSDN But I am Getting Btns on App bar.
Please can any one suggest Me how can make this Easy.
Hear is the Perfect Answer for This Question...Image Slide Show with Swipe Effect in Windows Phone
Well if you want to have swipe effects go for microsoft toolkit and use gesture listener.
register to a flick event and you have your desired effect. This link will help you.
how to get swipe in windows phone 7

JumpList? Access to library

It is possible get access o library list and play songs in my app ? Not like this
if not... how to do this JumpList? I can't find good sample code, (this is ugly and doesn't work correctly).
his JumpList is a special ListBox? Am I right? How to relay which song was selected?
Ya earlier before August 2011, new Silverlight toolkit for WP7.1 mango it was a special ListBox with code logic to position the main list items.
But in Latest toolkit it is provided as a control, if you use
LongListSelector in your .xaml to show the list of items then it gives you a jumplist element as part of control.
For more information and sample on the LongListSelector refer this link.
you can download silverlight toolkit from here

Adding Custon Control Into Message box for windows phone 7?

Is there any way to add in a custom control such as a textbox or button into a messagebox for windows phone 7?
The Windows Phone Assets project on Codeplex has a NotificationBox cutom control which is described as:
Notification Box is a replacement for the non-customizable Windows Phone MessageBox native control. The NotificationBox custom control has Control Template, and is fully customizable, providing freedom for picking different user actions.
The example code on there shows how to have your own buttons on the form, and I'm sure you could use it as a base for adding textboxes as required.

How to filter contacts by name

I'm developing a windows phone 7 application.
I'm trying to understand how I'm supposed to filter contacts by letters. I want to display the keyboard to the user and show all the contacts. If the user pushes "a" everyone with an a in the name should be shown.
Please tell me this is possible. I'm getting more and more frustrated with this API..
It might be easier if you actually show us some code to show where you've got to so far.
It sounds like what you need is the AutoCompleteBox from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. There's a good post on AutoCompleteBox for WP7 in depth, which should show you how to use this control.

Autocomplete textbox in Windows Phone 7

I'm creating my first Windows Phone 7 application, and I'm struggling to find an autocomplete textbox. Is there an easy way to add one to the toolbox? Or do I need to create my own control?
The one from Silverlight 3's SDK, the AutoCompleteBox, works relatively well on the phone. It requires minimal styling changes to work.
There is a known issue today where selecting an item that pops up requires two taps: one to select and another to "really" select. We should have that issue in the platform (the bug is not in AutoCompleteBox) fixed by the time the phone development experience is ready.
AutoCompleteBox is in the Silverlight Tookit so you have to add a reference to that in your project.
After investigating it appears that there's not an auto-complete textbox control for windows phone 7 applications, so I've had to create one myself...
