How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails? - magento

I don't want to create templates for all transactional emails but I would like to replace the default Magento logo used for emails.
I know that I can go into the base directory and replace it, but if I upgrade the system it will wipe it out. Does anyone know the proper way to change it?

Another correct way to do that is to go in BackEnd to System>>Configuration>>Design>>Transactional Emails>>Logo Image
and easily pick your logo image from there.

You can create a new theme and place it there. This isn't as difficult as it sounds because of the way themes fall back onto defaults in Magento. If Magento can't find something in your theme, it will fall back onto the base theme by looking in the default folder.
For example, in a store that I maintain, I uploaded my own version of the e-mail logo image in
and in the Administration panel, I went to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and set Default to {my-theme-name}.
Why does this work?
In the e-mail templates, Magento specifies the src of the logo image as {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}. This is Magento template gibberish for "find the images/logo_email.gif in the frontend area of the current theme." So Magento looks in for /frontend/{package}/{my-theme-name}/images/logo_email.gif, finds it, and uses that path when dishing out the HTML.
If you delete your image, it doesn't break! Instead, although Magento would still first search in your theme directory as described above, it would discover that it doesn't exist and fall back onto the one in /frontend/{package}/default/images/logo_email.gif.
Good luck, and hope this helps!

The best answer for handling logos in transactional emails is a combination of the previous answers.
Select the logo for your transactional emails by going here: System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
Then, in your transactional emails ensure that they reference: {{var logo_url}} for the url of the logo.
I upgraded from an older version of Magento and it had {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}} for the logo url. This older method referenced the logo_email.gif stuck in the default image folder.

For magento 1.9, if you want to change transactional mails' logo for all templates follow this:
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image

In Magento < use {{var logo_url}} instead of {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}

Sometimes the email client will keep a cached version of the image.
I was viewing the correct image in the browser by copying the url from the email source code, but still Mail on Mac Os was displaying the demo store logo...


Magento - Allow user to manage social media URLs

Ok so I’m trying to implement social media into the footer. However, they are images that change color when hovered over that I’m working into the CSS.
But my question is, if the end user changed their Facebook URL, how will they update the url? I obviously can’t just put it directly into the theme because then the end-user will know how to program and where to look just to change the URL.
How do I go about implementing this the right way so the end-user can update their social media URLs to their Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Etc easily..?
What do you mean by saying "user changed their Facebook URL"?
You talking about customer or administrator?
If you mean administrator, then the you can create custom settings for social media links
For customers store theirs social uids
In order to do this, you will need to create an extension, albeit not a very complicated one. If you've never done this before, Alan storm wrote an excellent tutorial.
One file that is often included in extensions (but seems not to be mentioned in the above mentioned tutorial) is etc/system.xml. This file lets you define a new page in the System->Configuration section of the Magento admin panel. Magento provides a good tutorial on writing those.
Any fields you put in etc/system.xml will be modifiable in the Magento admin panel, and you can access them anywhere in your code with Mage::getStoreConfig('your extension's name/the name of the field'), e.g., Mage::getStoreConfig('facebook/enabled');

Adding Banner To Magento Product Page

Hi Everyone i am seek your expertise. I am working on a magento store and am wanting to add a banner to my product page like the image attached. This banner needs to be different on each product page so am wanting a way that i can either browse my computer for the image or add a url to the image location. I am thinking i need to create an attribute and then under Admin > Catalog > Manager Product > Images list i will be able to pull in the banner just like adding a new image product. Is this the correct way of doing it and if so, how can i specify on my template where the banner will be added (i.e at the top of the page). I have tryed to find some code where i can add so it knows that when i have this attribute to put it in that location. Any help would be much appreciated
Sorry without the actual code there is not much help you will get. But this is an idea you can use:
Yes your thinking it correctly. Although a more elegant way to do this would be by adding an option in the image grid as (banner). This will allow you to use the power of existing image processing and handling systems in magento.
Once this is done; simply add the code in template file for product view page (I am not sure whether this is a enterprise or community version or you are using a theme. It's best to enable the developer debugger option to view the template file path).
In terms of adding this code this should be fairly simple. You just need to check any image has been flagged as "banner" or not. Then do some resize to fit in the page and it should work.
Hi you can simply create a one new attribute for a product using for banner image and you can use that attribute on product view page, and the banner will be display on product page according to each banner attribute value specify in the admin. This will be very simple in use.

Change logo in transactional email

I have a transactional email with the following code:
<img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></td>
and a logo in /public_html/skin/frontend/fortis/default/images
called logo.png
What I should put in store url="" and in {{var logo_url}} to show my logo in the transactional email?
To change this globally, go to:
System > Configuration > General > Design > Transactional Emails
and upload it there. I'm using Magento ver.
You Should have an image in your folder called logo_email.gif same as logo_print.gif for the "Print View" pages.
If you have to use your logo.png file you need to use something like this
src="{{skin url="images/logo.png" _area='frontend' _package="fortis" _theme="default"}}"
But the better way would to be to convert your email logo, as suggested by SteveyO, to email_logo.gif and put it into /public_html/skin/frontend/fortis/default/images/logo_email.gif so you don't need to edit every transactional email and make sure that everything is set up in system->configuration->general->design
More info can be found here How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails?
You should change that in the Magento backend (configuration > design > transactional e-mails).
For this, In the skin hierarchy of your theme under this skin/frotend/default/YOUR_THEME/images structure you should have your logo file naming it as "logo_email.gif". Just replace this with your new logo file (keeping the same name).
This won't require any further updations, clear the cache and check it out.
To change this globally, go to:
System>Configuration>General>Design>Transactional Emails and upload it there. I'm using Magento ver.

Magento Multi Store themes calling same login.phtml file

I'm new to magento. Currently i'm developing two ecommerce sites using multi-store option in magento. Both the sites are 90% over, last night when i planned to customize the login page i was shocked. The reason is the changes made in first store login page also reflecting in second store also. The login page is curently calling from
Is it possible to give any custom login page? PLz guide me magento experts......
Please update your post with your frontend/ folder structure down to each theme template folder. It might be that you don't have a copy of login.phtml in the second theme. Moreover you should follow templates best practices as:
Always create for a new shop different packaga. So not
Always have default theme left as much untouched, as possible. So in the
Should be some basic changes and rules of your package. It means for example in the putting reset.css for all of your themes. Or something like this.
As for me, each store view should have own theme. So, for example, storeview1
There you copy and change files specific for this theme. So, for example, in default you might have login.phtml. But you want storeview1 to have another login.phtml and in storeview2 it should be the same as in default. Therefore you copy the login.phtml from default to storeview1 and change it there. Don't forget to change package and theme in System->Configuration->Design. Package should be change for whole shop and theme should be specified for every store view or left untouched for default.
P.S. Magento theme fallbacks
P.P.S. Try this tutorial or google another one
P.P.P.S. I hope, you got the answer for your question.

Can't change header logo in Magento?

I have created my own theme for magento, and I am trying to edit the logo and am having difficulty.
I have created my own local/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml file, and specified within the config the following:
I created a custom layout in the file as well. I can see the custom layout file in the CMS, but my changes to the logo do absolutely nothing. I have even tried changing the original core config.xml, it still stays the same.
On multiple websites, I have been told to go to System > Configuration > Design > Header, but I do not have the header option?
Help please!
The value you're changing (mostly likely, hard to tell without more context) in the configuration file is the default value for a the logo_src System Config variable. This is not want you want to do.
The people who've told to change the value in System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header are correct. If you don't have a header options there it's eitehr because
The person who setup your admin account didn't give you access (ask them)
You have the wrong configuration scope set (look in the upper left hand corner for the scope selector)
Someone tried to customize your Magento store and accidentally killed the header configuration
If you're desperate you could always search through your codebase for calls to getLogoSrc
and replace them with a hard coded image.
Save image at the below location
Login to the admin section
System > Configuration > General > Design > Header > Logo Image Src
-- Replace the images/logo.gif to images/your_image_name.png
Your default magneto front-end header logo will be changed to your custom logo.
I was only able to make my logo show (in Magento Community 1.9) after I placed the file in this directory: /skin/frontend/base/default/images/logo_YCZ.jpg
