Change logo in transactional email - magento

I have a transactional email with the following code:
<img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></td>
and a logo in /public_html/skin/frontend/fortis/default/images
called logo.png
What I should put in store url="" and in {{var logo_url}} to show my logo in the transactional email?

To change this globally, go to:
System > Configuration > General > Design > Transactional Emails
and upload it there. I'm using Magento ver.
You Should have an image in your folder called logo_email.gif same as logo_print.gif for the "Print View" pages.

If you have to use your logo.png file you need to use something like this
src="{{skin url="images/logo.png" _area='frontend' _package="fortis" _theme="default"}}"
But the better way would to be to convert your email logo, as suggested by SteveyO, to email_logo.gif and put it into /public_html/skin/frontend/fortis/default/images/logo_email.gif so you don't need to edit every transactional email and make sure that everything is set up in system->configuration->general->design
More info can be found here How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails?

You should change that in the Magento backend (configuration > design > transactional e-mails).

For this, In the skin hierarchy of your theme under this skin/frotend/default/YOUR_THEME/images structure you should have your logo file naming it as "logo_email.gif". Just replace this with your new logo file (keeping the same name).
This won't require any further updations, clear the cache and check it out.

To change this globally, go to:
System>Configuration>General>Design>Transactional Emails and upload it there. I'm using Magento ver.


Editing magento extension

I have downloaded Youama Ajax Login and Register magento extension.
Its working perfectly.But it has less fields in registration. I want to add more fields in the magento extension like phone no,pincode to edit magento extension?
Hello check below path & more fields.
To keep extension more or less upgradeable and do some customization in same time you should copy key .phtml files to your theme folder and do customization over there.
For example copy
and edit it there (only files you want to edit).
On the other side blocks, models, helpers and controllers should be overridden if customization is needed. You can check overriding process in this article by one of my colleagues.

How can i change logo of magento in backend

How can i change the standard logo of magento in the back-end not front-end?
is there an option in the admin for that? or where is the exact line in the code where i can change this?
We don't want to override core code here, so let's do this the right way. Doing it properly will mean your change won't get overridden by a possible update carried out later on. It's a bit of a different process to doing this in the back-end than the front-end. But follow these steps and you can do it without touching core code.
Firstly, you're going to need to make a module in order to do it. Make your module, call it whatever you want and in your config.xml add this
Replace skin_name with something that makes sense. Then create this folder, replacing skin_name again:
{magento root}/skin/adminhtml/default/skin_name/images
Now, in the images folder you can create a GIF file named logo.gif which will override the default one. logo.gif is specifically stated in the adminhtml templates so if you want to change the file type/name you'll need to override the template that references the logo too.
Optional - Changing the file name/type
If you do want to change the image used, create this folder (same deal with replacing skin_name):
{magento root}/app/design/adminhtml/default/skin_name/template/page/
And create header.phtml within that folder. Copy the contents of:
{magento root}/app/design/adminhtml/default/defaut/template/page/header.phtml
and replace:
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/logo.gif') ?>
with your chosen image, located in the skin you created earlier like this:
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/my_shiny_new_logo.png') ?>
1.Save image at the below location
/magento/skin/frontend/default/default/images/<image name>
2.Go to admin section
System >Configuration >General > Design > Header > Logo Image Src
put the location as images/<image name>
Here change the source address
If you want to update/change logo from Magento backend (without using FTP or without updating any file) then you can do the following:
Login to your Magento admin
Edit any static block (CMS -> Static Blocks)
There you will see Insert Image button. Click on it.
Upload your logo image there. Suppose, your logo name is logo.png. Then, the image path will be
Now, go to System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header
Update Logo Image Src to ../../../../../media/wysiwyg/logo.png. This has to be done because by default Magento fetches image from skin/frontend/smartwave/porto/images directory.
First take Copy of magento's default logo.gif From path Project_Name\skin\adminhtml\default\default\images\logo.gif And then save your own image by Replacing logo.gif ,means give same name to Your image too like logo.gif.Its simple.
Logo for admin page is located in /skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/
You can rename/remove the default logo and upload your designed logo, remember to name the file as: logo.gif
In case you dont want to replace the original file, you can make change to code in /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/page/header.phtml. Find the line $this->getSkinUrl('images/logo.gif') and change logo.gif to you new logo file's name, for example: newlogo.gif
Save changes and reload your admin page to see the new logo
Reference source:
You can replace the file directly on the server, for magento
Replace that file with your logo.gif, be sure to name it the same.

Customize Newsletter Template?

i am using Magento I Have already changed all transaction E-Mails in my Magento Project. But i have one last Problem. I have not found a way to change the newsletter Template? Is there a way to change the used template like the other transaction E-Mails?
I have 1.7 but i think the menu is the same
If i understand your question, in your admin dashboard you should look under System > Transactional Emails > Add new template. From the options field (labeled Template) choose Newsletter ... (there are three templates), load each of them and change them.
Also for the actual newsletter, from admin dashboard chose Newsletter > Newsletter Templates and add a new email.

How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails?

I don't want to create templates for all transactional emails but I would like to replace the default Magento logo used for emails.
I know that I can go into the base directory and replace it, but if I upgrade the system it will wipe it out. Does anyone know the proper way to change it?
Another correct way to do that is to go in BackEnd to System>>Configuration>>Design>>Transactional Emails>>Logo Image
and easily pick your logo image from there.
You can create a new theme and place it there. This isn't as difficult as it sounds because of the way themes fall back onto defaults in Magento. If Magento can't find something in your theme, it will fall back onto the base theme by looking in the default folder.
For example, in a store that I maintain, I uploaded my own version of the e-mail logo image in
and in the Administration panel, I went to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and set Default to {my-theme-name}.
Why does this work?
In the e-mail templates, Magento specifies the src of the logo image as {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}. This is Magento template gibberish for "find the images/logo_email.gif in the frontend area of the current theme." So Magento looks in for /frontend/{package}/{my-theme-name}/images/logo_email.gif, finds it, and uses that path when dishing out the HTML.
If you delete your image, it doesn't break! Instead, although Magento would still first search in your theme directory as described above, it would discover that it doesn't exist and fall back onto the one in /frontend/{package}/default/images/logo_email.gif.
Good luck, and hope this helps!
The best answer for handling logos in transactional emails is a combination of the previous answers.
Select the logo for your transactional emails by going here: System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
Then, in your transactional emails ensure that they reference: {{var logo_url}} for the url of the logo.
I upgraded from an older version of Magento and it had {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}} for the logo url. This older method referenced the logo_email.gif stuck in the default image folder.
For magento 1.9, if you want to change transactional mails' logo for all templates follow this:
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
In Magento < use {{var logo_url}} instead of {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}
Sometimes the email client will keep a cached version of the image.
I was viewing the correct image in the browser by copying the url from the email source code, but still Mail on Mac Os was displaying the demo store logo...

Can't change header logo in Magento?

I have created my own theme for magento, and I am trying to edit the logo and am having difficulty.
I have created my own local/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml file, and specified within the config the following:
I created a custom layout in the file as well. I can see the custom layout file in the CMS, but my changes to the logo do absolutely nothing. I have even tried changing the original core config.xml, it still stays the same.
On multiple websites, I have been told to go to System > Configuration > Design > Header, but I do not have the header option?
Help please!
The value you're changing (mostly likely, hard to tell without more context) in the configuration file is the default value for a the logo_src System Config variable. This is not want you want to do.
The people who've told to change the value in System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header are correct. If you don't have a header options there it's eitehr because
The person who setup your admin account didn't give you access (ask them)
You have the wrong configuration scope set (look in the upper left hand corner for the scope selector)
Someone tried to customize your Magento store and accidentally killed the header configuration
If you're desperate you could always search through your codebase for calls to getLogoSrc
and replace them with a hard coded image.
Save image at the below location
Login to the admin section
System > Configuration > General > Design > Header > Logo Image Src
-- Replace the images/logo.gif to images/your_image_name.png
Your default magneto front-end header logo will be changed to your custom logo.
I was only able to make my logo show (in Magento Community 1.9) after I placed the file in this directory: /skin/frontend/base/default/images/logo_YCZ.jpg
