Magento - Allow user to manage social media URLs - magento

Ok so I’m trying to implement social media into the footer. However, they are images that change color when hovered over that I’m working into the CSS.
But my question is, if the end user changed their Facebook URL, how will they update the url? I obviously can’t just put it directly into the theme because then the end-user will know how to program and where to look just to change the URL.
How do I go about implementing this the right way so the end-user can update their social media URLs to their Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Etc easily..?

What do you mean by saying "user changed their Facebook URL"?
You talking about customer or administrator?
If you mean administrator, then the you can create custom settings for social media links
For customers store theirs social uids

In order to do this, you will need to create an extension, albeit not a very complicated one. If you've never done this before, Alan storm wrote an excellent tutorial.
One file that is often included in extensions (but seems not to be mentioned in the above mentioned tutorial) is etc/system.xml. This file lets you define a new page in the System->Configuration section of the Magento admin panel. Magento provides a good tutorial on writing those.
Any fields you put in etc/system.xml will be modifiable in the Magento admin panel, and you can access them anywhere in your code with Mage::getStoreConfig('your extension's name/the name of the field'), e.g., Mage::getStoreConfig('facebook/enabled');


Hosting a Website using 1&1 Service

I'm currently trying to upload a html+css page to my hosting service (1&1 internet).
Unfortunately, I have very little experience in that; and would like to ask this question:
How is it possible to update the existing homepage on a site that already has been uploaded to the web?
I'm using WebspaceExplorer. Now, when I enter it, (Hosting section) there are a lot of folders and files with a few options like download, delete and so on.
I can't seem to find out how to make the program understand which one should be the homepage. This is because I see that the page I uploaded is online and accessible, but is not the first page the user sees! How can I change it?
It may be confusing because of the poor description so here is the url of both: (current Homepage) (desired homepage)

Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento

This might be a basic question, I'm still relatively new to Magento. I have 2 store views in a magento project. 1 for English (default) and 1 for Japanese. While working with both store views, I noticed how if for example I switch to the Japanese store view, if I redirected to a different page or content on the store, the language goes back to English. How do I prevent the website from going back to the default language every time I change categories/catalogs?
That is all about Magento Admin setting. While creating Content Pages/Categories/products, there is a option that ask to choose Store View.
You can add content for Cateogries/Product/CMS Pages for each locale. If it is done then you'll be able to see your site content on the basis of current locale. Hence you need to go through Magento Admin first.
Hope it will work for you. Please let me know if any issue.
Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento is easy.
Edit/Create Product/Category/Page/Static blocks according to need storeview and put content according to languages in that.
Now access pages by store code, if we are using that.
In some case we don't find the heading names according to languages so just enable inline translater from admin and do translation specific to store/website.
To run Magento store using urls we have both options index.php modifiction and using .htaccess using website and store codes.
On running Magento multisite , multistore. We generally face the common urls for media, js and other resources we should use symlink to increase SEO ranking and score.
Please feel free to contact.
Install your language package.
Create products, categories, pages, and static blocks on the basis of your selected language.
Sometimes translation does not work for few words. In those cases, Inline translation from admin will help you.
Managing content according to store view is very easy.
follow up below steps for managing content according to Store view.
Edit your product or category or your page and static block etc.
after that you can see store select left side in product and category and on page you can see feild below url in static block also. select your store view.
whater ever you want to change or edit please do according to you.
After that save it will apear only on your selected store.
Note: if you not edit any fild by store then it will show default store contents.

I want to add CAPTCHA on shoppingcart.asp as well one-page-checkout.asp page in Volusion, can anybody help me how to do this? Thanks

My client has ecommerce store on Volusion and he is getting so many fake orders and now I want to add CAPTCHA before user login on shoppincart.asp page or one-page-checkout.asp page (before place order button).
My client website is
I already contacted Volusion support and they don't have any specific answer about this problem and just suggesting to take their serivce or get this done by their partner.
You can use google captcha for this :
Google reCaptcha
It is easy to use... You can find out the code how to put it. You just have to get one Public Key & Private Key for specific domain.
It's under the design menu in the admin panel, Hover over design, then click on articles.
Once on articles change display mode to list, and find one-page-checkout.asp and shoppingcart.asp click edit and add your code.
For reference use see:
Volusion File Editor Support
One Page Checkout and Advanced Shopping Cart Functionality in Volusion

Go To Full Site Magento Link To Change Themes

I have used the built-in iphone theme in Magento to create a mobile site, the problem that I am having is creating a link so that the user has the option to go back to the full site, is there a way to create link to change the theme in Magento or create a link that makes Magento see the mobile as a normal web browser?
I have looked at a number of things such as trying to make the mobile appear to have a different user agent once the link is clicked but I have had no look
Thanks in advance
The easiest way is to create 2 store views: one for the mobile version and second for full version.
Ex: and
You have patterns for mobile user agents, so you can check if user came with mobile deviсe — redirect him to the mobile store ( and just add link to the main store:
One more solution is to use one and the same URI and just add store code to the address: and

Is there a way in Joomla to have public user profiles?

I installed Joomla 1.7 and I noticed that you can have user profiles with the user profile plugin. However, is there a way to publicly access a user's profile (without loging in)?
For instance, I noticed that you can go to:
However, that seems to pull up my own profile, If I am logged out it always redirects you to the login form. I have tried adding additional variables like "id=1", "user_id=1", or "userId=1".
Is there a way to do this? Or will I have to develop a component to pull in this information publicly?
Even though it not possible with clean Joomla website a lot of useful code come with it, which you could include to your component if you prefer to create one.
But... there is a great extension Community Builder with a great team behind it. Having used it in the past, I would highly recommend it as a solution for community based sites.
It changes the login form to a much better & bug-free form, enables more fields to be created for registration, and allows special pages for individual users, plus, community builder has extension-specific plugins.
EDIT: This answer needs an update as since it was added more extensions have been introduced like JomSocial or EasySocial. I cannot recomment CommunityBuilder any more
This post is tagged with Joomla 1.7 however I wanted to mention that if using Joomla 3.7.4 you now have the ability to show the User Profile plugin data from the core Contacts component. You can also add more custom fields to the Users component and they will also show from the Contacts component. You can set the display of the Users Profile info by going to the Admin panel -> Contacts -> Options. Turn on the option under; Contact -> User Profile -> set to "Show".
