Can't change header logo in Magento? - magento

I have created my own theme for magento, and I am trying to edit the logo and am having difficulty.
I have created my own local/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml file, and specified within the config the following:
I created a custom layout in the file as well. I can see the custom layout file in the CMS, but my changes to the logo do absolutely nothing. I have even tried changing the original core config.xml, it still stays the same.
On multiple websites, I have been told to go to System > Configuration > Design > Header, but I do not have the header option?
Help please!

The value you're changing (mostly likely, hard to tell without more context) in the configuration file is the default value for a the logo_src System Config variable. This is not want you want to do.
The people who've told to change the value in System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header are correct. If you don't have a header options there it's eitehr because
The person who setup your admin account didn't give you access (ask them)
You have the wrong configuration scope set (look in the upper left hand corner for the scope selector)
Someone tried to customize your Magento store and accidentally killed the header configuration
If you're desperate you could always search through your codebase for calls to getLogoSrc
and replace them with a hard coded image.

Save image at the below location
Login to the admin section
System > Configuration > General > Design > Header > Logo Image Src
-- Replace the images/logo.gif to images/your_image_name.png
Your default magneto front-end header logo will be changed to your custom logo.

I was only able to make my logo show (in Magento Community 1.9) after I placed the file in this directory: /skin/frontend/base/default/images/logo_YCZ.jpg


Why my changes on template files are not showing up?

I am working on Magento and trying to make some changes on one of the .phtml files. But my changes never reflect on the web site. I have tried the following things:
Clear Magento cache and delete cache storage
Open the path hint and make sure I am editing the correct file
Go to magento admin panel, System->Configuration->Design, and make sure templates, skin, layout and default folders are correct.
None of the above action worked. Is there anything else that I could do?
Thanks a lot.
Screen shot
First thing you would want to check is the cache. System > Cache Management. Disable the Layout and Blocks HTML output caches and refresh the frontend page where you've put your changes.
If cache isn't the problem there is a way to find out which template is rendered in a specific location because you may not be editing the correct file.
Go to System > Configuration, select your website from top left Current Configuration Scope, then go to Developer > Debug and set Template Path Hints to Yes.
After this, save your config and refresh the page where you want to modify the .phtml.
If you are working on a live environment make sure not everybody will be able to see the template paths by putting your IP in the Allowed IPs input from Developer Client Restrictions.
After you are finished with this re-enable the cache.

Magento - How to Edit container1

I am looking to edit the container1 and container2 product information in my magento template. In view mytemplate/template/catalog/view.phtml and I see these container1 and container2 calls.
After some research, I should be looking for an options directory, but that does not exist in my template.
Is this something I am suppose to add if its not there? Hopefully someone can help as I am definitely hoping to add a new div class and some new options to this Add to Cart/product-options area.
If you're trying to actually add options, you would do that through the admin interface. If you're trying to change aspects of the template affecting how options are displayed, you would indeed be looking for options .phtml files. Specifically, in your theme path, something like:
And there will be two files:
In the future you might also want to look into enabling theme hints through your admin interface:
System > Configuration
Change current configuration scope to anything more specific than "Default Config".
Advanced > Developer > Debug > Template Path Hints > Yes
After enabling this mode, open the product view page and each element on the page will also show which .phtml it is being generated by. If this is a live site, you might also want to set your IP address under the Developer Client Restriction Allowed IP so nobody else sees the hints.

Magento Multi Store themes calling same login.phtml file

I'm new to magento. Currently i'm developing two ecommerce sites using multi-store option in magento. Both the sites are 90% over, last night when i planned to customize the login page i was shocked. The reason is the changes made in first store login page also reflecting in second store also. The login page is curently calling from
Is it possible to give any custom login page? PLz guide me magento experts......
Please update your post with your frontend/ folder structure down to each theme template folder. It might be that you don't have a copy of login.phtml in the second theme. Moreover you should follow templates best practices as:
Always create for a new shop different packaga. So not
Always have default theme left as much untouched, as possible. So in the
Should be some basic changes and rules of your package. It means for example in the putting reset.css for all of your themes. Or something like this.
As for me, each store view should have own theme. So, for example, storeview1
There you copy and change files specific for this theme. So, for example, in default you might have login.phtml. But you want storeview1 to have another login.phtml and in storeview2 it should be the same as in default. Therefore you copy the login.phtml from default to storeview1 and change it there. Don't forget to change package and theme in System->Configuration->Design. Package should be change for whole shop and theme should be specified for every store view or left untouched for default.
P.S. Magento theme fallbacks
P.P.S. Try this tutorial or google another one
P.P.P.S. I hope, you got the answer for your question.

Change Magento CMS Home page

I am using this groupon clone from contus
I am try to change the cms home page .Which as what i have observed can be found in
System > Configuration > Web > Default Pages
I tried changing the CMS Home Page .i chose the template that i made in
CMS > Pages
I am expecting the template to be loaded .and ugh after several tries, clearing the cache and even changing the Default Web URL into the templates URL Key .it didn't work
any suggestions?
Here's a screenshot of the default cms_home_page
I tried editing the config.xml in the
I changed the default > web > default > cms_home_page node into the coming-soon URL key .Still didn't work
I can access the page and the page as well .I just wonder, why the settings i applied in the admin (and can also be seen in the db) doesn't work.
you can simply go to system >> configuration >> and click on the web which is left in your window under general.
than click on Default Pages and set CMS Home Page
Second thing, You have to do "enable" this page and you can do it from
cms >> pages and click on the page which you have selected, than set status >> enable
The unique identifier in the CMS > Manage Content section just needs to be a unique string in the context of a store view. You should NOT use the frontname of a core module there (e.g. "cms"). Change your url key to something unique, and head to System > Configuration. Select Web. As long as the Default Web URL is set to cms, cms/index, or cms/index/index you should be able to simply choose the desired CMS page from the Default Web URL dropdown. Make sure you check other configuration scope settings (dropdown at top left) in case there is a rude setting set at a lower level.
FYI, what you "make" in the Manage Pages section are routes with content as opposed to "templates" (in Magento parlance). Templates are PHTML files under app/design.
Just to answer to those who reach this page;
If you see this behaviour you should check the store switcher in your top left. Choose your store and check the config for it.
Probably it's not using the default settings and overriding the global scope.

How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails?

I don't want to create templates for all transactional emails but I would like to replace the default Magento logo used for emails.
I know that I can go into the base directory and replace it, but if I upgrade the system it will wipe it out. Does anyone know the proper way to change it?
Another correct way to do that is to go in BackEnd to System>>Configuration>>Design>>Transactional Emails>>Logo Image
and easily pick your logo image from there.
You can create a new theme and place it there. This isn't as difficult as it sounds because of the way themes fall back onto defaults in Magento. If Magento can't find something in your theme, it will fall back onto the base theme by looking in the default folder.
For example, in a store that I maintain, I uploaded my own version of the e-mail logo image in
and in the Administration panel, I went to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and set Default to {my-theme-name}.
Why does this work?
In the e-mail templates, Magento specifies the src of the logo image as {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}. This is Magento template gibberish for "find the images/logo_email.gif in the frontend area of the current theme." So Magento looks in for /frontend/{package}/{my-theme-name}/images/logo_email.gif, finds it, and uses that path when dishing out the HTML.
If you delete your image, it doesn't break! Instead, although Magento would still first search in your theme directory as described above, it would discover that it doesn't exist and fall back onto the one in /frontend/{package}/default/images/logo_email.gif.
Good luck, and hope this helps!
The best answer for handling logos in transactional emails is a combination of the previous answers.
Select the logo for your transactional emails by going here: System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
Then, in your transactional emails ensure that they reference: {{var logo_url}} for the url of the logo.
I upgraded from an older version of Magento and it had {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}} for the logo url. This older method referenced the logo_email.gif stuck in the default image folder.
For magento 1.9, if you want to change transactional mails' logo for all templates follow this:
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
In Magento < use {{var logo_url}} instead of {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}
Sometimes the email client will keep a cached version of the image.
I was viewing the correct image in the browser by copying the url from the email source code, but still Mail on Mac Os was displaying the demo store logo...
