Good tool to create documentation for jQuery plugin? - jquery-plugins

I wrote a Javascript (jQuery) plugin. Now I want to write a documentation site for it. Is there a good tool to create such a site out of some offline file formats or works like a CMS?
I know this answer has been asked before, but the last answers are from 2011. Is there anything new that does an awesome job in writing documentation?

There are a few new tools for generating websites or blogs from code/directory.
Bootstrap v3 just switched to jekyll for documentation. jekyll knows how to process Markdown or Liquid (markdown flavours)
Grunt.js is also used for all sorts of automated task. One of these being documentation generation. Search their plugin list for doc is another tool for generating documentation pages
I'll extend if I bump into others. I am not sure if this is exactly what you need, but they are general purpose so I am sure a jQuery plugin can fit in.


Creating inline comments within a wordpress blog post

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to enable users to comment within a blog post in wordpress? For example, in Microsoft word, users can add comments within a article, I'm wondering if the same can be done to a wordpress blog post?
Is there a handy plugin?
What's the best way to go about creating one? Creating overlay with Ajax windows? Any starter code I can pull from?
Has anyone seen this done really well? Surprising that its not more prominent on the web.
I searched for a plugin, too. There WAS no WordPress plugin. So I've written my own, based on inlineDisqussions.
It's called "Inline Comments", try it:

How do I install and use Groundwork CSS

I've been looking around at some CSS frameworks and I really like the look of the Groundwork CSS framework because it has a nice responsive layout. However I downloaded the source code and I'm a bit lost. I'm used to using Twitter Bootstrap and and I really love it's documentation (the instructions on scaffolding are helpful to beginners), bit I don't really know how to use Groundwork.
How do I get started with using the Groundwork CSS framework?
Groundwork, like Bootstrap, is a web-development framework, not just a set of CSS docs. They both include a set of style-sheets, java-script files, misc icons etc, and one or more HTML docs to bring it all together.Installation is simple; download the framework, rename the folder to "MyCoolNewSite", start editing.
As Michal stated, the "index/html" doc that comes with the framework has lots to look at to help you get started. They also have what looks to be pretty solid documentation on their site, starting here:
The site has now changed to:

Maven site + search capabilities

Recently in our organisation we've decided to work with maven site plugin and maintain all the documentation about our project in the site generated by maven.
However I haven't found any way to add a search functionality, the only thing I've come across that some skins provide an integration with the google search engine, but I can't use it because we're running in our own network and there is no chance to make it 'indexable' from outside.
So, my question is whether someone can suggest a descent solution for this?
I thought about developing a kind of maven plugin that would run lucene and index everything by itself and then provide an API to use this search from within the site, but I hope I won't need to reinvent the wheel :) So any suggestion will be welcome here
Thanks in advance
Just an idea, you can try to use JavaScript based full-text search engine e.g.
We are using constellio to index the published site on a schedule. That works well so far.
I've raised to cover adding a generic search form to the fluido skin which we use to build our maven sites. Hopefully that'll be progressed and we can have the search form baked into the documentation.
I know this is an old question, but a very easy (and admittedly ugly) way to accomplish what you want is simply generating a PDF with the site contents and letting your users do the search on the PDF. The advantage over searching on the generated site is that any PDF reader will be able to search the whole document.
mvn pdf:pdf
If you cannot use Google Site Search you're dependent on local search implementations. Hence, you either need to build the index during the site build (and for it to be available as part of your site) or do both index and search in the browser.
Besides JSSindex which appears to be somewhat dated there's which is based on jQuery.
Maven site plugin approach is not widely used. So there is nothing specific for indexing yet.
You should look at non-maven tools.

best HTML code sharing app

I've been searching google for a while to determine the most coder-friendly example boxes.
I'm wanting to share varying forms of ECMA script (JS for example) etc that provides the user with color coding and a simple way of copying the code. I know there are several out there, but I wanted to get some opinions from SOF since you guys probably have good experience with code.
so- What's the code-sharing tool you [would] use?
the solution
I ended up using Gist for complete snippets and am using Syntax Highlighter for *incomplete * code samples. There's a Drupal plugin for the Syntax Highlighter, but I dare say it's more of a pain to figure out the plugin than it is to just do things the old fashioned way (old fashioned being like 5 years ago..)
I use
Color coding — check
HTML, CSS, JS — check
Live demo — check
gist has syntax highlighting and users can download the files separately, as a zip archive or using git. You can embed the files easily on other sites.
Additionally, the site tracks changes and other users can add comments or fork a gist to change it themselves.

Author in wiki, generate PDF documents, CHM files or embedded help

Anyone know of a wiki or wiki plugin that generates a PDF file or CHM file that spans the entire wiki?
I would like to have control of the table of contents.
I would like the internal and external links to work.
Ideally allow for tweaking the output template, but that is not a deal-breaker.
I want to generate content using WIKI syntax and mindset (lots of cross-links etc), but ship the content in PDF, CHM or an embedded application form. Something friendlier than installing the wiki software on the enduser machine...
XWiki does this out of the box.
The MediaWiki PDF Export extension allows you to select a group of PDF pages. I've not installed it yet, so unsure if it's easy to use that feature to select all the pages.
Confluence lets you choose pages when you export to PDF a space
But you can't customise a lot the PDF
You can customise it slightly through a theme (based on velocity)
Sphinx ( is a fairly nice tool for generating HTML (or CHM) and PDF documentation, with wiki-like syntax. It is not a wiki; you can't edit through the web and generating HTML requires a build process. Still, it is pretty nice, with cross-references, fairly simple markup, and (in the HTML output) a search engine implemented in JavaScript with no server-side dependencies beyond static file hosting. Sphinx was developed for the new version of the Python documentation and is pretty themable; for example, the GeoServer project (which I work on, excuse the shameless plug) is using Sphinx with a custom theme for the new version of their user and developer manuals.
JIRA ( is your geeky wet dream in terms of control; it exports to PDF (amongst other) and you can have complete control of pages, TOC and other aspects, although expect some complexity to set it up.
Microsoft has an HtmlHelp Authoring tool that can create chm files from html files.
If you need the help files both on the web and within deployed applications, generating the help from the same files used on the web could be a great solution. If the help site was created using (ie database driven) it might be worth using basic styles and creating a tool to generate html files by reading in the served out pages?
Have a look at:
I guess one could also additionally then create a PDF from the Html pages?
