iTunes Connect icon rendering - cocoa

Upon submitting an OS X application to the Mac App Store via iTunes, I've noticed that viewing the application icon in iTunes Connect shows the icon with rounded corners and dropshadows. This is strange because when viewing application in the Mac App Store it's clear that the rounded corners are entirely optional.
Is there something I should have added to my Info.plist file in order to stop this from happening (similar to the UIPrerenderedIcon key in iOS products), or is this just an oddity of the iTunes Connect website? The icon renders correctly in Finder and via the Activity screen in Xcode.
Any help would be appreciated.

Turns out that the App Store renders icons like this by default. It has no impact on the App Store rendering on the customer facing site.


Missing icon in Mac App Store review screen

I have a Safari App Extension that uses SKStoreReviewController to request the Mac App Store rating screen:
The screen looks like it should have the app icon on the left side, but it doesn’t. I’ve tried setting ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME in Xcode to a valid asset name, but no change. Is this meant to work? If so, how do I get the icon there?
Don't know if it's the same issue but looks like using SKStoreReviewController on iOS seems to trigger similar behaviour. Does this issue also occur in the released version?
SKStoreReviewController not showing app icon in development

Web Inspector on Mac is empty when connected to iPad

I am struggling to use the Web Inspector on my Mac to inspect the webpage on my iPad. This is what I have tried so far:
I have turned on web inspector on my iPad.
I have checked that cookies are enabled on both the Mac and the iPad.
I have connected my iPad up to my Mac with a cable.
On the Mac, under the develop menu I can see my iPad - when I hover
the mouse over the visible tab, the webpage on my iPad highlights with blue. Clicking that brings up the Web Inspector on my Mac.
When I hit refresh in the Web Inspector on my Mac, the page on my
iPad refreshes.
There is obviously a connection between my iPad and my Mac.
However, the rest of the Web Inspector on my Mac seems empty.
The Elements tab is empty. The Network tab shows an empty list (headers only), even after a refresh. The Resources tab is empty. The Timelines tab is empty. The Debugger tab is empty and shows no sources. The Storage tab is empty. And the Console tab shows nothing, despite numerous calls to console.log from my webpage on the iPad.
I have also tried opening a private browsing window on my Mac and tried connecting to my iPad via the Web Inspector from there. Still no joy.
I am using Safari version 11.1.1 on my Mac. I am unsure how to check the version number of Safari on my iPad. I am an experienced Windows user but have limited experience with Macs. Please let me know if there is any further information that I could provide.
Can anyone help me in getting the Web Inspector to work properly between my Mac and my iPad? Many thanks.

Upload iPad ONLY app to iTunes

I have tried the following, but iTunes still wants me to upload iPhone screenshots.
1.) Devicefamily set to 2 info.plist.
2.) General - Targets - Deployment Info - Devices is set to iPad
3.) App Icon checked ONLY for iPad.
4.) All assets being used across project in Assets.xcassets are checked for iPad ONLY.
I have attached screenshots for all four points mentioned above. On iTunes it still wants me to upload screen shots for iPhone.
Please assist, I am having a hard time finding the needle in the haystack.
On the same screen where you have options of Screen Shot Scroll down Select the Build first and upload the SS for iPad only, itunes will detect automatically depending on you build (iPA).

Can't get icon to load on Mac Store from binary

So I tried both the old standby - here:
Attempt 1:
How can I set the icon for a Mac Application in Xcode?
Attempt 2: Also tried the new way, which is filling out the Images.xcassets...
Results: both times in the App Store the icon is greyed out. Both times the art is shown on the Mac binary .app that's placed in my production folder.
Would sure appreciate an answer!!
Ah found the answer... another post had the solution...
Mac app icon not displayed in itunes connect
Looks like iTunes currently has a bug that needs you to submit the app in order to get the icon loaded. no biggie.

Can Mac App store large icon be different from app icon?

On the iOS App Store developers can upload a large app icon for display on the app store through iTunes Connect as part of the process of updating the metadata. As such you can have a different icon for the app store and for on the actual device--I'm talking here in technical terms, whether one should have a graphically different icon on the app store vs on the device is a different matter altogether.
Going through the process of uploading an app to the Mac App Store I noticed that you cannot upload a large icon and that instead it is pulled out of the bundle. In this case, which icon does it use? Does it just pull one out of the .icns file, e.g. the 512 one? Or can you provide a separate icon along with the main app icon .icns targeted especially for the app store?
Once you upload application to iTunes & application icon will automatically appear in iTunes. For MAC application, you need same Icon of 1024*1024 (icon_512x512#2x). if you will not add it in icns file then it will not allow you to upload application to iTunes.
