Upload iPad ONLY app to iTunes - xcode

I have tried the following, but iTunes still wants me to upload iPhone screenshots.
1.) Devicefamily set to 2 info.plist.
2.) General - Targets - Deployment Info - Devices is set to iPad
3.) App Icon checked ONLY for iPad.
4.) All assets being used across project in Assets.xcassets are checked for iPad ONLY.
I have attached screenshots for all four points mentioned above. On iTunes it still wants me to upload screen shots for iPhone.
Please assist, I am having a hard time finding the needle in the haystack.

On the same screen where you have options of Screen Shot Scroll down Select the Build first and upload the SS for iPad only, itunes will detect automatically depending on you build (iPA).


Xcode Simulator For iPad app displays zoomed in like and iPhone app

I created a brand new Xcode project using the master detail template. Just running the project off the bat my Xcode simulator runs all iPad devices in the below format.
It looks like an iPhone app is being ran on an iPad. In the bottom right corner there is a 1x button. When clicked it turns into a 2x button.
I've reset all device and settings in the simulator and changed the project to run on on other iPad devices but still having the issue. Again this is an out of the box project with no adjustments made. Ive attached a screenshot of what it looks like.
Did you check this setting in the "general" tab in your project build settings is set to iPad instead of iPhone?

Where to add App Icon for iPad PRO [duplicate]

iPad Pro requires 167x167 App icon and 2732 x 2048 (landscape) launch image. But where should I put them? Xcode 7.1 Asset Catalogs don't provide any place to add iPad Pro specific icons or images.
My launch image is size specific, so using storyboard for this isn't a good option.
Apple commented on this issue: "Latest beta (7.2b3) added 83.5#2x app icon slot to asset catalogs, and Developer relations reported in a radar comment that they no longer support launch images and will not be adding the iPad pro launch image size to asset catalogs."
Taken from here.
Use Launch Screen storyboard.
You can also disable Launch Screen File and Launch Images Source from project General settings and use the old way - define all Launch Images in Info.plist.
<string>{1366, 1024}</string>
More info about UILaunchImages in Info.plist in this post:
How do I create launch images for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus Landscape Only Apps?
You should use Launch Screen Files for iPad Pro instead of Launch Images.
First, from iPad Pro, iOS don't support Launch Images, so you can not find the right sizes for iPad Pro's launch images in Xcode 7.1.
Second, if you don't use Launch Screen File, you app running on iPad Pro will be scaled, which is so called 'Display Zoom'.
It looks like you'll need to use the Launch Screen storyboard or xib file to support launch screens specific for iPad Pro.
Per Apple, you should be able to use both the launch image assets to support pre-iOS8, and the Launch Screen file for iOS8+. From the Apple App Distribution Guide :
"For iOS 7 deployment targets, you can supply both a launch screen file and launch images. In iOS 8, the launch screen file is used, and in iOS 7, the launch images are used."
also these docs state:
"If you also need to support earlier versions of iOS, you can continue to supply static launch images in addition to a launch file."
However, in my case even though I have a LaunchScreen.storyboard file, it isn't getting used when I have launch images in an asset catalog. i.e.: I always see the asset catalog launch images instead of the launch screen. I verified the Launch Screen file is set in the info.plist and that it has the "Use as Launch Screen" flag set. I'm also using size classes and auto layout.
If you don't find the "wells" where to put the icons in asset catalogue, perhaps you changed your App settings from iPhone to iPad at a later point and then the iPad "wells" are not visible. You can turn them on by doing this:
The set will only contain image wells for icons that are relevant depending upon your project's configuration at the time the asset catalog was created. If an image well is missing, expand the settings inspector and check the appropriate boxes under the App Icon pane depending upon your project's deployment target and supported devices.

iPad launch image is upside down (portrait) for landscape-only app regardless of rotation

I am developing a universal app. My deployment target is 5.1 I want it to run portrait-only on the iPhone/iPod, and in landscape-only on the iPad.
I am testing with the iPhone and iPad simulators, as well as the latest versions of the iPod touch and iPad.
It works as expected on the iPhone. The portrait launch image comes up first, then the app starts. No problems. It works fine on the simulator as well as my iPod. No matter what the rotation, the app starts and continues to run in portrait (bottom home button), which is as intended.
It works correctly in the iPad simulator. The landscape launch image comes up, then the app starts in landscape. Whatever the rotation, the launch image and the app start and run in landscape as expected.
However, on my iPad, the portrait launch image displays in portrait-upside-down, no matter which way the iPad is rotated. When I remove the Default-Portrait~ipad.png and Default-Portrait#2x~ipad.png files from my project, XCode replaces them with Default.png and Default#2x.png, which are for the iPhone--not the iPad, and which also launch upside down.
My InfoPlist includes these settings:
Initial interface orientation: Portrait (bottom home button)
(There is no key for Initial Interface orientation~ipad)
Supported interface orientations: Portrait (bottom home button)
Supported interface orientations~ipad:
Landscape (left home button)
Landscape (right home button)
I tried changing the Initial interface orientation to Landscape, and I tried removing that key altogether. Neither change made a difference in the way it ran.
I’ve now tried everything I can think of to make this work. Does anybody have a solution?
Okay, I finally fixed the problem. Seems like a bug in XCode to me, but I should have caught it.
I located all my image files in the "Supporting Files" folder. This was not a problem for my music files or most of my image files. However, when it came to my Default-Landscape~ipad.png and Default-Landscape#2x~ipad files, XCode did not like it.
I had dragged those files into their respective boxes on the Summary page, and they were accepted. Then I moved them from the top level folder to the "Supporting Files" folder--just like I had done with the Default.png and Default#2x.png files for the iPhone.
When I built the app, I got no errors. When I ran the app, I got no warnings.
However, HERE IS WHERE I WENT WRONG. I did not run the app with the Profiler until late in the game, and apparently even when I did, I must have ignored the two warnings. Finally, I noticed them: Icon specified in the Info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper: Default-Landscape~ipad.png. I had the same warning for Default-Landscape#2x~ipad.png.
So, I deleted those two files from my project. Then I dragged them into their respective boxes on the Summary page, just as I had done before. But this time I did not move the files from the top project folder. I ran a Clean. Then I ran the app.
Hope this helps somebody else. ;)
I had a similar issue and was able to fix this issue by changing the order of the supported orientations in the plist file to be [0]:LandscapeRight and [1]:LandscapeLeft

iOS Simulator for iPad not working since upgrade to Xcode 4.3.2

A few days back I upgraded to Xcode 4.3.2 by downloading from the developer's portal and running the installation files. Since then, I am able to test apps on my devices and am also able to test them on the iOS simulator for iPhone without issues. However, the iPad simulator is not working well. A screenshot is attached.
The home button doesn't appear.
The status bar doesn't appear.
The simulator appears like a window with minimize and maximize icons (only the maximize icon is enabled) and also has a title with the version no.
Can anyone please advise, a screenshot of the simulator is present at the below location.
The Skins are missing from the iPad simulator, a solution is using the keyboard shortcuts, Cmd+Shift+H for Home, Cmd+1 / 2 / 3 to resize the window to fit on your screen to avoid scrollbars and such.

How to limit iTunes App Store "Requirements" listing?

The iTunes AppStore auto generates some listings on its published pages. One of them is "Requirements:" and shows the devices that this app is compatible with. iPod, iPhone or iPad etc.
QUESTION: Where is this REQUIREMENTS listing set during the build process?
I have submitted an app that I 'thought' was properly configured because the Xcode settings for iPhone and NOT iPhone/iPad. But apparently this is either broken or I am totally confused as to where this is set and how its created on the AppStore.
Can someone enlighten me?
If you create an app that is iPod/iPhone only, it will still run on an iPad, just not as an iPad native app. That is to say, an iPhone/iPod-only app will run in an iPhone-sized window on an iPad. I do not think that you can say you want your iPhone app NOT to run on iPad.
When you select iPhone/iPad for your app type in Xcode, that is telling Apple and iTunes that your app binary is a universal app -- built for both platforms.
may be it's done by apple reviewers according to this guidelines limitation
App Store Review Guidelines:
iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
... or else it will be rejected.
What's the problem? When you start a project you get to choose whether its for iPhone or iPad or both. When you submit it to apple this is also checked against your iOS build version and other things (normally though if there's a conflict it'll let you know before submission - eg: if you haven't included the iPad icons and your app says that its for iPad too).
In XCode4 theres a nice handy interface now that you can use. If you select your project in the left hand pane and click on your main target in the main window you can select the iOS application targets that your app is for.
In your Project settings Version, Device and Deployment Target are where the iTunes Requirements come from. If you choose only iPhone, then your requirements will inlcude iPod touch.
I believe this is the answer you are looking for:
