Missing icon in Mac App Store review screen - xcode

I have a Safari App Extension that uses SKStoreReviewController to request the Mac App Store rating screen:
The screen looks like it should have the app icon on the left side, but it doesn’t. I’ve tried setting ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME in Xcode to a valid asset name, but no change. Is this meant to work? If so, how do I get the icon there?

Don't know if it's the same issue but looks like using SKStoreReviewController on iOS seems to trigger similar behaviour. Does this issue also occur in the released version?
SKStoreReviewController not showing app icon in development


WidgetKit on Mac with Intent doesn't work

I am trying to make a WidgetKit widget for macOS Big Sur. The widget itself works -- the same code on both the Mac and iOS. The issue is that on the Mac the intent (settings) does not work. When I click "Edit Widget" the options I defined do not appear. When I press "Done," it's replaced with a screen that says "Unable to load."
This seems to happen with a brand new target and just a simple new text parameter. These are the steps I took:
Create a new Mac project
Add a new Widget target
Change the generated Intent, adding a parameter. You also need to add a "Siri Dialog Prompt"
Click "Run"
Click "Info" in the Widget Simulator
Click "Configure Intent"
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
This has been an issue since at least Big Sur beta 5 and Xcode 12b6. I opened a ticket with Apple, but I'm also asking here as it seems that some people have it working and it's entirely possible that I'm missing something!
This seems to be a bug of the Widget Simulator. When I run the same Widget in the Widget panel of Big Sur, I see all configuration options.
The problem turned out to be an older copy of the app on my disk and macOS getting confused and looking in the wrong place.
I'm adding a Widget to an existing app that doesn't currently have one. I have the current, App Store version in /Applications. I've been running the updated version from Xcode or exporting it to my desktop and running it from there. The Widget itself -- as noted in the question -- runs just fine. But it seems that when looking for the Intent used for the configuration, it prefers to look in /Application rather than the Xcode version. As soon as I deleted the original app, the widget and its settings immediately started working.
Thanks to Ely for pointing me to this blog which didn't give the answer but pointing me in the right direction.

Archived macOS app launches with blank window

I have a macOS app with a ViewController that renames and resizes the app window, has several buttons, and a WKWebView that loads a default webpage on launch.
The project itself is an .xcworkspace file, since it includes the CocoaPod SwiftSoup for HTML scraping.
The app runs great in the simulator. When it launches, it looks like this:
I want to run this app on my Mac outside of Xcode. I am not planning on releasing it to the App Store, it is just for my personal use.
I archive the project with Products > Archive, then select "Distribute App", then "Copy App" to create a directory with the archived app. This all works great.
When I launch the app, I just get an incorrectly sized blank title-less window, without the buttons or WKWebView from my Storyboard:
The app isn't hanging. I can open the "About" menu item, etc., so I know the app is running. it just doesn't seem to be using my Storyboard to draw the UI.
What would cause an archived app to differ from the app running in the simulator?
The funny thing is that I WAS able to archive this same app back in November under High Sierra, so I'm guessing the issue is either Cocoa Pods and/or Mojave related.
My debugging leads me to suspect either CocoaPods or Mojave related
My debug:
1) While debugging, I restored a version of the project from November. When I archive that restored project, I get the same blank non running app.
2) I AM able to archive another brand new project that doesn't use Cocoa Pods, so my guess is that this is either CocoaPods and/or Mojave related issue...
Any suggestions on how to proceed debugging, or help resolving this would be greatly appreciated!
I am using Xcode 10.2.1 under Mojave 10.14.5.
This problem is caused by WKWebView.
So, you need remove WKWebView from IB and then create it with code and add it to the view.

Can't get icon to load on Mac Store from binary

So I tried both the old standby - here:
Attempt 1:
How can I set the icon for a Mac Application in Xcode?
Attempt 2: Also tried the new way, which is filling out the Images.xcassets...
Results: both times in the App Store the icon is greyed out. Both times the art is shown on the Mac binary .app that's placed in my production folder.
Would sure appreciate an answer!!
Ah found the answer... another post had the solution...
Mac app icon not displayed in itunes connect
Looks like iTunes currently has a bug that needs you to submit the app in order to get the icon loaded. no biggie.

iTunes Connect icon rendering

Upon submitting an OS X application to the Mac App Store via iTunes, I've noticed that viewing the application icon in iTunes Connect shows the icon with rounded corners and dropshadows. This is strange because when viewing application in the Mac App Store it's clear that the rounded corners are entirely optional.
Is there something I should have added to my Info.plist file in order to stop this from happening (similar to the UIPrerenderedIcon key in iOS products), or is this just an oddity of the iTunes Connect website? The icon renders correctly in Finder and via the Activity screen in Xcode.
Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out that the App Store renders icons like this by default. It has no impact on the App Store rendering on the customer facing site.

Default App Icon not appearing in iOS Simulator

I have searched quite a lot for an answer to this problem. If I have a general application, HelloWorld, and create an interface and then go to test it, then click on the Home button, not even the default grey/white icon is there like it's supposed to be. Anyone have any ideas why? I've even tried specifying a custom icon in the Info.plist file, but still nothing...
I've got the latest version of Xcode and the SDK as well. (3.25 - 4.2)
I solved it. Apparently, in order for it to put the icon there, I have to run it from within XCode, and not Interface Builder.
