Can Mac App store large icon be different from app icon? - cocoa

On the iOS App Store developers can upload a large app icon for display on the app store through iTunes Connect as part of the process of updating the metadata. As such you can have a different icon for the app store and for on the actual device--I'm talking here in technical terms, whether one should have a graphically different icon on the app store vs on the device is a different matter altogether.
Going through the process of uploading an app to the Mac App Store I noticed that you cannot upload a large icon and that instead it is pulled out of the bundle. In this case, which icon does it use? Does it just pull one out of the .icns file, e.g. the 512 one? Or can you provide a separate icon along with the main app icon .icns targeted especially for the app store?

Once you upload application to iTunes & application icon will automatically appear in iTunes. For MAC application, you need same Icon of 1024*1024 (icon_512x512#2x). if you will not add it in icns file then it will not allow you to upload application to iTunes.


Problems when trying to fill Xcode 10's icon requirements

This is my first time using Xcode, so I'm not sure where else to turn. I have created an app and I'm trying to get it uploaded for Testflight, but I cannot due to Xcode asking me to fill all of the icon requirements.
I've used every generator and photo manipulation software I could get my hands on, but to no avail. Can I ask what everyone else usually uses to fill this criteria?
If you are deploying for iPad, add the icons. Otherwise, you can make the app just for iPhone, not Universal.
Also, you will certainly need the (original?) 1024 x 1024 image for the App Store.

Missing Marketing Icon iTunes Connect

I have uploaded a couple of applications to the app store with ease. Sometimes I noticed this warning in xCode when I uploaded my app:
Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review.
But that was not impeding me to send my app for review in iTunes connect... until now.
I have found a few questions about this but none of those have helped me solving my problem. For example, following advise given here I tried adding my icon width xCode in the AppIcon.iconset file but it doesn't work if I do it after packaging my app with appcelerator (I guess that is the normal outcome). But if I do it and the package again, the icon disappears from the file (I think this is because appcelerator generates those files on its own).
How do I add that icon so appcelerator won't remove it when I package?
Or how do I add it to appcelerator so it generates the iconset including my marketing Icon??
I believe I have followed the guidelines completely (My icon is a .png file, its size is 1024x1024 and has no alpha channels nor transparencies) maybe the naming is not correct but I have not found any specific naming for this case.
Use the latest SDK (6.2.2.GA). It was fixed in 6.2.1.GA (
If you can't use it you could add the changes in the PR to your _build.js file

drag & drop photos from app "Photos" to third party app under OS X El Capitan

I got a lot of support requests from my Mac App Store apps describing drag & drop photo from Apple's app "Photos"(what a xxxx name they are using as an app!) to my app appears impossible under OS X El Capitan. That was ok in iPhoto ages.
The sandbox settings of my apps are all YES to these entitlements:
What I have to do is asking user drag & drop photos to their desktop first then drag & drop again to my app.
Anyone got this kind of problem for your third party apps and how can we fix it in OUR upgrade?
Currently the Photos app uses File Promises when dragging files. (There is talk that this maybe will be changed because very few app handle file promises.)
You find more information about this in Drag and Drop Programming.
For dropping promised files on to application icon in Dock see my answer here.
I created a sample project to demonstrate how you can do it here:

Downloading app data from a released app using Xcode 4.6

Related to How to download app data in Xcode 4.2, I am using XCode 4.6 and can no longer download my app data using the Xcode Organizer. My app was recently released to the app store, and I can't recall, but I may have downloaded my app from the app store. In any event, the current version of the app on my phone is a development version (through Xcode, not app store). Other development apps show up in the Organizer, but not my released app. Since I don't want to lose the data associated with the app, I can't just delete the app, and re-install through Xcode. Suggestions?
If you coded your app to save the data to the app's Application Documents directly you can use a tool like PhoneDisk (or the newer iExplorer - to access your device and copy the contents from the documents folder to your desktop (or wherever).
Often times when we build apps with databases and we want to make sure users can easily backup, transfer, and/or email the DB to customer support so we enable iTunes file sharing.
This allows users to open iTunes, choose their device, select the Apps tab, then scroll down to the File Sharing section. From there the user can select any file located in the documents folder and easily copy the files to/from the device via iTunes.
To do this, you must enable Application Supports iTunes File Sharing by adding the same key and setting the BOOL value to YES in the *-Info.plist file for your application.

iTunes Connect icon rendering

Upon submitting an OS X application to the Mac App Store via iTunes, I've noticed that viewing the application icon in iTunes Connect shows the icon with rounded corners and dropshadows. This is strange because when viewing application in the Mac App Store it's clear that the rounded corners are entirely optional.
Is there something I should have added to my Info.plist file in order to stop this from happening (similar to the UIPrerenderedIcon key in iOS products), or is this just an oddity of the iTunes Connect website? The icon renders correctly in Finder and via the Activity screen in Xcode.
Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out that the App Store renders icons like this by default. It has no impact on the App Store rendering on the customer facing site.
