TFS 2010- Sharepoint 2010 Project Portal - visual-studio-2010

I have TFS 2010 integrated with share-point 2010, inside the project portal i try to add a new task but there is no start date neither due date ?
is that normal ? how can i add these fields ?

It is normal I'm afraid, the web page view of a Work Item is usually identical to the view of the same item in Visual Studio. For some reason these fields are hidden.
You have 2 options. You can change the Work Item template on your Team Project so that these fields are not hidden, or you can use the Office integration features of Team Explorer.
To edit the template you'll need the TFS 2010 power tools.
To use Office integration you'll need Team Explorer installed, plus either Excel 2007+ or MS Project 2007+. Project automaticaly hooks in to the start and due date, with excel you can select which fields you want to view and sync with TFS


TFS Power Tools WIT WebLayout Preview and Validation Before Import

I am using the Visual Studio TFS 2017 Power Tools to apply some changes to a few of my organisation's TFS work item templates. As expected, the work item templates have two form layout elements - one for the Visual Studio IDE form and the other for the corresponding Web form.
I've had no issue implementing, previewing and validating the changes specific to the Visual Studio IDE form. However, I'm unable to do similar for the changes that are specific to the Web forms and that makes me rather uneasy, as I'd like to also review and validate my changes before importing them to the Live environment. Is there any way I can achieve this before importing my changes?

Editing tags on Test Cases in MTM 2013 & TFS

When using MS Test Manager 2013 there does not seem to be any way of adding/editing tags on a test case. I can however select tags as a column to be displayed in for test cases in MTM.
If I open the test case work item in the TFS web portal, I can add/edit tags on the test case there.
Am I missing something? Is there any way to add tags in MTM without having to flip over to web access every time.
Make sure you update your Test Manager / Visual Studio installation to the latest Visual Studio Update, that should enable the Tags field on your work items.
If I remember correctly, your TFS server also needs to have at least TFS 2013 update 2 installed, but as Microsoft only supports the latest released update, I'd recommend to update to TFS 2013 Update 4.

Visual Studio 2013 Web Settings

I have a Project, that I need to run on local IIS. When I set web server's type and url in web section of Project properties, those settings are automatically written in Project file. How do I prevent this kind of behaviour and save those settings only for my local environment? There is no "Save settings for all users" checkbox or anything simmilar like in VS 2012.
This option was removed from Visual Studio 2013. From this Microsoft Connect page:
Thank you for bringing up this issue. Unfortunately, this functionality was lost when the web project properties page was refactored. We are working to get this feature back into the product.
For now, if you have a project with this setting unchecked in VS 2012, and open it in VS 2013 it will respect your individual user settings until the first time that the servers section is modified on the web project properties page.

Iterations always default to first project & can't select current project

I'm using the Team Foundation Service (TFS in the cloud) for source control. Within my account I have multiple projects. Via the website I can see that the first project has the default Release & Sprint hierarchy set. I have another project that I've created some releases & sprints. In the web admin I've also setup different areas for my project.
Within Visual Studio 2012, when I go to create a task (TEAM > NEW TASK), it always shows the AREA=[FirstProject] and the ITERATION options as only the [FirstProject]. I can't change the area to a different area or the iteration. It acts like Visual Studio is "stuck" within the [FirstProject] and won't let me get to any of my other projects when working with tasks & backlog items. However I can create tasks in the web client. Within Visual Studio I can also run queries and find tasks.
So, I'm trying to figure out how to make sure I can use Visual Studio 2012 to create & manage tasks and not have to go to the website each time. It acts stuck on one project. Ideas?
Note I'm not having issues with any of the other source control issues... it's just an issue with working with tasks.
In the "Team Explorer" in Visual Studio 2012 you can select the Team Project you need by clicking on:
"Home | [FirstProject]", "Projects", and selecting a different one.
Also, in Visual Studio 2012.2 (Update 2) there is also a "Plug" looking icon at the top of Team Explorer, this allows access to many Servers, Collections and Team Projects from a panel in Team Explorer instead of a menu.

Customize MS Dynamics CRM entity in Visual Studio 2008 with JavaScript

I have installed the MS Dynamics CRM on my windows server 2003. I want to add the javascript to the one of entity that has drop down control, let's say Opportunity entity. But I don't know how to open the CRM in Visual Studio so that i can make changes. I have installed CRM explorer as well as Install the CRM Solution Framework (under folder\CRMSolutionFrameworkTemplate\Setup.cmd)
Using command prompt to install: Setup.cmd {InstallDir} {ProjectName} {Project Long Name} {Organization Name}
How to make the changes, how to get the CRM in VS for edit
While opening the solution from "C:\Projects\MyCrmSolution\SourceCode\MyCrmSolution"
It gives error as :" not found error so it can not open the solution". please guide I am new in this stuff....
This can be done thru customization only. You just have to open the form by going to the Settings > Customization > Customize Entity > Opportunity and customize it from there.
Visual Studio is only used to do advanced customization, such as Plugins, Workflow Activities or ASPX pages, every thing else can be done using customization.
