TFS Power Tools WIT WebLayout Preview and Validation Before Import - visual-studio

I am using the Visual Studio TFS 2017 Power Tools to apply some changes to a few of my organisation's TFS work item templates. As expected, the work item templates have two form layout elements - one for the Visual Studio IDE form and the other for the corresponding Web form.
I've had no issue implementing, previewing and validating the changes specific to the Visual Studio IDE form. However, I'm unable to do similar for the changes that are specific to the Web forms and that makes me rather uneasy, as I'd like to also review and validate my changes before importing them to the Live environment. Is there any way I can achieve this before importing my changes?


SSIS Data Flow Items and SSIS Contol Flow Items Tab missing in Visual Studio 2013 from _Choose Toolbox Items_

I have a VS 2013 installed, and successfully installed "Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013"
All BI project templates are OK, all toolbox items are OK. I also can create a new Integration Services project, and toolbox correctly shows all the SSIS out of the box items.
However when I try to add a new custom Toolbox item and choose Tools/Choose Toolbox Items the dialog has no "SSIS Data Flow Items" and "SSIS Contol Flow Items" tabs.
Because of the tabs are missing, I can not add custom component to my SSIS Data Flow Items tab. The following picture is from a tutorial, it shows what I am expecting to see:
I consider the missing tabs a symptom of something went wrong, but not insist to see the tabs, if there is any alternative way to add custom component to the SSIS Data Flow toolbox. But the most relaxing would be if the tabs were appeared...
Btw I have two machine with this exactly same symptoms, a 2012 Server and a Win 7 box.
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
One of the complaints custom component developers for SSIS had was that installation of their product (to the GAC and Program Files) still required the manual adding of them, as your final screenshot depicts.
2012+ no longer has this requirement. Instead, by virtue of a DLL being correctly built for that specific version of SSIS, "it will just show up" TM
I'm not finding the blog references but there were announcements about the change
"It just works" was already claimed

Convert trdx file (Telerik Reporting) to use in Visual Studio

We recently started using Telerik Reporting. Some users use the Telerik Report Designer, while I use Visual Studio 2012. Is there a way to import their trdx reports into my Visual Studio class library?
This is currently not supported and in all honesty would be unnatural and tedious task for Telerik to do if they were to do it (create .net class from xml file). I believe they did it one way(VS -> xml) as in most cases devs would create a base/template report that regular users can modify.

TFS 2010- Sharepoint 2010 Project Portal

I have TFS 2010 integrated with share-point 2010, inside the project portal i try to add a new task but there is no start date neither due date ?
is that normal ? how can i add these fields ?
It is normal I'm afraid, the web page view of a Work Item is usually identical to the view of the same item in Visual Studio. For some reason these fields are hidden.
You have 2 options. You can change the Work Item template on your Team Project so that these fields are not hidden, or you can use the Office integration features of Team Explorer.
To edit the template you'll need the TFS 2010 power tools.
To use Office integration you'll need Team Explorer installed, plus either Excel 2007+ or MS Project 2007+. Project automaticaly hooks in to the start and due date, with excel you can select which fields you want to view and sync with TFS

Is it possible to add HTML5 validation to Visual Studio?

I'm working on a page using <canvas>, which is a HTML5 tag, in Visual Web Developer Express Edition 2008, and the validator in the HTML editor is telling me it's an invalid tag. That's because it's set to validate against XHTML 1.0 Transitional. I'd prefer for it to not do that and tell me what's valid or invalid based on the HTML5 doctype, but I can't find anywhere in the preferences that suggests this would be possible.
Is there a way to tell Visual Studio to validate against HTML5, or add a new spec reference manually? I'd prefer not to have to go in and add tags manually, which appears to be the only option at the moment.
It looks like the Visual Web Developer team solved the problem by adding HTML5 support themselves:
You all probably know that new HTML 5 standard is coming. We made a new intellisense schema that you can add to VS 2008 or VWD Express 2008 and get intellisense and validation on HTML 5 elements.
For Visual Studio 2010 you'll want to install the Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1:
It updates the HTML5 intellisense and validation to reflect the latest
W3C specifications and fixes some bugs bugs in the current SP1 support
for HTML5. Also JavaScript intellisense it updated to reflect many of
the new browser capabilities such as Geolocation and DOM storage.
Finally, this update adds comprehensive CSS3 intellisense and
validation based on the latest specifications from W3C.
For Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft has provided an updated version of the HTML 5 validation schema and intellisense in the Visual Studio Gallery.
HTML 5 Intellisense
The updated schema was posted by Mikhail Arkhipov, the same Microsoft employee who wrote the blog post linked in Rahul's answer.
I created a validation schema that you're free to use:
This is now included in Visual Studio 2010 SP1
You can define your own validation standards.
You need to add the file to the folder in VS install, and add to the registry.
This is the description I used (HTML and CSS have a very similar approach):

Upgrading Compact Framework 1 app from VS 2003 to VS 2005 breaks form designer?

I am trying to move a C# Compact Framework 1 application from Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2005 (no comments please on how outdated all this is :-)). I am now able to compile and run the app in VS 2005 just fine, however when I open one of the forms, the form designer does not show the actual form layout but just some rows of icons, one for each control on the form. I have no idea why, or how to get back the standard form designer view. Does anybody have any experience with that and any hints or tips?
Well some things changed while going from VS2003 to VS2005 one of those things is the way the form designer adds code to your Form class. It creates a separate .designer.cs class and creates a partial class with the same name as you main form class. All the designer generated code now goes in this background class. This is done so that the form designer generated code stays out of your hair.
Now its plausible that the VS2005 designer no longer recognizes the in-file designer code generated by the previous version. You can try to create a new WinForms project and see how it differs from your current project then make appropriate amends to your current project.
