Customize MS Dynamics CRM entity in Visual Studio 2008 with JavaScript - visual-studio

I have installed the MS Dynamics CRM on my windows server 2003. I want to add the javascript to the one of entity that has drop down control, let's say Opportunity entity. But I don't know how to open the CRM in Visual Studio so that i can make changes. I have installed CRM explorer as well as Install the CRM Solution Framework (under folder\CRMSolutionFrameworkTemplate\Setup.cmd)
Using command prompt to install: Setup.cmd {InstallDir} {ProjectName} {Project Long Name} {Organization Name}
How to make the changes, how to get the CRM in VS for edit
While opening the solution from "C:\Projects\MyCrmSolution\SourceCode\MyCrmSolution"
It gives error as :" not found error so it can not open the solution". please guide I am new in this stuff....

This can be done thru customization only. You just have to open the form by going to the Settings > Customization > Customize Entity > Opportunity and customize it from there.
Visual Studio is only used to do advanced customization, such as Plugins, Workflow Activities or ASPX pages, every thing else can be done using customization.


How to create an Office add-in using React + TypseScript in Visual Studio?

If I go to create a new project in Visual Studio, the add-in template it generates is based on JavaScript and uses JQuery framework, but I'd like to create an add-in using React (so I can use Fabric UI for react) and Typescript, is there an option for doing that?
I know that if I can use Visual Code and Node to create a project like this, 'yo office' has the option to generate a template for many different types of add-ins, but I found no option for this in Visual Studio.
The Office Tools in Visual Studio do not have that option, but it's a great idea! Please go to Office Developer User Voice and suggest it.

Permanently add SAP Business One Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio add on to SAP Client menu

I am developing in SAP Business One Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio (VS2010) and whilst I am able to preview my forms (.b1f) files in the SAP Business One Client, I cannot permanently add them. On logging out of the SAP Business One client and logging back in again, the Visual Studio forms I have added disappear.
Can anyone tell me how to permanently add these to the SAP Business One client menu from VS2010? I researched this on-line and previous versions of SAP have a Visual Studio wizard, which creates a .rda file from the VS2010 solution, which can be imported to the SAP client but I do not have this wizard in VS2010.
Just to let people know that we ended up resolving this by adding our B1Studio exe file to the installer project present in the SAP SDK samples, as an Embedded Resource.
Next we created the .ard file using the SAP\Tools\AddOnRegDataGen\AddOnRegDataGen.exe tool. The ard file (add on) can then be added to the SAP client in the Administration->Add ons menu. Hope this helps someone else. No sign of the installation wizard in the Business One Studio for VS2010 and no response from SAP support.

Cannot locate resource workflowdesigner.xaml When creating XAML Workflow Activity in Visual Studio 2010 using CRM 2011 SDK

It's very annoying problem, I tried to search everywhere for a solution, but nothing!
Anyway, I have installed the CRM 2011 SDK addin for visual studio 2010 (ultimate) and I am trying to create a XAML Workflow Activity
I have added the CRM Workflow items to the toolbox using these instructions: Add Microsoft Dynamics CRM Workflow Activities to the Toolbox
When I try and drop a Workflow on the design surface it say in red box text "Could not generate view for Workflow"
Hovering over the text reveals a System.IOException that says "Cannot locate resource workflowdesigner.xaml"
I read on another post to dump all the SDK bin folder files into the PublicAssemblies of the VS, but that didn't work for me! Tried that on a Windows 8, Windows Server 2008... Still nothing!!!
How do I fix that?
That is a known bug. I contacted Microsoft and they confirmed it. I was told to look for a fix in UR 17. UR 16 was released in January so it should be out "soon".
Update Rollup history:
(I realize this is a late reply, but it was a recent issue for me.)

Can't open EDMX-file in designer

It opens as XML file only.
In MS VS 2010 Ultimate + SP1.
I need to open it in model-designer.
What can I do??
On the file in the solution explorer try
Right Click > Open With > ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
I've came across the same problem in Visual Studio 2015,i tried to open the file with
Right Click > Open With > ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
and the option is not there.From there i realized my installation of Visual Studio 2015 must be without some components, so i went back to setup and installed Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and Microsoft Web Developer Tools.Finally it worked ! The options are there when you open from solution and the file can be opened
Components that i added
Adds references to the System.Data, System.Data.Entity, System.Core, System.Security, and System.Runtime.Serialization assemblies to the project, if they do not already exist.

TFS 2010- Sharepoint 2010 Project Portal

I have TFS 2010 integrated with share-point 2010, inside the project portal i try to add a new task but there is no start date neither due date ?
is that normal ? how can i add these fields ?
It is normal I'm afraid, the web page view of a Work Item is usually identical to the view of the same item in Visual Studio. For some reason these fields are hidden.
You have 2 options. You can change the Work Item template on your Team Project so that these fields are not hidden, or you can use the Office integration features of Team Explorer.
To edit the template you'll need the TFS 2010 power tools.
To use Office integration you'll need Team Explorer installed, plus either Excel 2007+ or MS Project 2007+. Project automaticaly hooks in to the start and due date, with excel you can select which fields you want to view and sync with TFS
