Visual Studio 2013 Web Settings - visual-studio-2013

I have a Project, that I need to run on local IIS. When I set web server's type and url in web section of Project properties, those settings are automatically written in Project file. How do I prevent this kind of behaviour and save those settings only for my local environment? There is no "Save settings for all users" checkbox or anything simmilar like in VS 2012.

This option was removed from Visual Studio 2013. From this Microsoft Connect page:
Thank you for bringing up this issue. Unfortunately, this functionality was lost when the web project properties page was refactored. We are working to get this feature back into the product.
For now, if you have a project with this setting unchecked in VS 2012, and open it in VS 2013 it will respect your individual user settings until the first time that the servers section is modified on the web project properties page.


Default ASP.NET Core MVC project won't run

I created a new ASP.NET Core MVC project with Visual Studio 2019, using the built in default template. I simply ran the project by clicking the green 'play' arrow where it says "IIS Express" (or by pressing F5). I haven't modified anything, yet when my browser opens up (in this case, Microsoft Edge) I get this:
Can’t connect securely to this page
This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.
Your TLS security settings aren’t set to the defaults, which could also be causing this error.
I've opened a 'ticket' with Microsoft, but haven't heard anything yet. It may be that there is an issue with my IIS Express installation, but I'm not sure how to figure that out. I normally prefer to run my ASP.NET MVC local development from my local IIS, but it seems that IIS Express is the default way for Core MVC.
I modified my install of Visual Studio 2019 by removing all the web (ASP.NET) components, and then modified it again by adding them. After this, the default ASP.NET Core project does indeed work and debug with IIS Express.
I don't know how my install became corrupted, but it must have been from one of the numerous Visual Studio updates that seem to be released every few days.

cannot find "use IIS Express" in the Solution Explorer dropdown in VS2013

I just installed VS 2013, and I cannot find an option to use IIS express when I right click on the website project name.
Did this option get moved?
Without this option when I open an existing website, and run, I get 403.14 Forbidden error saying
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
I'm new to visual studio 2013, would appreciate any help you can provide...
Open the Project Properties, and go to the Web tab. In the Servers section you should see a dropdown with three options: Local IIS, IIS Express, and External Host.
See Web Servers in Visual Studio for ASP.NET Web Projects for more information.

TFS 2012 + Visual studio 2012: some settings options return "The user name or password is incorrect"

I've upgraded our TFS 2010 to TFS 2012 without any issues. I can connect to the source control, checkin, everything I need to Work.
But if I go to the settings page for the team project I'm connected to, the following options work as expected:
Team project: Source Control
Team project: Portal settings
Team Project Collection: Source Control
Team Project Collection: Process Template Manager
But the rest of the options on the settings page just gives me this error
I've tried looking at the requests Visual Studio makes to the TFS server using Fiddler, and with the ones that don't work, no requests are actually being made to the server. So it seems like the server is never being contacted for those specific options.
I've tested this on two independent installations of Visual studio 2012, runnning on Windows 8.
I just installed VS2010 SP1 on one of the machines, and I can just fine access all of the following settings options: Security, Group Membership, Areas and Iterations, Portal Settings and Source Control.
Looks like a VS2012 issue of some sort.
We resolved our issue with this by running VS 2012 with our domain credentials. We use VMs for development, so we do not directly login into the domain. To run VS, we use the following (as a batch file):
runas /netonly /user: username "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
where username is your domain credential.
It sounds like the code is still using some values that are cached on the client after the upgrade. How long ago was it that you upgraded the server?
To test whether that is it, rename your cache folder (with VS 2012 closed) and launch VS 2012 again so it recreates the cache from scratch.
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0

visual studio 2010 team explorer

I have a project on vs 2010. I have tried to add project on windows server 2003 which has tfs 2010 installed. Later on I have switched to windows server 2008 and then installed tfs 2010 again. But I have changed server name.
Now, when I try to add project to tfs, I receive and error says that;
Team Foundation services are not available from server http://old server name:8080/tfs/. Technical information (for administrator): The remote name could not be resolved: 'old server name'
I have tried to add different projects but I havent received any errors. I am thinking problem is like, visual studio installed on my client computer has registered project with old server name and still tries the same server but team explorer can not find the server.
what shall I do?
PS: I am not tring to get my codes on old server. I did not use tfs, just wanted to learn it.
If you get the message when you open Visual Studio then you need to go to Team Explorer and click the "Connect to Team Project" button, then click on the "servers" button and remove the old server. If you need to you can also add the new server here.
If it's when you're opening the solution then you need to remove the Source Control bindings
open the solution and then go to "File", "Source Control", "Change Source Control" this will open up a screen where you can Unbind the Projects and Solutions from the old server.

Exception when Deploying to SharePoint 2010 from Visual Studio 2010

I've done MOSS 2007 development for some time, and am just starting to get my feet wet with SharePoint 2010. I created a SharePoint project, added a Visual Web Part, and typed "Hello, World!" into the web part's user control.
Everything works fine the first time I deploy the project (by selecting Deploy from the project's context menu in the Solution Explorer). It deploys the project, activates the feature, and the web part is immediately available for use.
The second time I deploy the project, I get an error in the Error List stating:
Error occurred in deployment step
'Recycle IIS Application Pool':
Invalid namespace
Now, if I go to SharePoint and manually delete the web part, deactivate the feature, and retract the solution, I can deploy from Visual Studio again; the error seems to only occur if the project has been deployed at least once.
I think I'm missing something obvious here. Any recommendations?
I found the answer!
But not on the Web, so I'll post it here as I did in a related posting on SharePoint.SE.
Apparently, VS 2010 uses WMI to control IIS during a redeploy. Without the features enabled, I got the error described above.
The solution was to: open the Turn Windows on or off menu in the Control Panel (under Programs), and enable WMI compatibility. The path to the feature is:
Internet Information Services -> Web
Management Tools -> IIS 6 Management
Compatibility -> IIS 6 WMI
Edit: For reference sake, this article has screenshots of which features should be activated on Windows 7 to support SharePoint.
