Reset index for Google Mini Search Appliance and now no results - google-search-appliance

A few days ago I reset the index (following instructions from help) on a client's Google Mini Appliance after a complete site redesign. Of course at first there were no search results. But at this point the crawl stats seems to be similar to their previous counts (50k pages indexed). However the search still yields no results.
I have been trying to diagnose the issue. Unfortunately I didn't setup the appliance and am not that familiar with its administration. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
I have tried:
Restarting the system
Switching back to the default collection
Switching back to the default front-end
Feel free to take a look at the site:


College Athletics Logos in Google Search Results Not Showing Up

I really hope someone can help with this - we've spent a lot of time and money in an attempt to resolve with no success.
Tarleton State University is a DIV 1 (WAC) school and my team (Web Services) was recently tasked with investigating why our logo doesn't show up in Google search results (such as here:
You'll notice that opponents have THEIR logos appearing, however, we've been unable to affect these search results at all.
Things we've tried:
Updating schema information for each sports program:
Claiming knowledge panels and trying to appeal to Google directly re: the results
Updating information on wikipedia/wikicommons accordingly.
....has anyone here encountered this issue and/or knows how to address this concern? I'm at my wits' end!
(thank you in advance for any and all advice!)

Google Play doesn't update my app's download stats

About 5 days ago my app passed 570 downloads but my badge still shows 100 downloads on google play, Isn't 5 days too long to update these stats?
They are supposed to update every 24 hours., stats which is displayed in developer console is not reliable, they often stop updating for few days.
I'd suggest you to integrate Google Analytics for Mobile, localitics or any other framework if you want good statistics.
I had the same problem recently so I contacted Google Play developers support and they clarified the issue.
As it turned out, the number shown in Developer's console statistics "New users acquired" and on the "Installs" badge in Google Play are computed using different algorithms. The first one shows raw installs while the second one shows the somehow corrected data. In particular, install metrics may be discounted or even removed entirely if Google detects fraudulent installs.

Google Mini won't start

Hopefully this is the best place to ask this... We have a Google Mini that now gets stuck on the Enterprise Network service step and won't go past that. Is there anything we can do? We have probably been out of support for around 8 years, and everyone who set it up has left our organization. I found this post about it!topic/Google-Search-Appliance-Help/91AhqGXc4HM, but the link at the end doesn't work anymore... Hopefully someone has a solution to that problem, that doesn't involve buying a new Search Appliance...
You cannot directly edit the configuration of the Google Mini unless you can boot it up and get to the configuration services. The hard drives are encrypted.
Since the Mini is a licensed piece of hardware and will have expired by now you won't be able to have Support log in to resolve the issue.
You should look at replacement technology at this point.

Website is slow but cannot find culprit

I have a ski holiday website which Google Webmaster Tools say is slow (70% slower than other websites on the Internet).
Problem is that Google Developer Tools say we have done 90% of what is required to improve speed, speed tests also show the site is fairly fast and other websites hosted on the same virtual server are faster.
I think we have done lots to the site itself to make it fast and the hosting provider is saying it is not their servers. Anybody know what may be wrong? (I suspect jQuery or some javascript is slowing the site).
Try using fiddler tool. You can launch this then open the website in IE and in fiddler you can see each of the elements loaded on the page. In the right window pane you can look at the statistics and inspectors to see if there is one image or file that is giving a slow response.

Web Performance

Im working on a large site, trying to decrease the load times, and I have bumped into a rather strange issue. Im using google chromes built in developer tools, and I am finding that certain images are getting hung up, and the browser is continuing to look for them. Has anyone encountered this issue before? How do I isolate what is causing this problem?
The site runs a couple of ads, is it possible this error is occurring because of ad networks?
Here is a link to the actual problem: (updated)
If you have not done already, use a tool like to test your site. It will test the site from nominated locations around the world, with the browser of your choice, and you will get waterfall charts for your page.
Just an idea.... If not yet done, try Google's free website testing and optimization tool 'Website Optimizer'. See what it tells you.
Another idea, try accessing the site with another browser, either one, IE, Safari, or FireFox, to see if you get the same issue; if you do then it may be the server for some reason not serving those images.
One more.... To isolate further, if possible, try using only few (one or two) images in your site/pages; if these load then add one or two more images until you encounter the issue, then that image has something and you may replace that image.
