Website is slow but cannot find culprit - performance

I have a ski holiday website which Google Webmaster Tools say is slow (70% slower than other websites on the Internet).
Problem is that Google Developer Tools say we have done 90% of what is required to improve speed, speed tests also show the site is fairly fast and other websites hosted on the same virtual server are faster.
I think we have done lots to the site itself to make it fast and the hosting provider is saying it is not their servers. Anybody know what may be wrong? (I suspect jQuery or some javascript is slowing the site).

Try using fiddler tool. You can launch this then open the website in IE and in fiddler you can see each of the elements loaded on the page. In the right window pane you can look at the statistics and inspectors to see if there is one image or file that is giving a slow response.


My website pictures loading are slow in the server and failing google mobile testing

My website pictures loading are slow in the server and failing google mobile testing- In google mobile testing pass my website but some of the (18 pictures) are loading slowly. This is basic hosting I am running my website. Can anyone helps on this(suggestion and recommendation). Thanks.
Generally you can use Photoshop or an online service to optimize your pictures, there are also free optimization services up to certain limits.
This question is a little bit old, but can quide you in the right direction. You can also have look here.
Personally I do not have Photoshop and I use Kraken free service.
The optimization can be lossy or lossless, I prefer lossless (without a visual decrease in quality).

Web Performance

Im working on a large site, trying to decrease the load times, and I have bumped into a rather strange issue. Im using google chromes built in developer tools, and I am finding that certain images are getting hung up, and the browser is continuing to look for them. Has anyone encountered this issue before? How do I isolate what is causing this problem?
The site runs a couple of ads, is it possible this error is occurring because of ad networks?
Here is a link to the actual problem: (updated)
If you have not done already, use a tool like to test your site. It will test the site from nominated locations around the world, with the browser of your choice, and you will get waterfall charts for your page.
Just an idea.... If not yet done, try Google's free website testing and optimization tool 'Website Optimizer'. See what it tells you.
Another idea, try accessing the site with another browser, either one, IE, Safari, or FireFox, to see if you get the same issue; if you do then it may be the server for some reason not serving those images.
One more.... To isolate further, if possible, try using only few (one or two) images in your site/pages; if these load then add one or two more images until you encounter the issue, then that image has something and you may replace that image.

Why sometimes, some images on my website aren't being loaded by a browser

I'm developing a web app and during the tests I noticed that sometimes browsers don't load all images (like background or some decorative images) on the website. I need to hit the refresh button to to have it fully loaded. This usually happens when the website is visited for the first time.
I suspect that maybe the development server is not fast enough and browsers "assume" that the links to images are broken because there is no fast response from the server. But I'm not sure. At the moment my development server is on a remote host inside VirtualBox with Ubuntu-server 8.04. I know that it is not the best configuration, but I'm not sure whether this is indeed the case. Or maybe it is due to some apache/php configuration parameters?
I would appreciate any suggestions or clues.
Many thanks

Scripting YSlow and/or PageSpeed

As I'm starting to do some front end engineering at work, I would like to properly quantify the speedup achieved.
I would like to be able to use an average value of, say, 50 page load times measured by YSlow or Google Page Speed. Obviously, I don't want to hit reload 50 times and write down the value.
Is there a FF plugin for that or will I have to write a Firebug extension myself? Or maybe there is a non-FF, command-line tool that does what I'm planning?
I recently did a talk about this at Google Test Automation Conference in Zurich for this.
Slides for it are here
And I did a blog post on my company site about it and that can be found here
We were able to use the YSlow Beacon and Selenium together to automate the entire process.
I hope that helps!
Also check out GTmetrix which can do PageSpeed and YSlow analysis from a variety of reasons and has a free API you can use to automate this.
Not sure if you use Grunt in your development workflow, but there is a great package avaible that allows for easy scripting - check it out:
Once you run it, it will output the results as follows:
Or, if you prefer to write your own, the Google PageSpeed API is also quite easy to use. Check out this blog post for more information:

Website performance measurement

I need a tool to measure a website's performance that's free and does not require any changes to be made to the code (jsp asp pages). All help is appreciated.
For performance measurement I recommend you YSlow, it's a Firefox add-on integrated with Firebug, it analyzes your web pages and tells you why they're slow based on the rules for high performance web sites.
Also with the Firebug Network Monitoring tab, you can see which resources are taking more time and bandwidth to download:
You could also use Fiddler which will work for browsers other than Firefox. (But will not profile javascript code)
See this post
The other answers to this question focus on performance of a single user of the site from their browser's point of view. If you want to test the performance of your server, for example, to see how many concurrent users you can support, you need to be looking at tools like JMeter.
