Magento Fedex shipping from Belgium - magento

I'm getting this dreaded message.
This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us.
As error messages go, this one is extremely unhelpful. I've seen many people facing the same issue, but most posts are from 2009 or 2010, and most people "solve it" by changing their American zip code (I'm from Belgium, so that can't be the case)
Does anyone know what I can do to get it working?

Seems like there is no available shipping for your quote. Do you use strict table rates ? Make sure everything is correctly set in your backend (Available shipping countries, postcodes, cart amounts etc...)


Checkout won't go to payment page after new shipping region added

I recently added Australia to the shipping regions allowed (formerly was just the UK). With a UK address + United Kingdom chosen as the country for billing/shipping, the checkout process works fine, and submitting the details brings the buyer to paypal. With an Australian address + Australia chosen as the country for billing/shipping, submitting does nothing at all - it just returns the same page. Any idea why?
It is hard to diagnosis without seeing your template. My initial thought is that you currently have inline errors turned on in your template and the form has an error in but you have not templates the {error:field_name}' for the field in question. Since it is only happening for Australia I would go further to say you are using the default shipping method for shipping and you do not currently have a rule setup that handles your desired shipping location.
To fix make sure that you have inline error handling turned off in that template. This will present you with the standard EE error page to help diagnosis.
If you are using the default shipping method make sure you have a rule that handles Australia.

Magento not creating order for M2Epro Orders

I have implemented M2Epro with magento.
I have used Ebay_Available_quantity attribute to set ebay available quantity.
But there are time where website normal stock is zero and product is out of stock and its still listing on ebay.
When someone buys it on ebay. It does make an order on M2Epro. But does not allow to make order as a magento order.
Is it because it is out of stock or quantity is zero ?
Can we have exceptions for third party sales ?
We also encountered this issue some time ago and this is what M2e answered on an email:
Thank you for provided details.
I checked your FBA order XXXX and I understand that you
want Magento order creation for FBA orders do not depend on stock
Let me please explain the logic how Magento orders are created. When
a channel order is imported in M2e Pro, M2e Pro checks settings
provided in Account settings > Orders tab. If corresponding settings
for Magento order creation are provided - M2E Pro sends a request to
Magento to create a Magento order for the channel order.
Magento orders are created due to Standard Magento functionality and
Core Models. Magento does not let to create an order if the product is
out of stock or 'disabled' or does not have available qty in Magento.
These requirements should be met so that the order was successfully
M2e Pro cannot affect the logic of Magento orders creation process.
You can temporarily set 'in stock' status and qty available if you
want Magento order to be created at one for FBA order.
Hope this explanation will be helpful. Please let me know if I can
assist you with something else.
Next email:
Other our customers use backorders feature. As a possible workaround
for creation orders when product quantity is 0, you can allow for
needed products (product should be in stock, manage quantity - "yes".
This will allow Magento order creation for corresponding FBA order if
qty=0. You can set this parameter in Magento product inventory.
I have consulted with our development department on your case. As a
possible workaround, we can provide you with a part of the code which
is responsible for orders functionality. If your developers would be
able to adjust the needed changes, we would be glad to assist you.
Please also note, that we will not guarantee the proper work when some
custom modifications to the code are applied. In case this suggestion
is approved by your developers, please send us your confirmation and I
will send you a part of the code.
The code they wanted to provide was useless, it was just a hint that the magic happens in
public function createMagentoOrder()
which is quite obvious.
Please consider that backorders feature will bring other issues, so we do not use this and currently live with this situation as it is.
For me it is a quite important and standard situation to have FBA stock but no magento stock, so I don't understand why they don't fix the problem.
When time is available we will do a fix ourselves.

Fedex Integration Magento

I have configured FedEx to work with magento, have entered all the required parameters and have also turned on the logging. Everything seems to work fine, there are no errors anywhere and even in shipping_fedex.log file the results are successful means the quotes are returned from FedEx. But in the front end in the 'Select Shipping Method' page it's not showing up. When I choose specified countries in the configuration and put an invalid address then it shows up there with the message that it is not applicable in this situation.
Please provide me suggestion on how to solve this. Where are the FedEx code stored in magento so that i can debug them to see what the problem could be??
I came across that same situation and found out that my products were setup with weights in kilograms so some were just invalid, others would return astronomic shipping costs (like $3000 and more), when I converted the weight to pounds or fractions of pounds, it all worked fine.
You need to be sure that your shopping cart is configured correctly. Are you using the built in one page checkout module?
For general details on how to setup Magento to use FedEx webservices, please see the following URL:

Magento - Postage price dependant on user group / discount

Hoping someone here is able to help, I have a Magento Community store set up with a discount for wholesale orders, these are orders over a certain value made by customers logged in via a wholesale account, which is just an account with the customer group wholesale.
I’m trying to alter the postage cost just for customers making a wholesale order but have not yet managed to find a suitable way to get this to work.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
You should use an extension, like this one. I do not use that one however I have purchased Amasty's extensions before.
In fact, thanks for asking this question, we'll need to review some of his latest work to see if we need to buy more... :D

Paypal IPN errors in Magento store

Every order placed from the frontend of our Magento store logs a "Wrong order ID" exception even though all orders seem to be going through with no problems. Orders also seem to take a lot longer to complete than they should. If I place an order from the admin, it's virtually instantaneous and does not log any errors. What's different between frontend and backend orders? Why are these errors being logged every time even though no error really occurred? Any suggestions?
Per the change log for Magento (which came out in April), they think they've fixed the problem:
Fixed: “Wrong order ID” exception in PayPal Express module under heavy load
Can anyone confirm that upgrading to Magento 1.7 does indeed fix the problem? Every time I've looked at it, it does seem to be a PayPal Express issue (our payments normally go through PayPal Pro and that doesn't seem to have errors).
So... we finally found a permanent solution to this for Magento 1.6. And we can confirm that this has been fixed in Magento 1.7.
Full explanation and code here:
Magento Paypal IPN Wrong Order ID – SOLVED
We had this same exception in Magento 1.6.1 showing up in exception.log. The problem for us was that the Order Number and Invoice Numbers were out of sync.
For some reason, when using PayPal Express, it causes the order to not be fully processed and logs the exception: “Wrong Order ID”. The worst part was that it was erratic… sometimes it would fail, other times it was fine.
Thanks for a great extension from Fooman! Just install their “SameOrderInvoiceNumber” extension, remember to enable it in “Configuration | Sales | Order Numbers” and you’re all set!
Solved the problem for us on Magento 1.6.1… don’t mess with core code!
Ok... So my other solution didn't soIve the problem for us either. Spoke too soon. Although this helped it didn't get rid of the error completely.
We did however find a definite clear link between server load and this IPN error. Detailed analysis here:
Sorry, but it doesn't seem like there's a quick "code fix" for this one.. not that we could find yet.
