Magento not creating order for M2Epro Orders - magento

I have implemented M2Epro with magento.
I have used Ebay_Available_quantity attribute to set ebay available quantity.
But there are time where website normal stock is zero and product is out of stock and its still listing on ebay.
When someone buys it on ebay. It does make an order on M2Epro. But does not allow to make order as a magento order.
Is it because it is out of stock or quantity is zero ?
Can we have exceptions for third party sales ?

We also encountered this issue some time ago and this is what M2e answered on an email:
Thank you for provided details.
I checked your FBA order XXXX and I understand that you
want Magento order creation for FBA orders do not depend on stock
Let me please explain the logic how Magento orders are created. When
a channel order is imported in M2e Pro, M2e Pro checks settings
provided in Account settings > Orders tab. If corresponding settings
for Magento order creation are provided - M2E Pro sends a request to
Magento to create a Magento order for the channel order.
Magento orders are created due to Standard Magento functionality and
Core Models. Magento does not let to create an order if the product is
out of stock or 'disabled' or does not have available qty in Magento.
These requirements should be met so that the order was successfully
M2e Pro cannot affect the logic of Magento orders creation process.
You can temporarily set 'in stock' status and qty available if you
want Magento order to be created at one for FBA order.
Hope this explanation will be helpful. Please let me know if I can
assist you with something else.
Next email:
Other our customers use backorders feature. As a possible workaround
for creation orders when product quantity is 0, you can allow for
needed products (product should be in stock, manage quantity - "yes".
This will allow Magento order creation for corresponding FBA order if
qty=0. You can set this parameter in Magento product inventory.
I have consulted with our development department on your case. As a
possible workaround, we can provide you with a part of the code which
is responsible for orders functionality. If your developers would be
able to adjust the needed changes, we would be glad to assist you.
Please also note, that we will not guarantee the proper work when some
custom modifications to the code are applied. In case this suggestion
is approved by your developers, please send us your confirmation and I
will send you a part of the code.
The code they wanted to provide was useless, it was just a hint that the magic happens in
public function createMagentoOrder()
which is quite obvious.
Please consider that backorders feature will bring other issues, so we do not use this and currently live with this situation as it is.
For me it is a quite important and standard situation to have FBA stock but no magento stock, so I don't understand why they don't fix the problem.
When time is available we will do a fix ourselves.


Should I manage my product catalog with BlueSnap

I understand what the difference between the merchant integrations is connected with building a product catalog - why should I not build it?
Well - It depends on your business model, if you're selling the same products at the same pricing to a large number of shoppers, then it's a good idea to work with a catalog. This will allow you to apply setup changes, like setting a new coupon or a price change to a contract affecting all shoppers.
On the other hand, if you're going to sell tailored products with different pricing plans per shopper - so it may be a better idea to use BlueSnap without building a catalog.
Remember that if you're already using Magento, Prestashop or WooCommerce, you can just integrate your cart to BlueSnap and keep your existing catalog at the cart.

Magento - products not showing after changing data in product details fields

My task was to change existing products in shop with new one, so all that i have changed is NAME,
SKU, and URL key in GENERAL section and description field in PRODUCT DETAILS.
After i have done that, items are successfully edited in backend but they dissapear from frontend.
The only way to get to them in frontend is to enter complete address of that specific product in the address bar.
I have tried everything that i could found on the forum up to this date, and it didn't work for me.
Tips like reindexing, status - enabled, availability - in stock...
If someone has an idea, please, share it with me.
Thank you all.
You can try the below things:
1. Check the product quantity,in stock and enable status and catalog visibility.
2. Re indexing
3. delete the entry from url rewrite management for your product
4. rename the "var" folder
Solution for my problem was in associated products section. I had configurable product, but i didn't had associated (simple product) for that configurable product. So i had to create some simple product for related configurable, and then they appeared in frontend.
Thank you all.

Magento use simple product price instead of Super Attribute price

I have a Configurable Product with a Super Attribute and a number of Simple Products (with different prices). In Admin when i select the Configurable Product >> Associated Products I can see the simple products. On the front-end when I try to add one of these simple products to the basket instead of seeing the price of that simple product i am seeing the price of the Configurable Product + the values in the Super Attribute Configuration for the selected product. Does anyone know how to change this so that the simple product price is used?
I struggled with exact same issue a couple years ago and Magento EE support could not provide much help. Client has an ERP system that only contains simple products. So configurable products are only for creating shopping experience in Magento. This makes ignoring simple product pricing for a base+offset configurable pricing model in Magento a problem. Never able to understand the logic to ignoring available pricing data for an additional meta pricing model!?
Magento EE support unofficially pointed me to a third party extension. This extension is no longer supported so core upgrades have required work to keep things working. Looks like there are other extensions addressing this issue that may offer support.
I wanted to believe someone smarter than I could explain a better approach to solving this problem.

Magento - Postage price dependant on user group / discount

Hoping someone here is able to help, I have a Magento Community store set up with a discount for wholesale orders, these are orders over a certain value made by customers logged in via a wholesale account, which is just an account with the customer group wholesale.
I’m trying to alter the postage cost just for customers making a wholesale order but have not yet managed to find a suitable way to get this to work.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
You should use an extension, like this one. I do not use that one however I have purchased Amasty's extensions before.
In fact, thanks for asking this question, we'll need to review some of his latest work to see if we need to buy more... :D

Filtering Order Reports in Magento to show which brand's products were sold

We are creating a flash sale site and need to be able to filter our Order Reports by brand and export this data so that we can quickly and accurately create Purchase Orders for them after the sale has been run. Right now, we are only able to filter orders by period and order status etc, but we cannot see without clicking on each order what was purchased and from what brand.
Can anyone help us here?
Thank you!
try the following links :
Creating custom report
Custom Reports in Magento
Create custom reports in Magento Admin
