Checkout won't go to payment page after new shipping region added - expresso-store

I recently added Australia to the shipping regions allowed (formerly was just the UK). With a UK address + United Kingdom chosen as the country for billing/shipping, the checkout process works fine, and submitting the details brings the buyer to paypal. With an Australian address + Australia chosen as the country for billing/shipping, submitting does nothing at all - it just returns the same page. Any idea why?

It is hard to diagnosis without seeing your template. My initial thought is that you currently have inline errors turned on in your template and the form has an error in but you have not templates the {error:field_name}' for the field in question. Since it is only happening for Australia I would go further to say you are using the default shipping method for shipping and you do not currently have a rule setup that handles your desired shipping location.
To fix make sure that you have inline error handling turned off in that template. This will present you with the standard EE error page to help diagnosis.
If you are using the default shipping method make sure you have a rule that handles Australia.


Edit customer account creation form in M2 to add character limits on first and last name fields

We've been getting spam account sign-ups on one of our sites. We have email verification turned on so Magento is sending out tons of these confirm emails. After installing Google ReCaptcha, a Honeypot module to the forms and blocking several IPs we got most of the spam to stop. We are still getting a slew of long character Chinese name accounts that are mostly ads that are coming from Hong Kong, but we have customers in HK so I cannot block by country.
I have changed the max text limit in the db by running the command below:
UPDATE customer_eav_attribute SET validate_rules =
'a:2:{s:15:"max_text_length";i:25;s:15:"min_text_length";i:1;}' WHERE
attribute_id IN (5,7);
The values were changed in the db, but this seems to have no effect as the long character names are still coming in.
Someone suggested overriding the core template file:
We have a multi-store setup on M2 Community v2.3.5 and the theme is Solwin/FreeGo Child for the site I want to edit.
What's the easiest way to do this? Where in the file to put maxlength attribute and where to place the custom file? Any help is much appreciated.

Change position of Billing address in Magento 2

I have to changed default billing address position which is coming under the payment information i need it after shipping method select , no after click on payment method.
I have tried lot of google and magneto docs but no luck with that.
Can any one please help me ?
Please note that it might not be technically possible (or at least not very easy) to have a customer enter it's address after the payment / shipping methods. This is because Magento loads it's payment- and shipping methods according to the address the customer has chosen.
Also, manipulating the (default) checkout page in Magento 2 is a very comprehensive task on itself and requires deep knowledge on how the theming and layout of Magento 2 works.

Fedex Integration Magento

I have configured FedEx to work with magento, have entered all the required parameters and have also turned on the logging. Everything seems to work fine, there are no errors anywhere and even in shipping_fedex.log file the results are successful means the quotes are returned from FedEx. But in the front end in the 'Select Shipping Method' page it's not showing up. When I choose specified countries in the configuration and put an invalid address then it shows up there with the message that it is not applicable in this situation.
Please provide me suggestion on how to solve this. Where are the FedEx code stored in magento so that i can debug them to see what the problem could be??
I came across that same situation and found out that my products were setup with weights in kilograms so some were just invalid, others would return astronomic shipping costs (like $3000 and more), when I converted the weight to pounds or fractions of pounds, it all worked fine.
You need to be sure that your shopping cart is configured correctly. Are you using the built in one page checkout module?
For general details on how to setup Magento to use FedEx webservices, please see the following URL:

How to block free shipping method in frontend only in magento

I am in a tensed situation. I am behind this for more than 1 day. Is there anyway to block showing free shipping method in checkout page, but showing it on admin panel page.
For eg: i purchased a product paying shipping charges for shipping method. But it is not delivered , In that case, through admin Panel, admin may able to reorder the same quote, free of cost and shipping charges, so free shipping method should show in admin panel. But When I enable that, this is shown on frontend also, so how can I block free shipping in frontend(customer checkout), but keeping it enable in admin panel.
I am sorry for poor English. I think, the example that i provided you make the question clear.
Thanks in advance.
Sure it is , just edit the shipping methods template and make a if condition by shipping method code or extend the shipping method and set the isActive method to distinct front and backend

Magento Fedex shipping from Belgium

I'm getting this dreaded message.
This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us.
As error messages go, this one is extremely unhelpful. I've seen many people facing the same issue, but most posts are from 2009 or 2010, and most people "solve it" by changing their American zip code (I'm from Belgium, so that can't be the case)
Does anyone know what I can do to get it working?
Seems like there is no available shipping for your quote. Do you use strict table rates ? Make sure everything is correctly set in your backend (Available shipping countries, postcodes, cart amounts etc...)
