Paypal IPN errors in Magento store - magento

Every order placed from the frontend of our Magento store logs a "Wrong order ID" exception even though all orders seem to be going through with no problems. Orders also seem to take a lot longer to complete than they should. If I place an order from the admin, it's virtually instantaneous and does not log any errors. What's different between frontend and backend orders? Why are these errors being logged every time even though no error really occurred? Any suggestions?

Per the change log for Magento (which came out in April), they think they've fixed the problem:
Fixed: “Wrong order ID” exception in PayPal Express module under heavy load
Can anyone confirm that upgrading to Magento 1.7 does indeed fix the problem? Every time I've looked at it, it does seem to be a PayPal Express issue (our payments normally go through PayPal Pro and that doesn't seem to have errors).

So... we finally found a permanent solution to this for Magento 1.6. And we can confirm that this has been fixed in Magento 1.7.
Full explanation and code here:
Magento Paypal IPN Wrong Order ID – SOLVED

We had this same exception in Magento 1.6.1 showing up in exception.log. The problem for us was that the Order Number and Invoice Numbers were out of sync.
For some reason, when using PayPal Express, it causes the order to not be fully processed and logs the exception: “Wrong Order ID”. The worst part was that it was erratic… sometimes it would fail, other times it was fine.
Thanks for a great extension from Fooman! Just install their “SameOrderInvoiceNumber” extension, remember to enable it in “Configuration | Sales | Order Numbers” and you’re all set!
Solved the problem for us on Magento 1.6.1… don’t mess with core code!

Ok... So my other solution didn't soIve the problem for us either. Spoke too soon. Although this helped it didn't get rid of the error completely.
We did however find a definite clear link between server load and this IPN error. Detailed analysis here:
Sorry, but it doesn't seem like there's a quick "code fix" for this one.. not that we could find yet.


Strange error on website Magento at checkout error Trustspot

I have a store on Magento
Strange error on website at checkout. When people checkout, it says “Order not sent to Trustspot”. Trustspot is the service we use for our reviews. It says error, but not sure why because the orders are all being sent over. Just a strange error which makes customers panic sometimes and think their order isn’t going through.
Has anyone had such a problem? Where to start solving this problem?

Magento: Cannot retrieve payment method instance

I recently started to have the following error when trying to proceed a paypal payment on my magento store:
Cannot retrieve payment method instance.
I have read about it on various websites, and it seems to happened when you create/modify a payment method. However, in my case, it really started happening with no reason at all, as I have not made any changes to my website recently.
I have tried to manually force paypal_standard as method in the sales_flat_order_payment and sales_flat_quote_payment tables, but it did not work.
Paypal express checkout doesn't work anymore neither.
Does anyone have an idea of how to reinstall/reset or something the paypal payment module?
Or to further debug the issue?
(I am not a programmer so I would need quite detailed information)
For anyone having this issue, I have solved it by deleting the /app/code/core folder and replacing it with a vanilla magento one. Most likely the paypal payement system module got corrupted for no reason and replacing it with vanilla version solved the problem.

Sage Pay Payment Failure in Magento

I am setting up a megento shop but while testing I get the following error when paying by card using ebizmarts Sage Pay module:
Payment has failed, please reload checkout page and try again. Your card has not been charged.
Does anyone know the solution to this problem?
There is a support forum for the free plugin here and if you are using the PRO module, you can just use the contact form here
Also, the problem you mention is described on the Wiki here
From what I can see and for whatever reason, Magento was loading the "info.phtml" file from the theme/default/checkout/onepage/review folder, rather than the one in the sagepaysuite folder.
I copied in the above code to the relevant position to the default info.html file, and it's working now.
The staging server was loading the sagepaysuite/checkout/review/info.phtml file correctly, hence it was working.

magento paypal 'PayPal response hasn't required fields.'

Tried to follow magento's own paypal integration for payment pro. and everything seemed to work fine untill I tried to process an order . The I get an error (in the log file) saying:
"PayPal response hasn't required fields."
and since I followed the magento paypal integration thingy to the letter. I hope someone else have bumped into this problem before and could point me in the right direction.
Well solved it myself.. found out that this error is magentos way of saying: paypal says, that the api information is wrong. So if you bump into this one go check your api credentials. :)

How to tackle Magento development issues

I have a problem with debugging a thing (not a real error) in Magento (CE
For a payment module I've adapted, some additional payment fee is incorporated and is showing up on selection of the particular payment method. Works fine, no problems.
A client has the OneStepCheckout plugin installed. Inside it, the payment method works fine too (small problem: payment fee is showing up after the grand total, but that's not the issue, just for completeness of my question).
So, everything is working fine, even with some other payment modules installed. That is, working fine on dev and test! On the live server however, the extra fee does not show up! I've locally installed the other plugins that are installed on the live server as well, to see if there are any conflicts among them. None whatsoever. The Extension Conflict extension does not indicate any class overwriting problems either. Of course, I've cleared the cache. Several times.
So my question is a rather general one:
How to proceed?
What can I do and how to actually see what's going on and NOT break the live environment ? As far as I know, there is no staging server (there is a test server, but also there no error...), so I'm bound to the live environment.
Is there a common practice to handle these kind of issues? (And if so, what is it?)
I know of the MAGE_IS_DEVELOPER_MODE, system log, exception log etc, but since on dev everything works fine, I seem to not be able to really debug a bug which does not show up... can I safely switch on the logging on a live site by the way?
Thank you all in advance!
You can create your own log to see what is happening in Magento
Mage::log($datayouwanttosee, null, 'yourlogfile.log');
This will not break anything but will show you anything you want from that file. Once you load the page 'yourlogfile.log' will be in Magento's /var/log directory with the other log files.
Also make sure to turn your logging off when you are done otherwise the log could consume a lot of disk space.
You have better results if you contact OneStepCheckout support directly with this issue. Also verify that you ar using the latest version of OneStepCheckout
Totals however have sort ordering and this is available in Magento admin under system > configuration > sales > sales > Checkout Totals Sort Order
