Can't use awgn on Octave Windows - windows

I know awgn is in the communications package. But I installed it from OctaveForge and I still get a error: help: 'awgn' not found when I type help awgn

As Woltan indicated the package was installed but not loaded. The problem was solved with
pkg load communications


Agox installation

I have problem with installation of AGOX, prerequisites are
A C compiler (Tested with Intel/2018.1.163)
An MPI installation (Tested with openmpi/4.0.3)
how to install these on Ubuntu, kindly help me with this. Thank you.
I have tried installing agox on ubuntu using the documentation given on github but got an error saying
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement agox (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for agox

ldf is not supported

I install asammdf package to read dat file in python. After installing asammdf using pip install asammdf, the installation is successful. However, when I import asammdf, I got ldf is not supported.
May I know how to solve this issue and after installing the asammdf? Moreover I also cannot open the spyder in my anaconda
That is just a warning message from the canmatrix library. If you don't use LIN database file (ldf files) for bus logging decoding then you can just ignore it.
If you really want to make it go away then just install the ldfparser package since this is required for ldf support ( see

Can not load rgl package

I´m trying to load the package NormqPCR in RStudio (Version 1.1.463) and macOS Mojave Version 10.14.3. When I try to load the package with library("NormqPCR") Y get the following output:
> library("NormqPCR", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library")
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Loading required package: qpcR
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: minpack.lm
Loading required package: rgl
After that, RStudio don´t respond and I have to force quit RStudio.
Then I load all this packages one by one, and when I try with rgl, RStudio don´t responde again, so, I guess that the problem is this package.
Anyone can help me with this trouble? Because I still haven´t been able to fix it!
I can solve this trouble! I just install XQuartz on my computer and then I can be able to load rgl package and NormqPCR

Softaculous/AMPPS - The installation package could not be found (localhost)

The installation package could not be found error returns after I hit install on http://localhost/ampps/ for most of the available packages such as Wikimedia.
I tried to find out where this error comes from such as updating setting in
and no success yet. Anyone with any recommendation? Thanks!
Delete the folder Ampps/ampps/scripts/mw and try installing again from http://localhost/ampps again.
Softaculous will download the package automatically if not found.

Agave dependency error

I am trying to install Agave under Fedora, but I got this error:
configure: error: gnome-doc-utils >= 0.3.2 not found
I tried to compile and install the gnome-doc-utils from this page, but i still got this error,and when i try the
yum list installed gnome-doc-utils*
command, I can't find the package. Do I have to register the package after installing? I don't think I have a error for the make install, because I don't see any the text error in the process, or I could be wrong.
In general, package managers (tools like yum) don't know that something has been installed on your machine unless it was installed as a package. If an agave package for Fedora exists, I would suggest using that instead of compiling from source.
