I'm trying to use libunwind on a mac os x. However, the code is not getting any stack frames, while the same code running on a ubuntu box works perfectly fine.
Is there something i'm missing, that i have to do specifically for macs?
If there are better forums to ask such a mac related questions, i'm more than willing to accept suggestions.
I am trying to install a MEAN stack (I don't even really know what that MEANS!) but am Just wondering if there are any limitations in terms of hardware on my somewhat outdated machine. I wish there was a way to install a newer mac os version on my laptop because it still seems to work good for me.
Yes, Mongo supports OS X 10.6 and up. Mongo likes to use a lot of memory. While technically it should run, it's probably not going to be a good time.
I'm trying to make a Mac OS X Cocoa Application (not command line) with opencv 3.0 beta. I compiled Opencv succesfully, but i struck when I try to add it to my project. Can anybody have a example?
I would first refer to this link, which is pretty simple:
this solution looks pretty complicated, but seems like it works as well:
does anyone notice any issues when using your mac (running OS X 10.10 yosemite DP 6) as an iBeacon? I tried several tools and I also developed it myself (using the CBPeripheralManager startAdvertising) but without any luck.
When running those apps (+ the the code I developed myself) on a mac running OS X 10.9 Mavericks, it works like a charm.
Is there anything specific required for OS X 10.10 yosemite or is this a bug?
Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: Radius Networks has confirmed this issue has shown up on subsequent pre-releases of Yosemite. This OS veesion blocks sending an iBeacon transmission with the internal interface, but allows it with external interfaces. So you can add an external Bluetooth dongle like the GBU521 and transmission works again.
It's gotta be a bug in the code or something specific to your machine. We have tested our MacBeacon OSX app on Yosemite and have not noticed any problems.
In fact you can indeed advertise your Mac running Yosemite as an iBeacon with an external compatible Bluetooth 4.0 (USB).
I wrote a simple iBeacon transmitter for Yosemite written in Swift, look here https://updatemycode.com/2014/11/29/yosemite-as-an-ibeacon-swift/.
This does seem to be a problem with Yosemite 10.10. This is acknowledged now on the radius network website: http://www.radiusnetworks.com/ibeacon/macbeacon/
I'm having to buy usb beacons that I can easily power on and off for testing because of this issue.
I didn't test this with 10.10, but I'm able to use 10.11.3 to advertise as a beacon (at least with the project from #mgigirey). Perhaps Apple opened this again?
So Im working on a project in Xcode and would like to also be able to work on it on my PC work laptop when travelling. Is there anything I could run off of a USB?
You can try installing Mac OS in your PC!!!
Many of my friends have installed dual Mac OS X Mountain Lion & Mac OS X Mountain-Lion in their Intel Based PC using VMWare 9 and its running fine. But I tried with no success as I am using AMD Processor.
You can edit all of the text files using a normal text editor, like Notepad++. I don't think that there's any software for Windows that can edit all of the different things you would have in your project, like the .xib files and such.
If you were ambitious you could try gnustep, but that is pretty tough to set up on cigwin, and would only be a very close fit for Mac OS X and not iOS.
I've been building a basic Cocoa application with Core Data and Interface Builder, and no extra coding, frameworks, or header files. I sent it to someone to test on their machine (a last-gen G5 iMac), and they got a message saying that their machine couldn't run it. I discovered the switch to compile for PPC, so I built a PPC version of the application to try out, and that produced the following error message:
You cannot use this version of Application on this version of Mac OS X.
I'm running Xcode 3.2.1, Interface Builder 3.2.1, and OS 10.6.2. The conversation with my tester was a bit confusing; at first it sounded like she only had Tiger on her machine, saying Leopard was incompatible (I corrected and said that Leopard should be, it's Snow Leopard that isn't), and then by the end of the conversation she was about certain that her machine was running Leopard, but had already shut it off by then. So I'm not sure which version of OS X is on the offending iMac, but it's the latest version of either 10.4.11 or 10.5.8 (the tester is in a remote location, so I can't verify personally at the moment).
What can I tweak to try and improve compatibility on my tester's machine?
If they're seeing that message, it's most likely because your app has the LSMinimumSystemVersion key (Minimum system version) set in the Info.plist. You should take this key out or set it to the actual the minimum OS X version you support.
Once you do this, you may well run into the next problem. (Probably a dynamic linker error as a result of using a framework or API that didn't yet exist on 10.4 or 10.5.)
The main problem here is that you're sending it out to a system where you haven't actually tried it. If you plan to support 10.4, 10.5, or both, I highly recommend that you find a spare hard drive, partition it up, and install 10.4.11 and 10.5.8. There are many issues that will crop up on older OS's and if you haven't tried it yourself, it's unlikely it will work smoothly on the first try.